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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
the Outlands

Beatrix d\\\\\\\' Autry
Cionaodh MacFee
Gráinne inghean uí Uilliam
Justice McArtain
Kalala bint Judah
Áskatla Ragnarsdóttir
Aaron the Blacksmith
Abigail (of Unser Hafen)
Abigail MacNaught
Ábiörn Hallstenson
Abram de Tatecastre
Abrek Novrogod
Abu ’Ubayd Abdallah ibn ’Uthman al-Kala’i
Achilles (of Unser Hafen)
Achius Odinson
Achmed of the Hill Tribes
Adalyde bint Junus al-Zaarqa
Adam ben Avram
Adam Carmychel
Adam Mathyson
Adam Stedefast
Adela de Renarde
Adela O Hearne
Adelaide de Saussay
Adelaide Ehrhardt
Adelaisa Bernois
Adelicia d'Avilla
Adeliza de Harcourt
Adelrich Falke
Adelyn la Souteresse
Adina del Alcazar
Adrian Rannvaeigsson
Adriana Lopes de Rodas
Adriana of Riverhold
Adrianna de Tarente
Adrianna Gretchen von Fehmarn
Adrien de Calais
Aedan MacAlastair
Aedhagan of Min An Aoire
Aegeon the Actor
Aelflaed of Duckford
Aelfraed Hawkmoon
Ælric Kyrri
Ælric von Bek
Aerendale Longbow
AErikan Araxes
Æthelwine the Minstrel
Æva Dyer
Affrica nic Pharlain Sidhein Mhoir
Africa O'Brien
Agatha Juste
Agmunder of Altavia
Agmundr Thorolfsson
Agnes de Lanvallei
Agnes Pemberton
Ahreel Madoc
Ahzlinn (of al-Barran)
Aicelina de Navarra
Aidan Cocrinn
Aiden di Firenze
Aífe an tSneachta
Aigiarn Aljin
Ailbhe bean Oengus meic Muineog
Ailiet in the Willows
Ailinn Shadowfox
Ailionora inehn Eoghain
Ailionóra MacFarlane
Ailish ni Tailluir
Ailith Dreki
Aime nic lan
Aindrea Mac Parthaláin
Aine inghean Chormaic
Aine O'Dalaigh
Ainsley Quinn
A'isha al-Naysaburiya
Aishlin Marise
Aislen na Tuatha
Aislinn merch Guincatan
Aislinn of Aarquelle
Aithne Luighseach Daráithne
Ajax Theron Marius
Akbar the Loquicous
Aki Mori
Al Ulaghan Chinua
Alain du Pont
Alaisand (of Blackwater Keep)
Alamanda de la Roca
Alana Ramsey
Alanna (of al-Barran)
Alaric der Jaeger
Alaric Dimitrievich Razvedchikov
Alaric the Fool
Alarik Helm
Alasdair MacArthur
Alasdair MacDubhghaill the Scot
Alaster Finlay
Albert Snowdon
Albert von Dreckenveldt
Alboin van den Brom
Albrecht von Eisenach
Albrecht von Trier
Alditha de la Tye
Aldric MacGlynn
Aldwyn Ducalon
Aldyth Trefaldwyn
Aleksandr Belgorskov
Aleksandra Gwainsdottir
Alekzander Schmeil
Aleric (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Alesonne MacClellan
Alessandra da Monte
Alethea la Sage
Alethea of Fair Isle
Alexander ben Avram
Alexander Eriksson Trevor
Alexander MacAndrew
Alexander Okunski
Alexander O'Neill
Alexander Sawliskis
Alexandra (of Caer Galen)
Alexandra of Gryphon\'s Nest
Alexandra Orchestris
Alexandra Taylor
Alexandra Wanthwaite
Alexandre Bernadou
Alexandre D'Aubisson
Alexandria Morgan
Alexandria Vitalis
Alexis (of Dragonsspine)
Aleyn Mychel De Vere
Aleysia Trelease
Algernon Blackwell
Alheit Wehrer
Ali al-Badawi al-Maghribi
Ali Baba al Zarque
Alianora de la Forest
Alice Merrick
Alice of al-Barran
Alikina filia Elpin
Alina Grace
Alisaundre la couturière
Alister de Cartier
Allan Sanbourne
Allasan bhán inghean Fhaoláin
Allen Finnabhairsson
Allesandra Grimani
Alrekr Stefansson
Alric Godwynson
Alrick (of Dragonsspine)
Alrik Boleslavov
Alrik MacFarlane
Alset of Dorset
Altani Sechen
Altani Volkova
Alva Uhl
Alwyn of Kittisford
Aly Le
Alys Bouchard
Alys de Bath
Alyssa of Plattefordham
Alzhbet de Sighisoara
Amalie von der Blumen
Amanda (of Fontaine)
Amanda (of Plattefordham)
Amanda Blue
Amarantha (of Caer Galen)
Amber Dinard
Amber Grimalkin
Amber Macrae
Amber Renee Bjorickson
Ambrose atte Redehulle
Amelot la Verreniere
Amice de Clara
Amice Fayel
Amicia de Braci
Amina al-Zahra
Amy (of al-Barran)
Ana Paloma Aladern
André de Foucault
Andreas de la Drake
Andreas von Meißen
Andreas von Wittelsbach
Andres of Darbuka
Andrev Baczeki
Andreva de Montaut
Angel d\'Auvergne
Angelica Sabine
Angelique Rivez de Hellsgate
Angharad Haldene
Angharat verch Ioreword
Anghus Morgenfolz
Angus Montgomery the Forrester
Angus Reid MacFarlane
Anise Christine Brightstar
Ankharies de la Muerte
Ann MacGovern
Anna By the Water
Anna de Apperleye
Anna de Tatecastre
Anna Katherine von Telgte
Anna Mactaggart
Anna Stjarna
Anne Aliz de Bâle
Anne Bigod
Anne Cameron Nisbet
Anne d'Anjou von Hiester
Anne Elizabeth Morley
Anne Juste
Anne la Trouvere
Anne Mathiu
Anne of Østgarðr
Anneka Mikaelsdóttir
Annie Chai
Annikki Kilinnen
Annora of the Isle of Ely
Annora Payne
Annys Wolf of Wharram Percy
Anrique de Braga
Anskar Halidarsson
Ansteys Darcy
Anthoine Leroux
Anthony Nicolo Fantino
Antinous Dracontius
Antirus (of al-Barran)
Antoine de Vallier
Antoine Francesco
Anton von Strasburg
Antonius Cadfarchson
Anun of Fontaine
Anzelm Kowalski
Aodh Puirt Lairge
Aodhan Kincaid
Aodhan mac Roibeaird
Aoife (of al-Barran)
Aoife ingen Dáire
Aoife Ruadh inghean Ragnaill 
Aoki Tadamitsu
Apollonia de Avena
Apollonia Zawmstricker
Aquilah (of al-Barran)
Arabella da Siena
Arabella de Blanquefort
Arak of Orndal
Arcadio (of the Citadel)
Ardashir (of Drygestan)
Argyle MacGrigour
Argyle Robertsoun
Argyle the Strong
Aria de Chatillon
Arianna de Ravenwood
Arianna of Erlinstar
Arianrhod y Dysgawdwyr
Arianwen ferch Hari
Arianwen o Aberystwyth
Arianwen Sweet
Ariel (of Unser Hafen)
Arien of Unser Hafen
Arika (of Caerthe)
Arioch Kelmaine
Arion Hawke
Arkayla of Draheanden
Arland the Bastard
Arn Bjornsson
Arn Geirsson
Arnden van der Aa
Arndís Knýtir
Arngerdr Hergeirsdottir
Arnora Hammarskjoldottir
Arnora Ulfvaldsdottir
ArnthornR (of Caerthe)
Aronna Sevan
Aronne Seuvan
Arslan Batujin
Art the Scot
Artair MacUillium
Artan macAilin
Artemis Enright
Artemis MacAndrew
Artorius Greyhawk
Arturo Hipolito Sierra Cienfuegos
Arturo Lombardi
Arturus (of al-Barran)
Arwen of Eagle's Fortress
Arwen Southernwood
Arya Geresdottir
Arye ben Avram
Asad Ud-Din
Asbjorn Dreyugr
Ásdís Alfriðardóttir
Asenath de Winter
Asfirdr Riksdottir
Asha Khalida Saraya
Asha of the Outlands
Ashira (of al-Barran)
Ashlynn Hare
Asleif Valdisardottir:
Asta Olafsdottir
Astrid (of Unser Hafen)
Astrid Vigdisdottir
Astriðr Hálfdanardóttir
Ástriðr of Dragonsspine
Ástríðr Ylfva
Ástrídr Oddsdóttir
Astrith Ulfsdottir
Atgeir (of Dragonsspine)
Athalwolf von Altenburg
Athanaric Redeye
Athelina of Oldenfeld
Atherios (of Caerthe)
Atia Quirina
Atika bint lu'lu al-Qadisi
Auðr Véarnardóttir
Audra of Dragonsspine
Audrey la Solitaire
Augrim Odinson
August von Behr
Augustine of Tyre
Augustus the Piper
Aurelia (of Caerthe)
Aurelia Frenas
Auria of St. Golias
Aurora Ashland of Woolhaven
Aurora Gillybary
Aurora Katherine d'Hiver
Auryn (of Caer Galen)
Avalon Dubois
Aveline (of Blackwater Keep)
Aveline de Wymondham
Avery (of al-Barran)
Avice Greylyne
Avon Reece
Avram syn Osvetoslavl’
Avram the Jew
Axel Kedric
Axgar von Horn
Ayesha bint Da'ud ibn Da'ud al-Kabir
Ayla Knobloch
Ayse al-Rumiyya
Azia (of Draca Mor)
Aziza al-Kashani
Bárekr úlfheðinn
Badai Altai
Bahiyyah bint Suhayl
Bai Wei Long
Bakar Windrider
Baldewin von Ruppin
Baldric le Normaund
Balthazar Knopf
Balthazar von Frundsberg
Baluki Hakkeches
Banujah al-Marrakeshiyyah
Barberry Bramble
Bardkin (of Caer Galen)
Bardolf Gunwaldtsson
Bartolome Gregorio de Castilla
Basseva bat Salamon
Batlyn Teazle
Batu Mongo
Batu the Lion Crusher
Bea (of Caer Galen)
Bear (of Caerthe)
Beatrice Bernasconi
Beatrice Carmela Mercante
Beatrice De Craie
Beatrice Moffat
Beatrice Spinner
Beatricia Barberini
Beatrix Dubblerose
Beatrix of Ambleside
Beau Marishka of the Romanies
Bebhinn Inghean Ui Siodhachain
Beibhinn de Kirkpatrick
Béibhinn inghean Uí Shéibhleáin
Béla Kierzon
Béla Kós
Belaset the Jewess
Belatumara filia Disideri
Beldina of Caer Galen
Bele Steinseifer
Belinda Froste
Ben Titus
Benedict Hawkins
Benjamin (of Aarquelle)
Berengaria de Chinon
Bergantia (of Plattefordham)
Bernadette de Costa Tempestad
Bernalldino Antan Pereyra
Bernardo dei Medici
Bernhard Ulrich Vriunt
Bernharðr Biarnarson
Bernhardt Ohlenslager
Bernhart vom Böhmerwald
Berold de Gilbert
Bianca de Vittoria
Bianca Isabel d 'Orsini
Bianca Mantegna
Biket filla Benjamin de Canterbury
Birgitta Andersdotther
Bi{o,}rn mostrarskegg
Bjarg-njotr Olfassa
Bjarni Kenhelm
Bjorn Grimmsson
Bjorn Ivarson
Bjorn of House Broken Horn
Björn Pálsson
Bjorn the Bastard
Bjorn Thunarwin
Bjorn Yesterday
Bláán O Heochaidh
Bogdan Donat
Bohémond le Sinistre
Boleslav Ragnarsson
Bono de Vizcaya
Boo Atewood
Bora Vachir
Boris (of al-Barran)
Bowen McQuinn
Braddock of Bears Gate
Braidon Lowe
Bran of Lough Derg
Brand (of Dragonsspine)
Brandiubh (of al-Barran)
Brandubh Dalrymple
Braya Wrenne
Breanainn ni Brandubh
Bree Norwood
Bree of Caer Galen
Brena de Marsh Railey
Brendan McDonald
Brendan McKinnon
Brennan MacDuffie
Brenner O'Terrell
Brenton Otakte
Brian macc Fáeláin
Brian MagUidir
Brian of Thunder
Brian of Thunder
Briana du Bois
Briana MacConcarrigy
Briana verch Evan Mawr
Briant Huntington
Briatiz d'Andrade
Bridget inghean Sheain
Brielle Riley
Brig ban inghean Baine
Brigantia ni Realda
Brigantia of Plattefordham
Brighid inghean Fhearghusa
Brighid Óg inghean Néill
Brigid ingean ui Eóghain na h-Oitrich
Brigit Camshrón
Brigit d'Aubusson
Brigit ingen ui Chillini
Brigit Kelly
Brigitta Olavsdatter of Kiel
Brilliana de Montreau
Brittany von Berchtold
Broddi hornabrjótr
Broinnfind Munro
Brónach O Crowly
Bronne de Man
Bronwen Blackwell
Bronwen of Hindscroft
Bronwyn Flamehair of Falcon's Keep
Bronwyn Jacobsdottir
Browen the Lost
Brun Sminor
Bruno Bruni
Bruyere Ancelin de Boucles
Bryan Morrison
Bryce MacManus
Bryndís rauðkinn Ragnarsdóttir
Bryngerðr Þiðreksdóttir
Brynhildr Jarekova zhena
Brynjolf Bjarnison
Brynjolfr Alarrsson
Brynn (of al-Barran)
Bubba of Wolfhou
Buggius dei Medici
Burhcwen Tedforda
Cadan (of Caerthe)
Caden Nicosson
Cadlae Horsey
Cáelainn ingen Cháemgein hui Thaidc
Caelainn ingen Muiredaig
Caelan MacKinnon
Cærdic Æthelwulfes sunu
Caesaria Almy
Cahan O Suil
Caillech dhé Silvertongue
Cailte Caitchairn
Cailte MacLeòid
Cainneach of the Hounds
Cainnleach Uiseir of Glendalough
Caírech Liath ingen Ailpin
Caiterína inghean uí Gheraílt
Caitilín inghean Uí Thaidhg
Caitilin ni Lochlainn
Caitlin Angharad FitzHenry
Caitlin Makalystyr
Caitlin McKadem
Caitlyn McCain
Caitrin nic Chennidigh
Caitriona Suthirlande
Cala of Savatthi
Caleb Stewart
Calin al-Zarqa
Callum of Skye
Calysta of Windkeep
Cameron McDuff von Lyon
Camlan (of al-Barran)
Canus Dragonblood
Cao Sheng
Caoilinn inghean ui Sheanain
Cara (of Caerthe)
Carl of Pendleton
Carloman Macht
Carlos Nieto de Andrade
Carmina Della Casa
Carola von Naumburg
Caroline (of al-Barran)
Caron Caleb
Cassandra inghean Dubhlochlainn
Cassandra Mouzalonissa
Cassandriel dei Falchi
Cassia bint Abdullah
Cassiadora of Helicon
Caterine d’Albret
Cath (of the Citadel)
Cathail of Killmartin
Cathal Oken
Cathalán mac Faoláin
Catharine Duran
Catherine de Northewoode
Catherine MacLaren
Catherine Shadowcraft
Catherine Stowe
Catherine Wentworth of Cambridge
Catrijn de Cocq van Opynen
Catrin mac Cracken
Catrin von Berlin
Catrina Fraser
Catrina MacColla
Catrina of the Lochs
Catriona ingean Fairdaegh
Catriona nic Aoidh
Ceallach of Chiviot
Ceallach Sionnach
Ceara MacElea
Ceara McCain
Ceasan MacCullum
Ceatta o Gulcleth
Cecelia Corr Mhaire
Cecilia Caterina da Firenze
Cecilia Juetta
Cecilia Mowebray
Cecilia Trethewy
Cecily de Heselington
Cedwyn Chwith
Ceindrych Costaine
Celestina Santi
Celestria macAilpein
Celia d'Oute
Celine Jeanne de Hermain
Cera ingen Rónáin
Cerdic Cenfrithes sunu
Cerelle de Seyntlegger
Ceridwen de Gyrlyngton
Chagatai Burilgi
Chalon MacRaurie
Charis Sabran
Charlene Marayah Montina de Cordova
Charles Robert Blackstone
Charles Thomas the Grey
Chedira Adimari
Chelsea Weber
Chiara Sorenza
Chinua Al-Naran
Chris (of Aarquelle)
Chris of Caerthe
Chris Titus
Christian Guillaume de Saint Clair
Christiana de Montford
Christina de la Valliere
Christina McCarty
Christine Woayde
Christof Gately
Christopher Blackwood
Christopher de Gyrlyngton
Christopher Devereux
Christopher MacDhugahill
Christopher of Hoghton
Christophilos Ironmaster
Ciarán Brocc
Ciaran mac Meara
Ciaran MacMartin
Cilléne mac Conghalaigh
Çinara Ybarra
Cinéad Mac Amhlaoibh
Claire (of al-Barran)
Clancy Fairchild of Ulster
Clare de Chepyng Campedene
Clariandra Goodale
Claudia Lisabetta Senatori da Firenze
Clothhilde Vander Aalst
Clovis Martel
Coaimhe (of al-Barran)
Coemgen maqqas Eimhin
Coenbeorn (of Nahrun)
Coinneach mac Dhomhnuill
Cole (of Nahrun Kabirun)
Coleman (of Drygestan)
Colleen (of Caer Galen)
Collette (of Fontaine)
Collette (of Fontaine)
Collin Mackinnon
Companie of the Golden Lyon
Conaire Úa Mongáin
Conal Alexandria O\'Riordain
Conall Mac an Druaidh
Conall Óg mac Dabhídh
Conan (of Caerthe)
Conchenn ingen Briain
Condal O' Bradigan
Conn mac Eoghain
Connor Graham
Connor mac Cillienne
Connor of Kittisford
Conor MacDougall
Constance (of al-Barran)
Constance le Royer de la Tour
Constance Marchet
Constance of Gate's Edge
Constance Pemberton
Constantin Æiríksson
Constantine Cortez
Cora (of al-Barran)
Corban Maculagh
Corbin de Heather
Cori Wrightswife
Corin Fyrdian
Corin MacKinnon
Corin y Cynydd
Cormac MacLean
Cormac Ó Duinn
Cormack the Wanderer
Cornelius FitzReynald
Cornelius van Veere
Cortland d\'Erlon
Corvo de Lucia
Corwin Grendel
Corwin Roberts
Costanza de Navarre
Coupier le Rainette
Creag mac Ruiseart
Crestina da Brescia
Crispin an Tulaich
Crista (of Fontaine)
Cristin inghean Uí Shéibhleáin
Cristo Dyel
Cristóbal Vazquez de Narriahondo
Cucuchalain of al-Barran
Cuhullin Roanason
Cumhal Colach
Cumhara MacEirnin
Curren Leonart
Cymber of the Darkwater
Cynan of Caerleon
Cynric Goodwine
Cynrythrth de Caerthe
Cyrred of Ashwood
Daciana de la Slatina
Daffyd of Emmett
Dafydd ap Emrys
Dafydd ap Gwalchmai
Dagný in óða
Dagorix Nantonignos
Dagrun Bjornsdottir
Dagun of Rio de las Animas
Dagviðr Frostason
Dairenn of Galway
Dakhur-un Cirina
Dalia d'Auria
Damian d'Antioche
Damiana al-Andalusiyya
Damiana of Imola
Damien Wolfhunte
Dan the Artisan
Dane Grimson
Danica Nemanjaviæa
Daniel (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Daniel Archer the Bear
Daniel Davidson
Daniel de Medina
Daniel del Duffeld
Daniel Larke del Glen
Daniella de Ravenwood
Danielle Skarp
Dante Celestino de San Vincenzo
Danyelle Elainne Aurore DeLyon
Daoud Marduk
Darius of Jaxartes
Dauid of the Isles
Daved Shmuel ben Rachon
Daveed of Granada
David Grimslet
David MacNeil
Davin Drakere
Davy Kracke
Dawn Schadue
Deabh Ruadraith
Deaglan Maghundr
Deanna (of Dragonsspine)
Dearbháil inghean Léoid.
Decimus Modius Varro
Deirdre ingen Uilliam
Deirdre O Ruairc
Delia Rose of Thorncastel
Demetrios ho Bibliophilos
Dendra (of Caer Galen)
Denise of Amberley
Dennis the Wright
Deotrich Hiltipard
Derbail ingen Rónáin
Derdriu O'Fionnghail of Clare
Dermot of Kylharnon
Dermott O'Connell
Destiny of Fontaine
Devon Nightshade
Dewines Y Draigales
Diana Blackwood
Diana Doria
Diana Kellye
Diana of Llanberis
Diana of the Tulips
Diana Wutenwulf
Diarmuid Ua Ciarain
Diego Vasquez del Mercado
Dierdre Goldenthroat
Dietmar Wolfmeier
Dihya al-Hagariyya
Diletto (of Dragonsspine)
Dio de Lifar
Djurig von Aukring
Dmitri Ivanovich Gubina
Dmitri Kazimirovich
Dogan An Pot Aire
Domari Grimsson
Domenico Bonaugurio
Domenico Forestani
Domin d’Alsace
Dominic (of Caer Galen)
Dominica Leontyne du Lac
Dominique du Domremy
Don (of Rio de las Animas)
Dona Av Skarsten
Donald Walker
Donnchadh mac Céadaigh
Donovan the Drummer
Doran von Falkenstein
Dorolan McDuff Sonovavich
Dorothea Dolfyn
Dorthea von Lehman
Dougal (of Caerthe)
Douglas (of Dragonsspine)
Douglas McCain
Douglas Stone
Draeven of Aarquelle
Dragoslava Ikonnikova
Drahomira von Augsburg
Drake of Aarquelle
Dreyfus Kravyn McKillin
Drozd Bykov
Drusilla of the Drunken Archers
Dubheasa Eachinse
Dubhghall mac Gille Easbaig
Duncan Alastair MacRae
Duncan der Halogaland
Duncan mac Dougal
Duncan MacAllister
Duncan of the Darkwood
Duncan O'Shea
Dunstan of the Red Spear
Dupré Guillaume Garsenda
Dwynwen Llanerchymedd
Dylan Bond MacLeod
Dylan der Feltor
Dyrwyd (of Drygestan)
Eadgith of Sevenoaks
Eadred Cuncliffe
Eadric de Charbonnet
Ealasaid nan Oighean
Ealdred the Tall
Ealusaid inghean Mhaoil Choluim
Ealusaid of Ardrenk
Eanred of Tamworthie
Eberwinus Grim
Echevarian Peregrinus
Edana Hart
Edane Loremar
Edane Loremar
Edgar McGregor
Editha filia Rolandi
Edmond of Salisbury
Edmund Kilnwick of Lancashire
Edmund Newcastle
Edmund of Rhuddlan
Edmund Peregrine
Edric Capellarius
Edric de Mounteyne
Edrick of the Woods
Edward Ashwell of the Crossbow
Edward Bourrette
Edward of Edinborough
Edward Sherlock
Edward Winterbourne
Edwin of Mousehole
Edwin Steeborn
Egan (of Dragonsspine)
Egill Þorisson
Egle (of Fontaine dans Sable)
Eibhear Moireis
Eibhilín O Mirren
Eibhlin inghean Fhearghusa
Eibhlín níc Raghailligh
Eigan of Black Diamond
Eileen Fraser
Eileen of Golden Oak
Eiliefr (of Unser Hafen)
Eilionora Howell
Eilis Bledsoe
Eilish nic Collum
Eilonwy Gwyngeffyl
Einarr genja Ragnarsson
Einarr Skallagrímsson
Eiric Mhartain
Eirikr (of Aarquelle)
Eiríkr geirsbrjótr
Eirikr rauðskeggr
Eithne ingen Fhaelain Duib
Ekaterina Dimitriu
Ekaterina Kirkovna
Elaina de Sinistre
Elanor O'Halloraine
Eldr Fredericksson
Eldric Icepusher
Eleanor de Conway
Eleanor de Wyte
Eleanor Grey of Westriding
Eleanor Ravenwood
Eleanora Jane of Canterbury
Elena Isabella de Glastonbury
Elena McKinnen
Elenfëa of Starwood
Eleonora von Effen
Eli (of al-Barran)
Elia Stefansdottir
Elianora Cuncliffe
Elias (of Aarquelle)
Elijah Tynker
Elinor du Pont
Elionora Brennan
Elisant von Zweibrücken
Elisava of Arkhangel'sk
Elise Porteresse d\'yaue
Elisée de Calais
Elisheva bat Simon Halevy
Elissa Nova
Elissent Silverleaf
Eliyahu ben Ezra
Elizabet Anmutig von Geinhausen
Elizabet Fergus Morrison
Elizabeth (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Elizabeth Anne Grene
Elizabeth Anne of the Danube
Elizabeth Argentieri
Elizabeth Bakere
Elizabeth de Valence
Elizabeth Grey of York
Elizabeth Karian of the Four Winds
Elizabeth Morgaine
Elizabeth O'Byrne
Elizabeth of Saint Edmundsbury
Elizabeth Winter
Elke von Dornburg
Ella Anne de Kari
Ella Astaria
Ellen (of Nahrun Kabirun)
Ellie of House Rogues
Ellinor Rose Sanbourne
Ellisif Hergierrdottir
Elric Thurstonsen of Dragonskeep
Elsabeth Von Muenchsdorfer
Elsbeth ni Ailpeine
Elspeth Buckingham
Elspeth Moneypenny
Elspeth of the Mists
Elspeth of Tyvidale
Elwynne Liers
Elyenora Danyel de La Roche
Elyse Joulle
Elyse Morgaine
Elzebeth Bluscichofin
Ember of Fontaine dans Sable
Emerich Magnusson
Emilie (of Unser Hafen)
Emillie of Unser Hafen
Emily (of Nahrun Kabirun)
Emily MacRae
Emma Bastien
Emma of Essex
Emmelina van Westenberg
Emrys (of al-Barran)
Emrys ap Gwalchmei
Emrys Ransom
Endymion Meilichos
Enok the Red
Eoghan MacArthur
Eoghan MacIver
Eoin Gallda mac Néill
Eoin Mór mac Aonghuis
Eórann O'Connor
Erasmus (of Caer Galen)
Erchambaut le Breton
Eric Blaxton
Eric Edmundsson
Eric Litefoote of Studley
Eric Morrison of Thistlekeep
Erica (of Caerthe)
Erich Geisler
Erika (of Dragonsspine)
Erin inigena avi Cunneti
Erlendr Erlendsson
Ernest of Wyvernwoode
Erszebet (of Fontaine dans Sable)
Esabel de Whiteford
Eskil harðfari Haraldsson
Esteban de Leon
Esteban de Medina
Estevan de Sepulveda
Estrella Esperanza de la Vega
Etain Brenna O'Devlin
Etain of Durham
Etain Winterbourne
Ethan Robertson
Etienne de Baieur
Etienne Duguesclin
Euphemia de Argyll
Euphrasia Raptissa Moriane
Eva Marie
Eva Wen
Evelyn Macrae
Evelyn of Aarquelle
Evil Bishop
Evyinder (of Caerthe)
Ezabel de Vaux
Faelan (of Draca Mor)
Faeth (of Fontaine)
Fahlah al-Nasafiyyah
Fairman le Fleet
Falco Barasco
Fálki Ásgeirsson
Faolan MacConmara
Faolan MacEwan Taver
Faolin O Scannel
Faye (of al-Barran)
Fearghus (of Blackwater Keep)
Fedallah the Pirate
Fedelm Arilith
Feichín Mac Giolla Fhindéin
Fekete Hollo Noemi
Felix (of al-Barran)
Felix Bloodfist
Felix Immanuel Sarazan
Felix Sniumi
Fenris (of Drygestan)
Fergus Campbell
Fergus MacLennan
Fergus McCain
Fermina Caballo
Fernando (of Ravenhyrst)
Fferyly (of al-Barran)
Fiachra ni Ciardhubhain
Fierren Greenholm
Fíne Binnech
Finley (of Caerthe)
Finn Einarsson
Finn Ua Briain
Finnabhair ingen Roland
Finnian Tulloch MacLeod
Finnianus Cane
Finvid Lang Rackvidd
Fiona Julienne nic Lowry
Fionnait MacPherson
Fionndaire Fearcuairt
Fionnghuala Gunn
Fionnghuala O\'Rion
Fionnuala nic Leoid
Fiora Della Casa
Fjallgeirr inn orvi
Fjolverkr the Red
Floriana de Priego
Florie Edde of Braemar
Florik Merska
Flyte of St. Edmunds Hall
Folmar lækner
Fox of Dragonsspine
Foxglove (of White Mountain)
Francesca (of Fontaine)
Francesca di Pavia
Francesco di Napoli
Franziska de Medina
Freana Geardson
Frederick Fortescue
Frederick of the Black Swans
Frederick the Merchant
Fredrick of Long
Freya (of al-Barran)
Freya (of Dragonsspine)
Friderich von Aigle
Friedrich Wilhelmssohn
Fritz von dem Bienenstocke
Frosti Grímarsson
Fujiwara Midori
Fulk Fulkersson
Furukusu Tatsujirou Masahide
Fynn of Blarney
Gabby (of al-Barran)
Gabriel de Morland
Gabriela Wendin
Gabriella Rizo
Gabrielle of Dragonsrest
Gaerial of Clark
Gaia Aurelia Marius
Gaius Felix Aurelianus
Gaius Furius Marius
Gaius Marius Valerius
Galahad (of Dragonsspine)
Galen fitz Thomas
Galen McIntyre
Galen of Loch Thioram
Galen of Northumbria
Galen of Wiltshire
Galen Petersen
Galiana fitz William
Galiana Isadora
Gallchobar macc Faelchon
Garanwyn ni Mooreya
Gareth ap Llwewlyen
Gareth de Bailli
Gareth Lightborne
Gareth of Falcon’s Keep
Gareth of Grith
Gareth of Gryphon\'s Nest
Gareth the Tall
Gargamont of Austinite
Garic Guthraidh
Garreth Silverthane
Garrett Hall
Garth Wolfe of Erlinstar
Garwed Cadburiensis
Gaston de Sepulveda
Gautrek the Christian
Gauvain Eisenbein
Gavin of Birnham Wood
Gavin of Windkeep
Gaylin the Elder
Geffroi le Crieur
Geillis inghean Phóil uí Shirideín
Geirr (of Aarquelle)
Gelis Cullane
Geneva Stanton
Geneve (of al-Barran)
Genevieve Chastain
Genevieve de Belleval
Genevieve Duran
Genevieve Filia Alierii
Genevieve Fitzwalter
Genevieve ny Talheigh
Genevieve of Drygestan
Genevre la Tisserande
Genoveva Meyer
Geoffrey (of Nahrun Kabirun)
Geoffrey Bourre
Geoffrey fitz Robert
Geoffrey Thatcher
Geoffrey the Mountain
George Woulfryth
Georgius de Canterburie
Gerald Beckett
Gerald of Coventry
Gerard Casteleyn
Gere Thorkelsson
Gerhardt Drachenmacher
Geric of (al-Barran)
Gerlin von Tiesenhausen
Gerrit d\'Orleans
Gervais le marinier de Narbonne
Gerwyn y Teigr
Geua filia Guy
Giacomo Malcuore
Gianina The Wanderer
Giann Francesco di Genoa
Gianni de San Germano
Giannozzo Francesco di Genoa
Gideon (of al-Barran)
Gideon Dubh Mac an Bhaird
Giermund Sigurdsson
Gilbert le Verrat
Gilbertus de Messina
Gilchrist the Black Dog
Gillian Elizabeth Dawnser
Gillian Godfrey
Gillian Pratt
Gilmoure Gylbard
Giovanna di Meir
Giovanni (of Unser Hafen)
Giovanni di Sienna
Giovanni Feliciano
Giovanni Prete
Giulietta da Firenze
Gnaeus Modius Varro Minusculus
Godfrey d'Lorraine
Godric (of Caerthe)
Godricke Friis
Gonner the Pyrate
Gormlaith of al-Barran
Gormr Ragnvaldsson
Gotschalg Sudermann
Gottfried von Zollern
Grace (of Caerthe)
Grace Devereux
Grace Dooley
Grace MacDermit
Gráinne Shocair
Graud (of Caerthe)
Graye Drache
Gregor of Bears Gate
Gregor von Münchhausen
Gregory le Fletcher
Grellán ÓConchobhair
Gretchen (of Dragonsspine)
Gretin Silverfang
Griffin (of al-Barran)
Griffin of the Black Hound
Griffith atte Dernedyngle
Griffyn ap Owain
Grimm Gunvald
Grimric of Middlesex
Gryfyn of Valentia
Guene filia Medrod
Gueneviere Rose
Guenguiu myrgh Guentigern
Guernen Cimarguid
Guillaume Francois Rolland de Gonzac
Guinavear (of al-Barran)
Guinevere inghean Uí Áinle
Gunnarr Sveinsson.
Gunnólfr Grímsson
Gunnstæinn Ragnarsson
Gunther der Wanderer
Günther von Sachsenhausen
Gunwaldt Gullbjørn
Guy Herbert of Roteland
Guy Nagel
Gwen de la Cumbe
Gwenhevare of Coventry
Gwenhwyvar ferch Tewdrig
Gwenllian MacDonald
Gwenllion de Broceliade
Gwenlyn Aldwyn
Gwentliana filia Iohannes
Gwilim de Glamorgan
Gwladyse verch Bertram
Gwyneth of Markland
Gwyneth of Rio de las Animas
Gwyneth Penryn
Gyda Magnusdotter
Gyr Falki
Gytha Karlsdotter
Gytha Lokheued
Hákon gylðir
Haakon Grimmson
Hachimitsu (of al-Barran)
Hagan mac Tritain
Hagen Fluss Pferd
Hagen Silverskull
Hailey nic Crestina
Hale (of the Citadel)
Halla in heppna Knorsdóttìr
Halla in kristna
Halvar Half-Hand
Hamish Geddis
Hamish Graegham
Hancarata Aethnen filia Cuneddae
Haniya bat Baruch
Hannah de Ávila
Hannes zum Eichhorn
Hans Hager Eyecrown
Harduin of Herstal
Hardwin Godricson
Harold the Elder
Harvey Scurvey
Hasanah bint Khalil al-Najjar
Haven (of al-Barran)
Haven of Aarquelle
Hawisia de Groote
Hawk Rill Hunnybun
Hayashi Yo\'ichirou Norikata
Hays MacFarlane
Hays MacFarlane
Heather of Newcastle
Hedvig Kettuin
Heinric von Drachenburg
Hel (of al-Barran)
Helen (of al-Barran)
Helena Antol
Helena de Fleury
Helena de Orduuelle
Helena Gabrielle the Fortunate
Helena Liefsdottir
Hélène Boudin
Helga Grímsdóttir
Helga Kál in glaða
Helga Tynker
Hella (of al-Barran)
Henning Bierschwale
Hergeirr Audinsson
Hero (of Windkeep)
Hette (of al-Barran)
Hilarion Angelos Akropolites
Hildegarde Von Volkenshagen
Hiraikotsu Takeshi
Honour Grenehart
Hrafn Snarfari
Hrafn Væristad
Hraskaldr (of al-Barran)
Hrefna (of the Citadel)
Hrefna Cyrredes dohtor
Hrefna Ylffva
Hróðgeirr inn svarti hj{o,}rtr
Hroerekr inn Eldri
Hrok (of Windkeep)
Hrorek Wolfson
Hrothgar Thorenson
Hrothger Monomakh
Hugh Fletcher
Hugo the Theologian
Hulegu the Hun
Iago ap Heilin
Iago Martyn
Iames of Mann
Ian Lindsay MacRae
Ian MacDuff
Ian McCollach
Ian of Nightsgate
Ian Raven of Tadcaster
Ian the Piper
Iðunn Hallsdottir
Idonea Lazenby
Igar McKillin-Kay
Iheronimus Brückner
Ileana Welgy
Iler (of al-Barran)
Illaria Joye
Illaria Truue
Illeana de Castaneda
Ilo de Faux
Inari Djupudga
Inea al Andulusiyya
Ingeborg van Honovere
Ingrid Taylor
Ingriðr Rauðkinn
Ingvarr Halvarson
Iohann miles cognomine Vulpes
Iohannes Kynith
Iohn of Mar
Iokepa Waltarison
Irene Ross
Iric Iulian of Black Elk
Isaac Atwater of Tweed
Isaac Roanason
Isabeau (of the Citadel)
Isabeau Celeste de la Valliere
Isabeau de Bernac
Isabeau de Rohan
Isabeau Noellet d'Avignon
Isabel (of Caerthe)
Isabel Benet
Isabel de Andrade
Isabel O Sullivan
Isabella al Harith
Isabella de Luna
Isabella dell\'Edera
Isabella di Francesco Ambrosini
Isabella Francesca Niccola di Giovanni
Isabella Maria Francesco
Isabella Rechardi
Isabelle d'Arles
Isabelle de Calais
Isabelle Marie de Fontevrault
Isabetta Locke
Isabetta Nagel
Isabol de Chateau Cheval Noire
Isadora del Sol
Isaiah (of Citadel)
Isleif of Bloodstone
Ismenia Joslyn Wyndarmeer
Isobel of Dumbartan
Isouda de Rhos
Istvan (of Cearthe)
Ito Ogami Masasada
Iuette au Canard Blanc
Iuliana (of Windkeep)
Iuliana Muñoz Maldonado de Castile
Iulliana Sverchkov
Ivalo Vladimirski Aleksandrov
Ivan (of Hawk's Hollow)
Ivan MacKay
Ivan Mavrikiisson
Ivanna Shaw
Ivar Halftroll Thorgrimsson
Ivar Hammerson
Ivar Mac Enys
Ivar Stormrider
Ivarr ffening
J. T. Whoreschum
Ja Jorganson
Jackson Goltz
Jacob (of al-Barran)
Jacobus Locard
Jacqualine the Hun
Jacquelyna de la Roche
Jacques Lambert
Jacques of Pickering
Jacquette du Champ
Jade McDuff
Jael Esson
Jago Redbeard
Jakob Narr
James Arthursson
James David of Argentias
James Dubh MacPhearson
James Duncannon
James Erskine
James Harper
James Lupton
James Maccorquodill
James MacLeister
James Muirhead of the Outlands
James of Essex
James of Plattefordham
James Qui Connait
James the Reluctant
Jameson MacTyre
Jamil ibn Shamir ibn Da\'ud ibn Shamir al-Wadi
Jamila al-Zuhayriyya
Jane Gude of Wylshire
Janet Warden
Janna of the Forest of Copeland
Janosi Álmos
Jantien van Vranckenvoert
Jared of Midewinde
Jarek of Wolin
Jasper Ó Talcharáin
Jasper Sleecht
Jauhara bint Zayid
Jayne Barber
Jazelle (of Fontaine dans Sable)
Jazlynne Marie Fairday
Jean Merrit Richards
Jean-Airk Le'Grimm
Jeanette Delacroix
Jeanne Alanna Dale McCulloch
Jeanne Claire Desrosiers
Jeanne d'Aussay
Jeanne Dyfrgi
Jeanne Estelle de Mouthe
Jeanne Marie (of Unser Hafen)
Jeanne-Marie Dubois
Jeffery (of Fontaine)
Jehan Mór
Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery
Jehanne D'Arcana
Jehannete la Picarde
Jehannette de Courcelles
Jeheane (of al-Barran)
Jehennette van Mynden
Jemma de Grey
Jenelys (of Caerthe)
Jenna Hohenstaufen
Jenne McGill
Jess (of Unser Hafen)
Jessica of the Red Dagger Inn
Jester of Anglesey
Jethro Stille
Jim the Pyrate
Jimmie Horn of Thunder
Joachim (of Villaleon)
Joaquin Cortez de Castile
Joaquin de Andrade y Montague
Jobita (of Caerthe)
Jocelyn de Honicombe
Jochen von Balduinseck
Joel DeGrace
Joella of Blue Lion's Keep
Johan de Javier
Johann Dietbold des Drachenschwerts
Johann von Balduinseck
Johann Winter
Johanna Morganstern
Johannes Linkehant
Johannes Rodenwerper
Johannes Stout
John (of Rio)
John Angus Swinford
John de Battlemoor
John Ironstone
John of Avondale
John of Brittany
John of Temple Manor
John Roslyn the Ox
John the Grisly
John Wryght
Jokull Blæingr
Jonathan Ivey de la Montagne
Jörgen Jörgenson
Jorundr inn magri
Jorundr Sylfuson
Jose Taberna de Torquemada
Josefina de Luna
Josep Mülich
Joseph (of al-Barran)
Joseph Cameron Blackswan
Joseph Grimm
Joseph of Golias
Joseph the Hun
Joseph Wolfe
Josephine Wanthwaite
Josh (of al-Barran)
Joshua Dennesson
Josiah (of Unser Hafen)
Josiah of al-Barran
Josselin de Flandre
Jourdain Belebouche
Juan Balthazar Tegero
Juana de Granada
Jubal Bieber
Judith de Northumbria
Julia Alexandria
Julia von Nocturn
Julian of Aldeford
Juliana (of al-Barran)
Juliana Cray
Juliana de Vitri
Julianna of Dunbar
Julianne Journé
Julien de la Fontaine
Juliote the Silversmith
Juri (of al-Barran)
Justine (of Dragonsspine)
Justinian the Gentle
Justinn of the Mares
Jutta Ellisifardóttir
Kökechin Qo'a
Kaidu Bukhatai
Kaios Alexandrou
Kaitlin of the Red Dagger inn
Kaiya Kynansdottir
Kalala bint Yahuda
Kalara (of Nahrun)
Kaleb Stewart
Kaleriia Andronikova
Kamala al Rakset al Sharqi
Kamelia Delavar
Kamle Kropotove
Kanna Gwencalon
Kara Snaebjorn
Kára sterka
Karen of the Emerald Sea
Karen of the Golden Oak
Karina Dobrogneva
Karl of Gulbjorn
Karl the Kraftsman
Kaspar Morgengras
Kassar Nacoy
Kata (of Fontaine)
Kata Broddadottir
Kata útama geirr
Katarina (of Plattefordham)
Katarina (of Windkeep)
Katarina Widder
Kate ÓConchobhair
Katelin de Irlande
Kateri Naked Toes
Katerina (of Plattefordham)
Katerinka Korsakova
Kateryn Blair
Kateryna de Blakemere
Katharine of Northhall
Katherina von Lehmann
Katherine Drake
Katherine le Fayre atte Watere
Katherine Leslie
Kathleen MacCarthy
Kathleen Willeson
Kathryn (of Plattefordham)
Kathryn (of Unser Hafen)
Kathryn Kilgour
Kathws Rusa
Katla á Katanesi
Katrein Adler
Katrin von Hohenzollern
Katrine van Deventer
Katte MacKay of Roslin
Kat’ryna Tsaatan
Kay Landers
Kayda Rasmussen
Kaz de Rhode
Kazimierz Tarnowski
Keelhauler the Pirate
Keina MacRath
Kelemen (of al-Barran)
Kellen of the Red Dagger Inn
Kelsus (of Caerthe)
Kendrick MacPherson
Kenneric ap Griffith
Kenton Drake
Keridwen Andersdottir
Keridwen Gwennmarch
Keshvar Mahzarin Irandokht al-Bukhar
Ketill Geirason
Ketura Khuram
Keturah (of Caerthe)
Kevin MacKinnon
Kevin Nollaig of St. Golias
Kezia die Naherin
Kezran Wynthyria
Khadijah (of Aarquelle)
Khadijah bint Lu’lu al’Qadisi
Khal Gan
Khalid (of al-Barran)
Khalidah bint Yahya’a
Khaliu Cessilus
Khozma ah-Tenk
Khulan-u Kseniia
Kiara Loftus
Kidd Connor
Kiena Munro
Kikertje van Breukelen
Kilan Kali
Killian MacKenzie
Killian Nic Amhlaoibh
Killian von Rammstein
Kimberly Blackwood
Kinna de Blakemere
Kira McDuff von Lyon
Kira Volkova
Kit (of al-Barran)
Kitt Wittich
Kitta Ragnvaldsdottír
Kiyad-un Qara Nachin
Kjalvor Eyjudóttir
Klaus (of Rio)
Klaus Jarnskeggr of Unser Hafen
Knut Eldfimr
Kolfinna Eriksdottir
Kolfinna Knýtir
Kolgrimr Olafsson
Koll-Tár í Vestrholtum
Kolosvarj Hoyai Kristof
Konrad der Feltor
Konrad von Alpirsbach
Konrad von Greifswald
Konyves Istvan
Korbyn (of Aarquelle)
Koruge (of al-Barran)
Kovach Bol'shoi
Kragon of Land's End
Kricket manxdottir
Krijger De Zwartijzer
Kristin in Tasalda
Kristofer hárfagri
Kristoff Karlsson
Kristyan MacRae
Kryshtof Orelenko
Kseniya Mikhailovna Morskaya
Ku Jin
Kublai Ksenya
Kuma No Oni
Kymberlynne (of Fontaine)
Kymma Godric
Kynan of Wyre Forest
Kyra Evaine
Kyre McKinnon
Kyrin (of al-Barran)
Kyrren Valshan
Lachlan O'Sheridan of Falconhold
Lajos Magyar
Lambert de Sur
Lan the Red Handed
Larissa the Lacemaker
Lasairfhíona inghean an Sheanchaide
László Rózsa
Laura (of Caer Galen)
Laura de la Chouette Doree
Laurel O'Rourke
Laurent de Lourdes
Laurentz von Rothenstein
Lavan Longwalker
Lawrence of al-Barran
Layla Shirin
Lazar Petrovic
Lazarus the Hun
Leah Kasmira of Natterhelm
Leanna Amora Montgomery
Learbhean nighean Thoirrdhealbhaich
Leghlen (of al-Barran)
Leif Magnusson
Leifr Einarsson
Leifr Vagnsson
Lelien Widoeghe
Lêofsige Õ Caoimh
Leona Roy Colquhoun
Leonard di le Popolo
Leonardo Scarlattinni
Leonor Ruiz de Lisón
Leonora Kateryn de Provence
Leonore of Black Diamond
Leticia Attewode
Levi (of Aarquelle)
Li Hsiao Lung
Liam of Drygestan
Lianor da Costa
Liepa Jonaite
Lijsbet vande Visschereye
Liliona Ruth Hampton
Lilliana de Kari
Lilliana Le Grant
Lilliard Boudicea Devorgvilla
Lina of Fontaine
Lingormr gympe eykr
Lisette de Troyes
Livia Agrinali
Lizabetta The Scribe
Lizka the Pirat
Llewellyn ap Glenwidford
Llywus ap Alan
Lochlainn O Mahony
Lochlan McCulloch
Logan Drake
Logan of Logan
Lohengrin Heier
Loki Johnson
Lommán mac an t-saoir
Long John Thomas
Loptr of Draca Mor
Lorcan Mac Colla
Lorccán Ruad mac Uilliam
Lore de Lorraine
Lore MacKay
Lorin Taylor
Lorin the Lecher
Lörinc Ötög
Lorraine Weberin
Lorrena (of Nahrun Kabirun)
Lothar le Sauvage
Lothar vom Bergenwald
Louchelan de Hay
Louis (of al-Barran)
Louis-Philippe Mitouard
Luca (of Aarquelle)
Lucas Cade
Lucia Maria da Torino
Lucien (of al-Barran)
Lucien Etienne
Lucien le Grave
Lucille (of al-Barran)
Lucius (of al-Barran)
Lucius Arius Vitalis
Lucius Verrinius Atticus
Lucrèce de Pardieu
LuCretia da Vale
Lucretia Wolf
Lucrezia de Carducci
Lucrezia Tagliaferro
Lui Yan Ming
Luka (of al-Barran)
Lukka of al-Barran
Lura Annette Copley
Luta Völundóttir
Lute MacAlpine
Luther (of al-Barran)
Luys de Dos Árboles
Lycus (of Stag\'s Pass)
Lydia Medarda of Dorkinbrook
Lydia of the Pines
Lynn Miller
Lysander of Unser Hafen
Lyse Marousch d'Rhys
Mabell McEwin
Madigan of Kandahar
Madlen Berntsdochter
Madoch Greyson
Madox the Pict
Maechyll of Maelienydd
Mael Marden
Máel Mide ingen Domnaill
Maelgwn McCain
Maerwynn Coed y Cwm
Maeva Snaebjornsdottir
Magdalena Flores
Magdalene de Saint Benoit-sur-Loire
Magge Magnus
Maghnus Mac Faelain
Magni Dagfinnsson
Magnus Gunwaldtsson
Magnus Lawhammer
Magnus MacCraith
Magnus Nikolasson
Magnus of Falkirk
Mahara Vandale
Mahowne Mac Agaloglie
Maidhail of Clann Dragonshadow
Máire Dooley
Máire ní Chonaill
Máirghréad inghean uí Fearghail
Maksym Wilozynski
Malchia de Foucault
Malcolm Makalestyr
Malcolm McDougal
Malina of Mousehole
Malle von Muller
Manahundr (of Caerthe)
Manx of Erlinstar
Marayah (of Unser Hafen)
Marc (of Unser Hafen)
Marc Antoine de la Rue
Marcel Reinard
Marcello de San Sebastián
Marcus Annius Corbulo
Marcus Arabis
Marcus Artorius Drustanus
Marcus el Amonte de la Luz
Marcus Goltz
Marcus Magnus the Ox
Marcus of al-Barran
Mardanah al-Hindiyyah
Maredudd Cethin
Margaida da Gama
Margaret Hepburn of Ardgowan
Margarette Boisvert
Margherita da Foire
Margot of Glamorgan
Márgrég inghean uí Chaiside
Marguerite Dinard
Marguerite d'Isere
Marguerite Godebald
Mari Sol de Leon
Mari the Far-Travelled
Máría Abramsdottir
Maria Castelana
Maria Theresa Sanchez Garcia
Maria Zuzori
Mariah of Kilarney
Mariana de Santillana
Mariana Vivia de Santiago
Marianna (of Drygestan)
Marie (of Unser Hafen)
Marie le Noir de Navarre
Marie Marlborowe
Marie Mattox
Marie Stewart
Marika Baladee
Marina Merritt
Marion Forrester
Marisol (of Aarquelle)
Marisse de Bourgogne
Mark Silverthorne
Markus von Rinzenberg
Marra Shaw
Martha Grace
Marthol Thorvinsdottir
Martim Ruiz do Porto
Martín de Çúñiga
Martin Phillipe du Mont d'Or
Martin William of Hameldone
Martina (of Caerthe)
Martine de La Rochelle
Martino Michele Veneri
Mary Blakthorn
Mary Champernowne
Mary Kay (of Readstan)
Mary of Lyonshall
Mary Tynker
Marzin (of Drygestan)
Massimiliano Pontieri dal Sasso
Mateo Roberto Xavier Mariposa
Mathgamain Ó Néill
Mathias MacCooel
Mathias Stürmære
Mathilde Bouret
Mathilde Helene Caitlin MacCraobh
Mathilde Larchier de Arundel
Mathow Movat
Matilda Beresford
Matilda de Seton
Matilda the Short
Matthias Alexander Casca
Mau (of the Citadel)
Maud Maclanahan Roche
Mavrikii Andronikov
Maximilian Kern
Maximilian von Reichenbach
Maximillian Falchonieri
Maximillian Lars
Maxwell of Aarquelle
Mayala (of the Citadel)
Meadhbh Daingen int Slébhe
Meadhbh Lasaifhiona an Chopain
Mearcstapa (of Caerthe)
Medb Dúinfeichín
Medb ingen Imchada uí Fhlaithbertaig
Meg of Sternfeld
Meghan of the Rom
Meghan Ruadh nic Guinne
Meinhard von Nordhusen
Melangell Dwn
Melanie d'Avignon
Melchior Hebenstreit
Meleri Gyfford
Meliora de Berkeley
Meliore Gimigna Fioravanti
Melissa Almanthea
Melissa of Monster Hall
Melodia Shaw
Melody (of Caer Galen)
Melora McClure
Mephiboseth ben Yosef
Meric Calzee
Meriel of Tay
Merowyn (of Unser Hafen)
Merry O'Shannon
Merryl Sinclair
Mertin Vogler
Merzanna (of Draca Mor)
Metien (of Caerthe)
Meuric ap Rhys
Mia (of Unser Hafen)
Miasa Greenholm
Miccio (of Caerthe)
Michael (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Michael Brekebowe
Michael Buckingham
Michael Joseph LaMano Dolce
Michael M'Quilline
Michael of Ravenskeep
Michael Patrick MacBain
Michael Ragnar
Michaela de Montgomery
Michaelangelo Francesco di Genoa
Michallet du Dauphiné
Michelet Chauveau
Michio (of Unser Hafen)
Miguel Iolo de Genoa
Miguel Sebastian da Oporto
Mika Longbow
Mikel (of Caerthe)
Mikhail Luchnyk
Miklos Kovacs
Miles d'Eath
Millicent of Essex
Milo Sohnovich
Minamoto no Toki Tada
Minamoto Shizuka
Mindy (of Caer Galen)
Mingus O\'Brien
Mini of al-Barran
Ministra (of Rio de las Animas)
Minna of Tintagel
Mirabel de Malmesberie
Miriam (of Dragonsspine)
Miriam of Tygre's Keep
Miriam Volpe
Mirianna Wrenne of Ravenswood
MistiviR Grimsson
Mizuno Kiku Ibara
Molle in le Willewys
Monica (of al-Barran)
Monika the Fair
Monika von Zell
Monique de Pyrenne
Mordagan Raikes of Mallow
Morgaine al Jazira
Morgan Cheyney
Morgan d'Alsacesarti
Morgan Kynith
Morgan ley Tigress
Morgan Raidheid
Morgan Railey
Morgan Robertsdottir
Morgan Rowantree
Morgana (of Aarquelle)
Morgana Elena Tregarthen
Morgana Quarry
Morgant Lawdda
Morgen the Pirate
Morrigan (of Caerthe)
Morrighan Macmillan
Morris Ó Fiaich
Morwyn MacDonald of Strathclyde
Morwynn of Windkeep
Moyra MacColla
Muiredach MacGregor
Muirenn an Laith
Muirenn ingen Uí Thaidc
Muirgel McDonald
Muirghen of Aarquelle
Murasako no T'sume Tadada
Murdoch MacAlister
Mustafa al-Ghazi
Mustafa Kamaal of Antioch
Myra Mar
Nā'ilah al-Raqqāṣah
Nadia (of al-Barran)
Nadrah bint Lu’lu’ al-Qadisi
Nagahiru (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Nagy Peter
Naima bint Lu'Lu al-Quadisi
Naisi (of Dragonsspine)
Nakamura Yoshimitsu
Namnlos (of Unser Hafen)
Nanna (of Plattefordham)
Nastas\'ia Zvir\'eva zhena L\'vova
Natal'ia Georgievicha
Natal'ia Mechislavova
Natalia Vasilkovna Riazanskaia
Natalya Susanina zhena Medvednikogoteva
Nathaniel Hayes
Nathaniel McPherson
Nathi O'Peatain
Naxos de la Rouge
Necu Hawke
Necu Hawke
Neda (of al-Barran)
Neimh Gilleena Dublin
Neko Itazura
Nerienda of Elmet
Nerissa Della Badessa
Nest Aderyn
Niall Keating
Nichola Hawoc
Nicholas Fenix
Nicholas MacFarland
Nickalos (of Fontaine)
Nicklas Kurz
Nickolai Agar
Nicolaao Machado
Nicolae Rares
Nicole of Unser Hafen
Nicoletta Rabsdottir
Nicolette d'Avranches
Nicolo (of St. Golias)
Nikka de Shavani
Nikko (of al-Barran)
Nikolai di Sienna
Nikolaos Demetriou ho Toxotes
Nikolaus von Aachen
Noelle de Poys
Nolan DePaul St. Germaine
Nonna Treheyl of Kernow
Nova Darkmoon
Nycholas Lazurus Bacon
Nynaeve (of Caerthe)
Obsidian Shaw
Octavia Marcella
Octavien Porteeur de Busches
Odd the Giant
Oddnafr Knarrarbringa
Odin Viligísl
Odin Vingthorson
Oengus mac Conchobhair
Óengus Minogue
Óengus ua Faeláin
Oktavia Nadezhda Ilyevna
Old Fable Inn
Oleg Schwinghammer
Olek Juste
Olive Rhys
Olivia Aragon Y Montoya
Olivia Solís de Luján
Olwen Dawnwalker
Omar ibn Haroun al-Askari al-Rumi
Omar Mohammud Mirzazadeh
Ona Eriukas Gelezinis
Ondrea di Sienna
One-eyed Willie the Pyrate
Oni (Japanese Household)
Oni (of Dragonsspine)
Onyx Haven
Ophelia Mulryan
Oppia Vopisca
Ordög Magyar Béla
Orfhlaith Gilmore
Órfhlaith ní Dhubháin
Ormr Bogsveigir
Ormrún Hrafnsdóttirr
Otagiri Tatsuzo
Ótama drengjamóðir
Otama inn glađi
Ottarr Hallbjarnarson
Otto of Côte du Ciel
Otto Schwarz Herz
Otto von Aken
Owen Blaidd
Owen Kernan
Ozurr Saxason
Padraig MacLauman
Pádraig Ó Súileabháin
Padraig the Bald
Padrig Laumann
Pagan Badger
Parlan MacGillivray
Patrice de Courtenay
Patrice Trembath
Patricia of the Citadel
Patrick Kyncade
Patrick Michael Gordonne
Patrick of the Quietwood
Patrick Olyveyr
Patrico of Dragonsspine
Patroclus Tempestivus
Paul Jameson of Sutton
Paul of al-Barran
Paul von der Holzstaub
Pence Locke
Penelope Carlyll
Penny Locke
Perine Brunfay
Peroska of Windkeep
Perryn Coelbrant
Peryn Wolfe
Peter Tarquinious Dryden
Petra (of al-Barran)
Petra y Rinaldi of al-Barran
Phaedra Wolfmeier
Phaidra of Phaestos
Phalem Ariligh
Phillip di Sienna
Phillip of Hawk's Haven
Phillippa MacCallum
Phoenix Wolfsden
Piero Della Casa
Pierre Gaston de Vallier
Piers Gravenor de Blakemere
Pipa de Blakemere
Praxis Kephalou
Primus (of Unser Hafen)
Puck the Tinker
Pvari Dalesdottir
Qara Gan
Quadris IronOak
Quadrus Ironoak
Quillan Fay
Quintin d\'Acre
Rachel Reynhardsdottir
Rachel Russell
Rachel the Venerable
RaDawn Pársá
Rados Schaivone
Radu du Cer
Radu the Red
Raes Augustine
Rafael Frogge Chavira
Rafandi Frettur
Rafi'a al-Zarqa
Ragnar inn Havi
Ragnarr of Fontaine
Ragnvaldr of Rendlesham
Rainelle (of al-Barran)
Raisa Zaplatskaya
Ralf Blackwood of Ravenstone
Ramon the Chronologer
Ramses (of Caer Galen)
Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow
Randal Carrick
Randal the Malcontent
Randolph Victorson
Rannvæig ørrarmr Eskilskona
Raoul de la Noue
Raphaele Medici
Rashida bint Rashid
Rashiqah Amatulbarri bint Azhar al-Kahirawayyiah
Rauf le Brewere
Rauf of Cannich
Raven (of al-Barran)
Ravenwolf (of White Mountain)
Rayden Grimdottir
Raymond la Croix Noir
Raymond the Quiet
Rayya Al-Ruqay\'a
Rayya al-Ruqay\'a
Rebecca de Tatecastre
Rebecka Juni Arleysdaughter
Rebekah Tynker
Redulf Von Kol
Reese (of Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Regalis dei Falchi
Regan Davis
Regina (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Reginald (of Caer Galen)
Reginald of the Fells
Reinhard von Stehlenbaur
Reinmar Heyden
Remy Renée d\'Orleans
Renate Koven
Renee Nix de Livingstone
Reto von Kyborg
ReyhAneh bint 'Isa al-Zuhri
Reyna Frogge
Reynard des Roches
Reynhard Sebastian von Reutte
Reza al Zarque
Rhian of the Bluewater
Rhiannin filla Fynn
Rhiannon of Stony Ford
Rhiannon O’Connemara
Rhiannon Wild Heart
Rhiannon Wolfe
Rhianwen o Enfys Disberod
Rhieinwylydd Cyfeiliog
Rhiley Grimdottir
Rhoigan ap Heilyn
Rhys Afalwin
Rian Mac an Gobhann
Richard (of Dragonsspine)
Richard (of Windkeep)
Richard MacKenzie
Richard Ó Conchobhair
Richard of Alsace
Richard of Greenwood
Richenda Arabella Letellier de Tremont
Richenda de la Selva
Richenza le Wydu
Riggon (of al-Barran)
Riley (of Fontaine dans Sable)
Riley Warren
Rinieri Divettino
Rino tulema Karesaare
Rita Die Perle Von Der Wetterau
Rivka Vladimirovna Rivkina
Roana Campbell
Roana Robertson
Robartach de Montáin
Robbie of Dragonsspine
Robert (of Caer Galen)
Robert atte Blackwell
Robert aus dem Nord
Robert Blackhawk
Robert Corwen of Dunbar
Robert d' Abusson
Robert de Kari
Robert Edward Stewart
Robert fitz Ralph
Robert Hunteman
Robert Magnus
Robert Moffat
Robert of Caer Galen
Robert of Canterbury
Robert of Deerbourne
Robert Spenser of Bristol
Robert the Bone Setter
Robin (of Draca Mor)
Robin the Fierce
Robin Vinehall the Ambivalent
Roblair (of Drygestan)
Roderick de Kane
Rodrigo de Saragosa
Rodrigo de Zaragoza
Roger d'Oulbier
Rognvald Longarm
Rognvaldr Byrgisheraðingr
Rögnwaldr Heljarskinn
Roibeard mac Lochlainn
Rois inghean Domhnaill
Róis inghean Niocláis
Róis inghean Uí Longáin
Roland atte Dragon
Roland Colby
Roland of Yorkshire
Roland O'Rourke
Roland Snowe of Carlisle
Rolena Frogge Chavira
Rollo (of al-Barran)
Rollo of Mikladahl
Ronan MacKenna
Ronan na f-Fiacal mac Conaill
Ronan Wulf
Ronaugh Olafsdatter
Ronda (of Caer Galen)
Ronin (of Plattefordham)
Rosa del Cuendillar
Rosalind of Wellmark
Rosalinda Lucinda Mandragon de la Vega
Rosaline Gunn
Rosamond de Preston
Rosamonde Carver
Rosamunde Hawkesworth
Rosamunde of Briarwood
Rose Mary Vethig
Rose of Castle Rising
Rosemunda Tucher
Rosewyn (of al-Barran)
Rothin in flamska
Rou du Caen
Rowan (of al-Barran)
Rowan (of Draca Mor)
Rowan ferch Gwynedd
Rowan MacMillan of Loch Tay
Rowan O'Harrell
Rowan Oliphant
Rowazna Azqwau
Rowen Brithwallt
Rowen of Staffin
Rowena Colebrook
Rowland de Grey of Lincolnshire
Rowland le Strange
Rowland McCain
Roxana Sonovovitch
Royse of the Sinte
Ruadrí mac Batín
Ruaidhri Macrimthainn
Ruairidh Alasdair Mhic Leòid
Rudger Emrys
Run (of Fontaine)
Runa Koriadottir
Rupert of the Hills
Rusa al-`Aliyya
Russell of Caerthe
Ruth (of the Citadel)
Ruth of Birkenfeld
Ruvka bat Sara
Ryan de Caergybi
Rychard Robertson
Ryon McKenric
Ryuu\'zou\'ji Tatsuaki
Sabakutani Ujimoto
Sabel Saer ferch Maredudd ap Rhosier
Sabiha al-Zarqa
Sabiha al-Zarqa al-Karakiyya
Sabina le Grey
Sabina le Rouze
Sabine Bruneau
Sabine od Vlatavy
Sabine of Loch Rennach
Sabrina (of Unser Hafen)
Sabyn Edwards
Sacha of Fontaine
Sadanori (of al-Barran)
Sadhbh ni Dhonnabhain
Saeloman of Erlinstar
Sáerlaith inghean Robeaird
Sæunn in stórláta
Safiyya bint Faris al Dani
Safwah al-Zarqah al-Sabbiyah
Safya al-Mughanniya bint Ziyad al-Misri
Saikhan Nasan
Sajah al-Tayyibah
Sakabe Nobuari
Saldis (of Windkeep)
Salomea Thorunska
Salvatore dei Medici
Samantha Kennington
Samuel de Grace
Samuel Leiesverd
Samuel Tynker
Samuel Zetetic the Skeptic
Sander Tauernier
Sander von Zeitz
Santiago (of the Citadel)
Santiago Carrillo de Guadalupe
Santiago Rodriguez de Cadiz
Sara bat Meir
Sara Boone
Sarah de Montgomerie
Sarah Macrae
Sarah Menapace
Sarai of Darbuka
Sarolta of Sarkel
Sasha Gray
Sashcha Mikulas
Saulo Lastra
Savannah (of Aarquelle)
Sawyer of Fontaine
Sazende Shirin
Scarbellius Wrongroad
Scholast Michel
Schueler of Skye
Sea-A-sha (of Drygestan)
Seamus Able Johnson
Séamus MacRae
Seamus McGlacken
Seamus O Mourane
Seamus Ó Suileabhain
Sean Faoil mac Dubhghaill
Sean McLain
Sean O Faolain
Sean of the Outlands
Sean O'Fogarty
Seanan mac Tighearnain
Sebastiaen Bastoen
Sebastian Jameson of Stokesay
Sebastian Taylor of Dragonstrod
Secundus (of Unser Hafen)
Segan ap Kain
Seika (of Rio de las Animas)
Seitheachdudh (of Caerthe)
Selena (of Caerthe)
Selene (of al-Barran)
Selene of the Sky
Selim of Ras al Abiyad
Sem Kete
Seóan mac Ruaidhrí Uí Cheallacháin
Seóan O'Doibhilin
Seperath de Sepultura
Sephare de Blythe
Septimus Valerius Arcadius
Serafina di Loce
Seraphina Pania
Seren ferch Bleddyn
Serendipity Tynker
Serenity of Fontaine
Sergius Oppius Scaevola
Serian (of Caerthe)
Seruda bint Mihail
Servi di Villano
Servius Cassius Caledonius Ahenobarbus
Seth Williamson of Exeter
Seuilla de Córdoba
Sevetar (of Aarquelle)
Shadrick Romanus Natalia
Shahida al-Fustatiyya
Shane Word
Sharon of the Roses
Sharon S. (of Blackwater Keep)
Shayla from Zyra
Sheela Marcq
Shelby of House Rogues
Shelly (of Dragonsspine)
Shifra Lekareva doch
Shintaro masashige Lash wraithbone
Shîrîn-î Sasan
Shirlynn of Salt Keep
Shobin (of al-Barran)
Shoshana bat Malachi
Shoshanah Simkhah bas Ruven
Sidoney Elizbeth Morgan
Sidonia of Seven Oaks
Siduri (of al-Barran)
Siegfried Stern
Sigeric bíldr
Sigfrid von Bremen
Sigismund Von Volkenshagen
Sigmund Logansson
Signý Gyðadóttir
Signý Magnúsdóttir
Signy of Stavanger
Signy von Velden
Sigred Farulfdotter
Sigriðr Flosadóttir
Sigtrygg Hrodulfsson
Sigtryggr Hróðulfsson
Sigurd of Drackenden
Sigurd Schmied
Sigurðr Kveld-Úlfr
Silas Ian Clayton
Simha fille David
Simi of the Woods
Simon Montgumery
Simon of Ravenwood
Simone del Vado
Simonides Spartiates
Siobhán inghean uí Dhoibhilin
Sisilia Höök
Siubhan MacDuff
Sixtus Goetz
Skallgrim Egillson
Skameika Draikov
Skógr the Bastard
Skye (of al-Barran)
Skyeleigheaha (of al-Barran)
Skylar the Cossack
Slaine inghean Ui Sheanain
Sofia Blackswan
Sofia of al-Barran
Solana of al-Barran
Solstice Strigi
Solveig Hákonsdóttir
Solveig in rauða refr
Solveig Stephenson
Somisawhel de Sousa
Sone Minamoto no Gentarou Takashige
Sonja (of Plattefordham)
Sonya of Nahrun Kabirun
Sophia (of al-Barran)
Sophia Hirzin
Sophia Laszlo
Sophie von Schönburg
Sorcha (of Nahrun)
Sorcha Fhionn inghean uí Ruairc
Sorcha inghean Eoin
Sorcha inghean ui Aoilleacháin
Sorcha MacGillavrey
Sorcha O'Ceollaigh
Sorel the Armourer
Soren McKinney
Soren Thorvaldsson
Squirrel of Golden Oak
Stahlgrim Svithskeggi
Staros of Helicon
Stasia Mac Braidaigh
Stefan of the Wanderers
Stefania Pablo
Stefen of Naught
Stefen Winter von Rosenheim
Stein Bogsweiger
Steinn ulfr
Steitan Bogenschütz
Stella di Rosso Santi
Stephan McCarty
Stephan Mikal MacGreagor
Stephan Sörensen
Stephan von Vorhees
Stephanie Alnwick
Stephen Axtell
Stephen North
Steve (of Unser Hafen)
Steven MacDougal
Steven S. (of Blackwater Keep)
Stigr Robertsson
Stjerne-Odd Sörensen
Stryder (of al-Barran)
Stryder (of Unser Hafen)
Suretai (of Drygestan)
Surtr Ledrhals
Susan (of Blackwater Keep)
Susanna d’Arbe
Susanna MacLennan
Suzanna Jewell
Suzanne Grey of York
Suzanne of Bryne
Svala Smáskitligr
Svanhildr Úlfsdóttir
Sven (of Rolling Thunder)
Sven Ingvarsson
Sven Juste
Swimmer of Drygestan
Sybilla Keisalovitch
Sybille La Serena
Sybylle of al-Barran
Syla Marston
Sylas Ian Clayton
Sylvanus the Drummer
Sylvia Stjarnstirrare
Sylvie Beckett
Symon Cranmere
Symont Merrick of Dorchester
Sythe Blackwolfe
Tachibana Hideaki
Taddeus the Cooper
Tahir al-Razi
Takahashi no Mitsuatsu
Talan Andolini
Talan Mawr
Talan the Night Owl
Talespinner (of Caerthe)
Talia de Meath
Tallion (of Saint Golias)
Tam Grimm
Tammy (of Aarquelle)
Tana à l'Esprit Fort
Tangwystel de Tretower
Tangwystl Angharad verch Rhys
Tangwystl of the North
Taran O Saoghair
Tatiana Aleksandrovna
Tatiana Bonnioulx
Tatiana de Alan
Tatiana de Alan
Tatiana Pavlovna Sokolova
Tat’iana Travina
Tavia of Persia
Taythen Maculagh
Tegan Rossilinsdottir
Tempus (of al-Barran)
Tephanya Stillwater
Teresa de Granada
Teresa of al-Barran
Tertius Carus Faustus
Tessa Elizabeth de Strathairn
Thaddaeus Jarlsson
Thalauriana de Collier
Thalia Ruggenall
Thamzine of the North Sea
Theodoric aus dem Freiwald
Theopompous Leonidas
Therasia Thoma
Theresea die Tanzerin
Thomas (of Blackwater Keep)
Thomas Adler
Thomas Davidson the Seeker
Thomas de Carisbourg
Thomas Edward Dudley
Thomas Eisenmann
Thomas Marston
Thomas of Hudd's Path
Thomas Vandale
Thomas Winterbourne de Kent
Thomas Woodleigh
Thor Wulfgaer Uvearkaller
Thora Heri
Þóra Hrónarsdóttir
Þórbjorn Trollsbani Dansson
Thorbrandr Olafsson
Thorey Hakonsdottir
Þorey Skarp
Thorfinn Greybeard
Thorgrim af Købmannehavn
Thorir kyrsbani
Thorkan (of Caerthe)
Thorkell Bjornsson
Thorne Arthurson
Thorrun inn Viðforla
Thorsteinn Vandringsmann
Þórunn farkona
Þórunn frá Akrafjalli
Thorunn Grimsdottir
Thorvald Bjarg
Thorvald Hilgedick
Thorvaldr inn Kristni
Þorvaldr Þórólfsson á Vaksfjall
Thrail Bloodheart
Thrain (of Plattefordham)
Three Feathers of the Wyandotte
Thrond ellri
Thurgar Odderson
Thurs Arison
Thyaisa Sohnovich
Thyræ úlfr
Thyri of Vakkerfjell
Tiberius Aurelius Albinus
Tiberius Caelianus Severus
Timon Phocas
Timony Olyveyr
Timothy (of Dragonsspine)
Timothy MacGregor
Timothy O'Brien
Timur ibn Junaid
Titus Claudius Severus
Toirrdhealbhach mac Toirrdhealbhaigh mic Aonghusa
Tóki fleinn
Tomas Moreno de la Cruz
Tomas Tearlach Fraser
Tommaso Navarre de Verdello
Ton the Traveler
Topaz (of al-Barran)
Tora (of Unser Hafen)
Torcail Gilleghaolain
Torchin vnuk Kalistrat Medveder
Tore av Uddevala
Torgan Gal
Torin of Norwood
Torlough MacTormagh
Torrin (of St. Golias)
Torstein Skrælingr
Tracy (of Unser Hafen)
Traithgren McCormick
Travis (of Fontaine)
Tree (of Drygestan)
Trenette Genevieve Thibaudeau
Trent (of Drygestan)
Trevor MacRea
Triaria d'Orleans
Trinite Ducalon
Tristan Grey of Manchester
Tristan Lakemeirr
Tryffin mac Ualraig
Trygwe (of al-Barran)
Tuathflaith Becc
Tuman Elnikov
Turgeis av Markland
Tyler Farquhar
Tyrnan (of Unser Hafen)
Tyron Greystar
Ubertino Nicolai di Fara San Martino
Uchtred Leifsson
Uighur-un Buqu
Uilliam mac an Ruaidh
Uilliam mac Maoláin
Ulanda (of Unser Hafen)
Ulf Hodrson
Ulfgeirr Þórkelsson
Úlfr á Fjalli
Ulric de Gothia
Ulric of Thorne
Ulrich Krieger
Ulrich Tanhauser
Ulrik Halvarson
Ulrik Skytte
Uly von Gruden
Una Ossurardottir
Unna Farulfsdottir
Ursula Aelswitha
Ursula die Taube
Ursula d\'Arcy
Ursula Sturludóttir
Ursus of Rydborg
Vaeltaja (of Unser Hafen)
Vagn Egilsson
Vagn Olafsson
Vaisvilkas Lietuvos
Valbjorn Juleson
Valentina (of Fontaine dans Sable)
Valérie la Rousse
Valharik (of Caerthe)
Valka (of Fontaine)
Valorie (of Dragonsspine)
Vanna Lucia Taormina
Vanozza da Corbetta
Varghoss Vermundarson
Vaux Cormac
Veniamin Nafanovich Medvednikogotev
Vernon Grunther
Veronica (of Caer Galen)
Veronica Brannick
Veronica Olympia Francesco
Veronike Frolich
Veroniqua d’Avignon
Veyla Sol
Vgrin Soldos
Vicente Ferrer
Victor Blackwood
Victor Highgate
Victoriana Areille de Sinton Mont d'Or
Víðarr leðrháls
Víga-Astriðr gylðir
Víga-Víkingr í Horni
Vígdís Knarrarbringa
Vince McIntire
Vincetta Te Greyhold
Vingthor Ragnarson
Viola de Luca
Violetta Villani
Vir of Caerthe
Viridiana Corbeau
Vivian Bell
Viviana Rowe
Vivien Talarian o Caer Blaiddiau
Vivienne Kestrel la Fauconnière
Vladimir Igorevich
Vladimir Ivanovitch Protzko
Volka (of Fontaine)
Volker Ælfwine
Volmarus von Rothenburg
Vouk Neumanja
Vvillequine Maquereau
Vyncent (of Caer Galen)
Vyncent Guy Dafydd
Wade Averey of Woodstock
Walker of Wolves
Walker the Beermaster of Dragonsspine
Walrick de Blakeney
Walter Kempe of Falconhold
Walthari von Harx
Walther Gütman
Wani Ighi
Warenus de Fulmere
Warmin of Belshire
Warren McKeighen
Wego Sonovitch
Wei Cho Bow
Wei Mei Liang
Weiland (of Caer Galen)
Weltschin von Wertheim
Wen verch Ioreword
Wenhauer von Eirich
Weston (of Caerthe)
Wieslaw z Krakowa
Wilelm the Smith
Wilham Juste
Wilhelm bei Elbe
Wilhelm Gelbart
Wilhelm Meis
Wilhelm Reissen
Wilhelm von Kiel
Wilhelm Wildman
Wilhelmina Martini
Willeam Maky
William (of Rio de las Animas)
William Brennainsson
William de Kari
William de Kingsley
William Drake of Drakerath
William Fetherstan
William fitz Martin of Kent
William FitzJohn
William Flanagan
William Heron
William Kearney
William Locke
William of Huntington
William Rødstål
William Stuart
William the Red
William the Sinister
Willow Carlisle
Willow of House Rogues
Windfred (of Unser Hafen)
Wolf Krieger
Wolf Silverfang
Wolf Torinson
Wolf von der Mühle
Wolfgang Bienemann vom Swartzwald
Wolfgang MacDuff
Wolfgang Sebastian Kolhammer
Wulfgar Neumann
Wulfgar Thistlehorn
Wulfhram St. James
Wulfila Raedwulfs sunu
Wyndylyn Leanb na Doinneann
Wyolet Bertrem
Wyvern the Blade
Xavier (of al-Barran)
Xavier de Bordeaux
Ximena Alhaja de Lorca
Ximena Garcia de Asturias
Ximon Yssuri Zaldu
Yagu Tetsuya
Ya?y? ibn F?ris ibn ?asan al-Mar?
Yarrod (of Dragonsspine)
Yasima bint-ish-Chyll al-Shiraz
Yasu Yukiko
Yazida bint Zarif
Yesid Aquila
Yildiz of Misrian
Ylaire Jacqueline de Montrivel
Ylydl (of al-Barran)
Ymanie the Midwife
Ymanya Murray
Ynggvar of Bears Gate
Yngvarr Feilan Rauðúlfsson
Yngve Hjalmsson
Yosef ben Yehudah
Ýri Patrekrsdottir
Ysabel de Santiesteban
Ysopete Mah
Yukio (of Rio de las Animas)
Zaahira de la Sara
Zachariah de Kane
Zachary of Windkeep
Zafirah al-`Aliyyah
Zahir al\\\'Raqs abu Zayn
Zahira al-Katib
Zalihah Takesh de Momay
Zana Winddancer
Zanariah (of Unser Hafen)
Zapporah Maris
Zephirine Isabeau Matheu de Lymos
Zephyr (of Fontaine dans Sable)
Ziddina Ait Zumar
Zita Bruna
Zodrick (of Caer Galen)
Zoe Kalamane Laskarina
Zoe Thornton
Zoey of House Rogues
Zoraya de Navarra
Zulaikha bint Zuhair
Zvir L\'vov syn Gorin
Aaron Corax (inactive)
Aasta Gunwaldtsdotter (inactive)
Abigail of the Blue Sky (inactive)
Abu Zayd Ezbek Abd al-Latif ibn Farrukh (inactive)
Addison the Wanderer (inactive)
Adelacia (of Fontaine dans Sable) (inactive)
Adeleva de Isla Tortuga (inactive)
Adelicia von Hohenschwangau (inactive)
Adriana O'Connor of Castlereagh (inactive)
Adrienne MacLeod (inactive)
Aéd mac Leòid of Carmichael (inactive)
Aelfgar Redbeard (inactive)
Aelfwynn the Wanderer (inactive)
Aelinel von Nachtenwald (inactive)
AEthelsweord of the Deepwood (inactive)
Agate die Wanderhein (inactive)
Aileen Bardon (inactive)
Aindreas MacDougall (inactive)
Áine Dorcha ingen Rónáin (inactive)
Aine hua Murchada (inactive)
Áine Ní Dhonnabháin (inactive)
Aireanna O'Brynne (inactive)
Airmid of Crannog Ardanaiseig (inactive)
Aisha of Griffinsgate (inactive)
Aislynn de Darkenhall (inactive)
Aithne Sideach de Graham (inactive)
Aithne Sionnach (inactive)
Akira Yoshio (inactive)
al Malik du Chausser (inactive)
Alanna Ravenshaw (inactive)
Alarich Pferdekrieger (inactive)
Alasdair na Fésóicce (inactive)
Alastair (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Alastair Kincaid (inactive)
Alastriona O'Carra (inactive)
Alatheia McCullaugh (inactive)
Albreanna d'Kyme of the Tanglewoods (inactive)
Albrecht Keller von Zürich (inactive)
Aldred Colson (inactive)
Aldriecha (of Caerthe) (inactive)
Alec Gordon (inactive)
Aleen du Varnay (inactive)
Aleena of the North Waters (inactive)
Alejandro Diego da Pas (inactive)
Aleksandrina Petrovna Danilova (inactive)
Aleron of Eagle's Reach (inactive)
Aletea Dell'Aquilla (inactive)
Alexander Grunaug (inactive)
Alexander of Lancaster (inactive)
Alexandra de Morteyn (inactive)
Alexandra Ivanova (inactive)
Alexandra McVicar of Dornoch (inactive)
Alexandra Radcliffe (inactive)
Alexaya of Moscow (inactive)
Alexei Rostovski (inactive)
Aleyn James Douglas (inactive)
Alfredo (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Alfretha of Letheringsete (inactive)
Algirdas is Sakiai (inactive)
Alicia de Nice (inactive)
Alix Alven (inactive)
Alix Mont de Fer (inactive)
Allanna O'Brian of the Emerald Lake (inactive)
Allegra Beati (inactive)
Allison (of Nahrun) (inactive)
Aloisia Ambercoast (inactive)
Alora Sage (inactive)
Alric Wytyngton (inactive)
Alys Brown (inactive)
Amarantha Randolph (inactive)
Amber of Richmond (inactive)
Amber the Wanderer (inactive)
Amberlina (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Amelia von Altburg (inactive)
Amina (of Bryngolau) (inactive)
Anabel la Clergesse (inactive)
Anastasia Elizabeth Courteney (inactive)
Anastasia Kievskaya (inactive)
Anastasiia Tsaganova (inactive)
Anastazia Winogrodzka (inactive)
Andreas Syndikus Drachenfreund (inactive)
Andreva Delphine Constance de I'Eglise (inactive)
Andros Korkyrates (inactive)
Aneirin ap Corwyn o'r Ynis Witrin (inactive)
Aneirin Arkwright (inactive)
Angela di Udine (inactive)
Angelina Crispiana d'Avignon (inactive)
Anja Embleton (inactive)
Anna Fae (inactive)
Anna von Ostenwald (inactive)
Anne d'Avignon (inactive)
Anne Gaverel d'Avesor (inactive)
Anne Magnus Scriba (inactive)
Antoine de Bayonne (inactive)
Antonius Valerius (inactive)
Aodhan O'Maolalaidh (inactive)
Arashikage Shido (inactive)
Archibald Bowyer (inactive)
Ardeth vom Thuringerwald (inactive)
Arevin di Cesare (inactive)
Ariadne of Alyson-tara (inactive)
Arian Aurelia ferch Llewellyn (inactive)
Ariana Montgomery (inactive)
Arianna la boiteuse (inactive)
Ariannah Rose of Bishop's Lynn (inactive)
Aric Thomas Raven (inactive)
Ariel of the Mists (inactive)
Ariya Amlach (inactive)
Artemis of Twig (inactive)
Arwen of Grey Haven (inactive)
Ashi'al Külüjin (inactive)
Astrid Ragnarsdottir av Arvika (inactive)
Astrid Thorkelsdottir (inactive)
Ástríðr Káradóttir (inactive)
Athelstan of Bainbridge (inactive)
Atia Tertia Metallus (inactive)
Aton von Varro (inactive)
Aubry Goldberg (inactive)
August of Prussia (inactive)
August Westmoreland (inactive)
Augustin von Schaffhausen (inactive)
Aurien Chimerstome (inactive)
Aurnia Quillenane (inactive)
Averil du Bois d\'Avignon (inactive)
Axel the Executioner (inactive)
Aylwin Virden von dem Drachenlager (inactive)
Balder (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Baldwin de la Berne (inactive)
Baldwin Maynard Wilson (inactive)
Balthezar Rendflesh (inactive)
Ban Mac an-t Saoir (inactive)
Bardric de Leonis (inactive)
Barracus of Sparta (inactive)
Bartholomew of Ashdown Forest (inactive)
Baryk Bonesplitter (inactive)
Baudrane des Roches (inactive)
Bengeirr Smiðr (inactive)
Benjamin (of Caer Galen) (inactive)
Berak (of Caerthe) (inactive)
Bernice of Brittany (inactive)
Berowne of Berkeley (inactive)
Berthelm Bradhurst (inactive)
Betva a Bedwyn (inactive)
Bevan d'Ormand (inactive)
Bill (of Plattefordham) (inactive)
Bjorn inn gauzki (inactive)
Blaise de Saint Thibaut (inactive)
Boabdil the Bull-Thrower (inactive)
Bortai the Mongol (inactive)
Bothvar Bloodaxe (inactive)
Bran Artus na Rothiach (inactive)
Bran Ironskull (inactive)
Bran Súlderc (inactive)
Branwen ferch Gruffudd Rhodri (inactive)
Branwyn ni Ceallaigh (inactive)
Branwyn the Fair (inactive)
Brea Aine O'Shea y Bec (inactive)
Bréanainn O Coinghiolláin (inactive)
Bren Malokai the Wanderer (inactive)
Brendon Swatko (inactive)
Brenna Colleen Quinlan (inactive)
Brice of Carlisle (inactive)
Brid uí Chon na Mara (inactive)
Brigit O'Breslin (inactive)
Brioc Morcannuc (inactive)
Briony of Windermere (inactive)
Brodir Thorgrimsson (inactive)
Bronwyn Banadruidh (inactive)
Bronwyn Connelly (inactive)
Bronwyn the Behindhand (inactive)
Bruno the dog (inactive)
Bryan MacRaibert of Caimbeul (inactive)
Brynnach MacCallum (inactive)
Bulkar der Ostermachen (inactive)
Bylo Bogge (inactive)
Cadwallader ap Rhiain (inactive)
Caer Elevatha y Draighen (inactive)
Cailean MacDuff (inactive)
Cailean McArthur (inactive)
Caíreach inghean uí Ghiolla Phádraig (inactive)
Caiterína inghean Chathail (inactive)
Caitilín inghean Sheáin (inactive)
Calador (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Cameron Guildenstern (inactive)
Carina Lunetta de Lacy (inactive)
Carl of Carmarthin (inactive)
Caroline d'Oute (inactive)
Caroline of York (inactive)
Caspian Aachin (inactive)
Cassandra of Milledgeville (inactive)
Cassandra of Pembroke (inactive)
Catelin Mactaggart (inactive)
Catelin O\'Kelley (inactive)
Caterina de Lerida (inactive)
Catherine Beaujeu (inactive)
Catherine Cameron (inactive)
Catherine de Montlhery (inactive)
Catlin O'Connellan (inactive)
Catrina Gunn (inactive)
Ceinwen of Bellwood (inactive)
Celia Morien (inactive)
Cerian Firethorn (inactive)
Ceridwen Du (inactive)
Ceridwen the Confused (inactive)
Chael (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Charles Bradford (inactive)
Chendra Rudd ferch Arianwen (inactive)
Christian Colter (inactive)
Christiana Ann Steen (inactive)
Christiana la Légière (inactive)
Christiana Leigh (inactive)
Christina Jehan (inactive)
Christina of Ravenna (inactive)
Christophe Falcone la Blanco (inactive)
Christopher Blackthorn (inactive)
Christopher McPherson (inactive)
Christopher of Deauville (inactive)
Chuzhemir Chilin Volynskii (inactive)
Cian an Mhachaire (inactive)
Cian MacEmrys (inactive)
Ciar (of Windkeep) (inactive)
Ciaran mac Cormaig (inactive)
Clare de Say (inactive)
Coileáin Olafsson (inactive)
Coinneach McIain (inactive)
Colbán the Lutemaker (inactive)
Colgrin Tallhelm (inactive)
Colin McKenna (inactive)
Colyne MacKay (inactive)
Conall Mór MacNachtan (inactive)
Conchobhar mac Máeláin (inactive)
Conn MacFaelad (inactive)
Connal Vyse of York (inactive)
Connall the Red (inactive)
Connor MacCullen (inactive)
Conrad von Zollern (inactive)
Constance Saint Dunstan (inactive)
Constantine Peradan (inactive)
Corisande de la Vallee (inactive)
Corwin the Pict (inactive)
Corwyn ap Branwyn (inactive)
Creon the Artisan (inactive)
Crimthann Dail Chais (inactive)
Crispin Crusar (inactive)
Cristóbal Yamamoto (inactive)
Cú Roí hua Duibidir (inactive)
Cuán Gildwynsson (inactive)
Cydifor Goch ab Llygad (inactive)
Cyot de Carnac (inactive)
Dafydd the Silvertongue of Deverell (inactive)
Daile Childes (inactive)
Dain the Mongol (inactive)
Dáirine inghean Ghriogair (inactive)
Dairine of Oak Hill (inactive)
Damiana bint al-Katib (inactive)
Damiano di Fiorenza (inactive)
Dane of Needham (inactive)
Daniel the Devious (inactive)
Daniel the Stormpraiser (inactive)
Daniel the Undecided (inactive)
Dante (of Windkeep) (inactive)
Darcy Randolph (inactive)
Darian the Innkeeper (inactive)
Darkes MacBey (inactive)
David du Lac (inactive)
David of Lonely Tower (inactive)
Dávíð Trételgja (inactive)
Defin Blodeuweddlwyd (inactive)
Deirdre of the Wilds (inactive)
Deirdre the Wench (inactive)
Delia the Stillknot (inactive)
Denison ap Morgan (inactive)
Derdriu Aelfsang (inactive)
Derf the Serf (inactive)
Devon Mac Gareth (inactive)
Diana von Falkenstein (inactive)
Diane (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Diane of Beechwood (inactive)
Diane Zenger (inactive)
Dianthe (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Diarmuid mac Nessa (inactive)
Dietrich Karl von Andernach (inactive)
Dirik Reverson (inactive)
Donal de la Barne (inactive)
Donna (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Donnachadh McLachlann (inactive)
Donnchadh O Ruairc (inactive)
Doring Schwartsmede (inactive)
Douglas MacAndrew (inactive)
Drake Savage (inactive)
Drogo de Lac du Bourget (inactive)
Drui of Bryn Llawn Coed (inactive)
Dulcia de Léon (inactive)
Dulcinea Margarita Teresa Velàzquez de Ribera (inactive)
Duncan Dalziell (inactive)
Dunyazed al-Shamat (inactive)
Dylan Mac Pwyll (inactive)
Eachna Minogue (inactive)
Eadrun of Collett's Keep (inactive)
Ealasaid MacGhillielaidir (inactive)
Eban Littlebrother  (inactive)
Ebel Johanson (inactive)
Edrik Beroldsson (inactive)
Edvard (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Edvard von Wadtheim (inactive)
Edward (Citadel) (inactive)
Edward Birnam (inactive)
Edward of Kent (inactive)
Edward Tremaine (inactive)
Egil Bloodax (inactive)
Einberg (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Einrich Armpittsbaine (inactive)
Eirik Bloodaxe Thordarson (inactive)
Elaine the Lonely of Valynwood (inactive)
Eldrik Dudley (inactive)
Eleanor Alden of Dragonstar (inactive)
Eleanor of the Forest of Penne (inactive)
Eleanora of the Gardens (inactive)
Elena Catalina Santangelo y Fernandez (inactive)
Eleri (of Duthaich Beinne Aird) (inactive)
Elias Trier (inactive)
Elinor Aurora of Rosewood (inactive)
Elizabeth de Holecombe (inactive)
Elizabeth Demeiza Félinnoir (inactive)
Elizabeth Thornfield Freemountain (inactive)
Elizabeth Wigglesworth of Kirton (inactive)
Elric Madoc (inactive)
Elsa Movius (inactive)
Elsbeth the Seer (inactive)
Elspeth Ygraine of Rainwood (inactive)
Elszebet Vorosvari (inactive)
Elzabeth Osanna Zelter (inactive)
Emmeline Duncan (inactive)
Emrys Ceo Marbhadh (inactive)
Emrys Holebrook (inactive)
Ennega of Black Forest (inactive)
Ennyln von Knopf (inactive)
Eoin Kerr (inactive)
Eowyn Ferch Rhys (inactive)
Erasimierz Waspanieski (inactive)
Erc of Ringholden (inactive)
Ereynna Kiteyndra (inactive)
Eric Eldonson (inactive)
Eric L'Estrange (inactive)
Eric Longstrider (inactive)
Erik O'Shea (inactive)
Erin O'Shannon (inactive)
Eryn AElfgiva (inactive)
Esme Ffoulkes of Mercia (inactive)
Essyllt of Morrigan (inactive)
Esther Millar (inactive)
Esuom af Taed (inactive)
Etaine of Rivenstar (inactive)
Ethelane the Saxon (inactive)
Evan Embleton (inactive)
Evan Mawr (inactive)
Faustina von Schwarzwald (inactive)
Fearghus MacIldubh (inactive)
Fedora Phelan (inactive)
Felicita Marina Medici (inactive)
Felipe de Jiron Garcia (inactive)
Felis Cheval (inactive)
Fenna (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Fiacha Suileach (inactive)
Fidia Eva (inactive)
Finnian (of Blaiddwyn) (inactive)
Fiona (of Caerthe) (inactive)
Fiona MacDuff (inactive)
Fionnghuala Bethoc of Lindisfarne (inactive)
Fiorella von Sachsenhausen (inactive)
Flainn Raighne (inactive)
Flynt Fitzgibbon (inactive)
Franklin Featherstone (inactive)
Frederigo de Granada (inactive)
Freodhoric Jorgenssen Sjoaureborg (inactive)
Freovin Habrok (inactive)
Freydis of Thelomark (inactive)
Friedrich of Stormhill (inactive)
Frwyth-bach Gwirrionedd y Dderwen (inactive)
Gabrianne de la Montagne (inactive)
Gabriel Rene Antoine du Renard (inactive)
Gabriela Silvana (inactive)
Gabrielle Cartier (inactive)
Gabrielle Lux (inactive)
Gaius Fabricus (inactive)
Galen mac Morn (inactive)
Galen of the Axe (inactive)
Garin Vollent de Ghent (inactive)
Garrett Allenton (inactive)
Gavin Brangane (inactive)
Gavin of the Citadel (inactive)
Genevie of Mona (inactive)
Genevieve Darroch (inactive)
Gerald an Ard (inactive)
Gerick Ein Auge (inactive)
Geyla of the Dragons (inactive)
Ghyslaine Felinnoir (inactive)
Gianna Bianca (inactive)
Giles Wickham (inactive)
Gille Cenfadagn MacRaurie (inactive)
Gillian d'Oute (inactive)
Gillian Tremaine (inactive)
Gilraen Remmirath (inactive)
Gino da Guissano (inactive)
Giovanni da Lucca (inactive)
Glenm (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Goathaire of Greyhaven (inactive)
Godfrey de Bolden (inactive)
Gonter van Kortrike (inactive)
Gregor der Jünger (inactive)
Greville le Blanc (inactive)
Griffin Porthor (inactive)
Grigorei Nikolaevitch Belkin (inactive)
Gryfen de Gesalonne (inactive)
Gunnarr Langskeggr (inactive)
Günther Klör of the Citadel of the Southern Pass (inactive)
Guy de Negentrop (inactive)
Gwalchmai Madoucwys (inactive)
Gwendolynne Morghanna of Lyoness (inactive)
Gwenllian Lorcan (inactive)
Gwenyth Einhornfreundin (inactive)
Hákon Beowulf (inactive)
Hakon of Jorvik (inactive)
Haldane Talon the Wicked (inactive)
Hanako Minamoto (inactive)
Harold O Mainnín (inactive)
Harold Thredar (inactive)
Havilynd de Silverthorn (inactive)
Hawk Avion (inactive)
Hawkyn Fitzgerad (inactive)
Hedge William of Orkney (inactive)
Heinric Yutzy (inactive)
Heinrich der Jager (inactive)
Heinrich die Enterich O'Reilly (inactive)
Helena de Flores (inactive)
Helena Houghs of London (inactive)
Henry le Bowyer (inactive)
Hieronymus the Sarabite (inactive)
Holo Seamus (inactive)
Hrodolf Gullskeggr (inactive)
Iago Miguel de Medoza y de la Cerda (inactive)
Iain mac Tharlaich (inactive)
Ian of Edingight (inactive)
Ilana Amante (inactive)
Ingeborg (inactive)
Ingrede of Snowden (inactive)
Ingvarr of Izborsk (inactive)
Inigo Needham Bledsoe (inactive)
Irminsul the Improbable (inactive)
Isaac ben Joseph (inactive)
Isabeau Reiner (inactive)
Isabel de Morón de la Frontera (inactive)
Isabella Luna de Galicia (inactive)
Ishaq ibn Zayd (inactive)
Ishiyama Namban Tadashi (inactive)
Ishtar (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Isolde da Talamone (inactive)
Jacquetta Grey of Oxfordshire (inactive)
James da Triville (inactive)
James Eldon of York (inactive)
James Morrison the Harper (inactive)
James Rhuthun of Clwyd (inactive)
James the Small (inactive)
Jamie Blackoak (inactive)
Jane Nora Carrik (inactive)
Janez Perc (inactive)
Jannette de la Coeur Gentille (inactive)
Jared (of Drygestan) (inactive)
Jauharah bint ‘Aalim (inactive)
Jean-Maurice Rascqual Duval (inactive)
Jeane (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass) (inactive)
Jehaene MacRobb (inactive)
Jenna al-Ghazaliyyah (inactive)
Jennah an-Nur al-Ghabi (inactive)
Jerimia von Braun (inactive)
Jerusha Montague (inactive)
Jessica Elgearandil (inactive)
Jiliana Emlin (inactive)
Jillian (of Caer Galen) (inactive)
Jocinda (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Johan Blau (inactive)
Johann of the Northern Moors (inactive)
Johann von Hohen Staffen (inactive)
Johanna bat Ephraim ben Rialah (inactive)
Johannes Schuster (inactive)
John de Sandeville (inactive)
John of the Red Bush (inactive)
John the Animal of Glencoe (inactive)
John Wolf (inactive)
Jon Blackwell (inactive)
Jonathan Marshall (inactive)
Josette Claudin Duran (inactive)
Joshua the Dreamer (inactive)
Joshua Yoisha Shmoel ben Chein (inactive)
Juan More del Leon (inactive)
Juan Osorio de Segovia (inactive)
Judith de Beaumont (inactive)
Judith of Acre (inactive)
Judy Parenteau (inactive)
Julia MacFarlane (inactive)
Juliana Mele (inactive)
Juliana the Graceful (inactive)
Jurgen Gruenwald (inactive)
Jürgen Grünwald (inactive)
Juste de Beauharnais (inactive)
Justinian de Quéry (inactive)
Kadan (of Unser Hafen) (inactive)
Kaitlin Caslean an Bharraigh (inactive)
Kalila (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Kapua O\'Havanavana (inactive)
Karina Fioretti (inactive)
Karl of Aarquelle (inactive)
Kasigi Chisato (inactive)
Katarina de Venezia (inactive)
Katherine (of Blackwater Keep) (inactive)
Katherine Brandon (inactive)
Katherine Linnet Holford (inactive)
Kathryn of Iveragh (inactive)
Katrina of the Neverlands (inactive)
Katrine de Baillie du Chat (inactive)
Katya Anna Sylvan (inactive)
Katya Leonovna Belokoneva (inactive)
Kawagi Ishiyama Sazanami Shirosuna (inactive)
Kay Delafleur (inactive)
Kaylin Tamashi (inactive)
Kenelm MacKenna (inactive)
Kenneth of the Deep and Darkest Woods (inactive)
Kenric Bjarnarson (inactive)
Keridwen of Montrose (inactive)
Ketievia Segovia de la Noche (inactive)
KG the dog (inactive)
Kiera of Silverwood (inactive)
Kiriel of Windhover Cliff (inactive)
Kirklin MacIan (inactive)
Kolgríma Nikolásardóttir (inactive)
Konrad MacGriffin (inactive)
Korin Lielith O'Brian (inactive)
Koris Natterhelm (inactive)
Kostbera Ulfsdottir (inactive)
Kristana Tancz (inactive)
Kristrún Hrafnsdóttir (inactive)
Kveldúlfr Valbrandsson (inactive)
Kyle of Arbuthnott (inactive)
Kyshika (of Drygestan) (inactive)
Lachland Mac Fergus (inactive)
Laeriel Fayrehale (inactive)
Lan FeiQian (inactive)
Lance Lyttle du Pont (inactive)
Lance of Bear (inactive)
Landrada von Glonn (inactive)
Laurent d'Angers (inactive)
Laurentius von Silenen (inactive)
Lavina van de Faire (inactive)
Leah de Montgomerie of Lark Hall (inactive)
Leif (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Leila bint Zeidun (inactive)
Lenard (of Plattefordham) (inactive)
Lenora Hawthorn (inactive)
Leon Dubhlas Suileen (inactive)
Liane O'Day (inactive)
Liang Fang (inactive)
Lief Daevijtsen (inactive)
Lilith of the Vanishing Wood (inactive)
Lin Wu (inactive)
Linnae (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Liobsynde Behlringere of Aelfhafen (inactive)
Lionardo de Spadacinno (inactive)
Livia Maesa (inactive)
Lizbeth la Chanteuse (inactive)
Llyn Penllyn (inactive)
Lochlainn the Red (inactive)
Loðurr Havskjold (inactive)
Lomeadan dubh Misgear (inactive)
Lorcan Duncan of Atholl (inactive)
Lorelle Joyan de Besancon (inactive)
Loric (of Fontaine dans Sable) (inactive)
Lothar (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Louis le Blanc lou Boumain (inactive)
Lourea Kathern Donnachaidh (inactive)
Lucien d'Abalaird (inactive)
Lugonn (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Lukas Weber (inactive)
Luke Band Griffith (inactive)
Luke Breen of Lough Finne (inactive)
Lukor the Silent (inactive)
Lycurgus de Loch (inactive)
Lynn Wolf (inactive)
Lynnette Cantwell (inactive)
Lyrica of Goodwycke (inactive)
Lysander Keisalovitch (inactive)
Lysbette du Plessis (inactive)
Mac Con mac Conaill (inactive)
Madeleine de la Rochelle (inactive)
Madeleine de Seraucourt (inactive)
Madison (of Aarquelle) (inactive)
Madlen Dinas Emrys (inactive)
Madog Barfog (inactive)
Maeve Lindsey the Woodwife (inactive)
Maeve Reynebaud of Falconskeep (inactive)
Magdalana von Laufen (inactive)
Magdalena de Medina y Polanco (inactive)
Magnus Rothach (inactive)
Mahamoud Nassr Saeed ab Bebawi (inactive)
Maliq the dog (inactive)
Mara Fae (inactive)
Marcello Antonio Cattarossi da San Marco (inactive)
Marco Paolo d`Este (inactive)
Marcus Lorrimer (inactive)
Marcus Silverthorne (inactive)
Marcus the Vintner (inactive)
Marcus von Gallen (inactive)
Maree d'Tyrel (inactive)
Marey Cathryn of Castlebar (inactive)
Margaret of Griffin Tower (inactive)
Margaret O'Farrell (inactive)
Margaret Richemont (inactive)
Margarete de Colechon (inactive)
Margery de More (inactive)
Marhuma Maniyzeh az Basra (inactive)
Maria del Gato (inactive)
Maria Marina (inactive)
Mariah-Lyn of Siachen (inactive)
Marian of the Caverns (inactive)
Marie du Lys Argent (inactive)
Marie Edeline (inactive)
Marie Solange Chantal de Sainte Geneviève (inactive)
Marika McMeans (inactive)
Marina of Bluelake (inactive)
Marisela de Broyde (inactive)
Marius (of Fontaine dans Sable) (inactive)
Marko Evanovich Panfilov (inactive)
Marlarka van Karenstein (inactive)
Marshak the Golden Wolf (inactive)
Martin Castillo Da Mayorga (inactive)
Masina di Giovanni (inactive)
Mateo of Golias (inactive)
Matill of Windkeep (inactive)
Matthew the Merciless (inactive)
Maximilian Delmonico (inactive)
Medlan ferch Olwen (inactive)
Megan Balldrichsdottir (inactive)
Megan of the Misty Isles (inactive)
Melisende Barlais d'Outremer (inactive)
Melissa of Winged Hills (inactive)
Merak Altair (inactive)
Meredith Guaire (inactive)
Merlina Gitano del Sacromonte (inactive)
Merridee Angwashannch (inactive)
Michael Frebairne (inactive)
Michael McCauley (inactive)
Michael of the Belt Pouch (inactive)
Michael Schaeffer von Lowenburg (inactive)
Michael the Literate (inactive)
Mieczyslaw Tomeknowicz (inactive)
Miguel Alejandro de las Corrientas (inactive)
Mihangel Dafydd o'r Aran (inactive)
Mikhailovskaia Ladonessa (inactive)
Mindrakken van der Zilver (inactive)
Minimoto no Kanada Giresweka (inactive)
Minnion Eriador (inactive)
Mirabella Wintersbottom (inactive)
Miranda MacTyre (inactive)
Mirhaxa av Morktorn (inactive)
Miriel d'Estoile (inactive)
Mishal ibn Abdallah al-’Askari (inactive)
Mitchell McMeans (inactive)
Moehammed Kasy (inactive)
Moira MacNeil (inactive)
Monique (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Montague (of Aarquelle) (inactive)
Montegar of Hell's Hole (inactive)
Morgan Griffin (inactive)
Morgan of Cornubia (inactive)
Morgan Tiercel, the Outsider (inactive)
Morgana of Land\'s End (inactive)
Morien Glyndwr (inactive)
Morwyn (inactive)
Muirenn Glas ingen Fháeláin (inactive)
Muirgheal (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Murdoch Drummond (inactive)
Mustafa the Pure (inactive)
Myfanwy ap Olwen (inactive)
Myhell Ruadh (inactive)
Myrby of Riff (inactive)
Nadine Geneviève Bayeux du Nord (inactive)
Naitan de Yerdeburc (inactive)
Nanette Rochelle (inactive)
Natasha Ekaterina Bierlovna (inactive)
Neal (of Drygestan) (inactive)
Neala FitzNorman (inactive)
Neassa McGrigour (inactive)
Neave Taffe (inactive)
Nemeth Istvan (inactive)
Nesta Coed (inactive)
Nesta verch Gryffry (inactive)
Nevarre (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Nicholas Kenington (inactive)
Nicholas Simon deKane (inactive)
Nicholas Wolfmar (inactive)
Nickolai the Desert Rat (inactive)
Nikodemus (of Caerthe) (inactive)
Nikodemus of Axemoor (inactive)
Nina van der Zilver (inactive)
Noírín O Donnabhaín (inactive)
Nuala Cholach (inactive)
Odo Schwinghammer (inactive)
Olaf Bjornson (inactive)
Olaf Oacherbeard (inactive)
Olifer Einarsson (inactive)
Oliver Mordrake (inactive)
Orin of the Argent Lions of Mightrinwood (inactive)
Owlwise the Wizard (inactive)
Ozymandias the Superfluous (inactive)
Parthalon Mac Anabba (inactive)
Patric of Blackthorn (inactive)
Patricia de Zaragoza (inactive)
Patricia of River's Corner (inactive)
Patricia of the Pentacle (inactive)
Patrick Jude (inactive)
Paul le Seul (inactive)
Pavel Kolodziej (inactive)
Pendar the Bard (inactive)
Penelope of Strathglyde (inactive)
Peredur ap Llyr (inactive)
Perfluous of the Dragon Wagon (inactive)
Persephane (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass) (inactive)
Peter of Stanton (inactive)
Peter Proudsword (inactive)
Peter the Jovial (inactive)
Pethric McKirdy (inactive)
Petru cel Rau (inactive)
Phaedrus of Thessalonike (inactive)
Philip of Pennskeep (inactive)
Philip Rufus Kennard (inactive)
Philippe de Gilbert (inactive)
Phillip of Flaunders (inactive)
Phillippe Nimblesticks (inactive)
Phyllis Meisterssohn (inactive)
Phyllis of the White Marshes (inactive)
Pietro d'Arezzo (inactive)
Rachel of Bryngolau (inactive)
Rachel of Ravenskeep (inactive)
Radon of Ered Isen (inactive)
Raedwolf von Nachwald (inactive)
Rafael d'Orsini (inactive)
Ragnar Hermanssohn (inactive)
Ragnar Redbeard (inactive)
Rahlahn of Mulberry (inactive)
Rahlina del Norte (inactive)
Rain of Moonhaven (inactive)
Randall von Nordlichwald (inactive)
Random DeLay (inactive)
Randy von Drachenberg (inactive)
Raphael de Sepatura (inactive)
Raphael Les Falcone (inactive)
Raven the Trickster of Clan Tynker (inactive)
Ravi of Caerthe (inactive)
Rayner le Falcon (inactive)
Reanna de Loire (inactive)
Rebekah of Lizard's Nest (inactive)
Regana van Kortrijk (inactive)
Rekaya of Caerthe (inactive)
Rena MacKay (inactive)
Reyna Ulibarri (inactive)
Reynaud (of Plattefordham) (inactive)
Rhiain of Toadhaven (inactive)
Rhiannon Caroleine Beaufort (inactive)
Rhiannon McAllister (inactive)
Rhiannon ny Rory (inactive)
Rhonwen Gwynedd (inactive)
Richard Demaris (inactive)
Richard McAyers (inactive)
Richard na Teanga Mhin (inactive)
Richard of Bainbridge (inactive)
Richard of Caer Galen (inactive)
Richard Ruthun of Clwyd (inactive)
Richard Seamripper (inactive)
Ritter Erasmus Totengraber (inactive)
Rivka (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Roan Mac Raith (inactive)
Robert (inactive)
Robert Corwin Silverthorne (inactive)
Robert de Arsur (inactive)
Robert FitzNorman (inactive)
Robert Marchet (inactive)
Robert of Lakehurst (inactive)
Robert of the Mountains (inactive)
Robert the Ironwolf (inactive)
Robert the Printer (inactive)
Robin of Mightrinwood (inactive)
Robyn Raymondsdottir (inactive)
Rodema de Rohan (inactive)
Roderick Billingsley Mac Leod (inactive)
Roger Lacy du Lac (inactive)
Roland Gunnell (inactive)
Rosa Maria di Mazza (inactive)
Roschana ar-Rashida (inactive)
Rosemary (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Rosemary of the Woods (inactive)
Rowan of Ered Isen (inactive)
Rowanne of Hamilton (inactive)
Roy-Ke of the Crimson Horde (inactive)
Rozay of Sharon (inactive)
Rüdeger Günther Marenholtz (inactive)
Rumil Kehalovi (inactive)
Rúnólfr inn Rosti (inactive)
Russell Barborosa (inactive)
Ruter Rotbart von Rothenberg (inactive)
Ruy d'Oute (inactive)
Sacha (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Salene of Mightrinwood (inactive)
Salim ibn abd al-Rahman al-Rashid (inactive)
Salome Mara Shofar (inactive)
Sandra Adorian (inactive)
Sarah (of Windkeep) (inactive)
Sarah Archer of Salisbury (inactive)
Sarah of al-Barran (inactive)
Sarra Bradhurst (inactive)
Sartek (of Fontaine dans Sable) (inactive)
Scandlán Cáel mac Lonáin (inactive)
Scenna McArthur (inactive)
Seamus Glas (inactive)
Seamus Sutherland (inactive)
Seamus the Squirleslayer (inactive)
Seán ua Néill the Staffmaker (inactive)
Sebastian de Rolstoun (inactive)
Seley Magnus Scriba (inactive)
Sephtis of Bryngolau (inactive)
Seraphina Visconti (inactive)
Serena Ravensworth (inactive)
Shaleaya of the Whispering Pine (inactive)
Shamsa al-Nailah Ain (inactive)
Shannon the Lost (inactive)
Shauna O'Shaughnessy (inactive)
Shayeth Leir Chandra ap Farthing Vale (inactive)
Shimshon Aryeh ben Avraham (inactive)
Shinar le Fey (inactive)
Shirokuma Nakamura Yamato (inactive)
Shria Chinua (inactive)
Shuaib Hassan (inactive)
Siana of Castletown Bearhaven (inactive)
Sidhelyn Mac Paed (inactive)
Sigismund Chroznoski (inactive)
Sigismund Goedmensen (inactive)
Sigmund Shadowhawk (inactive)
Simona Zon d'Asolo (inactive)
Simonetta Giuliana Polissena Ambrosini (inactive)
Simonis Karatas (inactive)
Siobhán Cameron (inactive)
Siobhán McShihy (inactive)
Siobhanna Mac An Bhaird (inactive)
Siona von Frau (inactive)
Skyper Anders (inactive)
Slaine inghean Mhuireadhaigh (inactive)
Sophia (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Sorcha Faulkner (inactive)
Sorin Erlinstar (inactive)
Starkad Maledon (inactive)
Stefan Laskówski (inactive)
Stefan le Courteys (inactive)
Stefan of Scurlocktown (inactive)
Steffan of the Dragon's Lair (inactive)
Steorra of Aefen (inactive)
Stepan Hora (inactive)
Stephan (of Caerthe) (inactive)
Stephan of Strathglyde (inactive)
Stephen the Humorous (inactive)
Stephen von Repgow (inactive)
Stoth, Stomper of the Gilded Moth (inactive)
Su-Nak Dan-Thun (inactive)
Susannah Northwind (inactive)
Svein hammar (inactive)
Sylvia Tsvetova (inactive)
Takagama Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi (inactive)
Talifer Montgomery (inactive)
Talin (of Caerthe) (inactive)
Talina the Gypsy (inactive)
Tâmm Burû al Marrakeshi (inactive)
Tammara Courtenay (inactive)
Tammarrah the Gypsy (inactive)
Tammerlayne of T'Kal (inactive)
Tancred d\'Avignon (inactive)
Tanquam Explorator (inactive)
Tara (of Aarquelle) (inactive)
Tarl of the Swirling Mist (inactive)
Terrell of Avalon (inactive)
Teska Liepa (inactive)
Tess of the Crossings (inactive)
Testing nic Tester (inactive)
Thalia Loryn of Winddragon (inactive)
Theodora Tedaldi (inactive)
Theodric ap Breken Beaken (inactive)
Theresa Yolanda Cabeza de Vaca (inactive)
Thomas d'Averc (inactive)
Thomas the Far Travelled (inactive)
Thomas the Mute (inactive)
Thomas the Sinister (inactive)
Thora Redhair (inactive)
Thórdís gjallandi eyverska (inactive)
Thorfinnr inn vegsvinni Ingason (inactive)
Thorgautr Sveinsson inn upplenzki (inactive)
Thorgeirr Gunnarsson (inactive)
Thorgrinn von Aachen (inactive)
Thorhild Sigurdsdottir (inactive)
Thoric of the Lost Fjord (inactive)
Thorman Arvidsson (inactive)
Thorvaaldr Frirsverth (inactive)
Thorvald Valdkrig (inactive)
Timujin of Iron Hill (inactive)
Titus the Archer (inactive)
Tokokan of the Cumans (inactive)
Tonakayara Miyoto Hioshogiri (inactive)
Töregene Al-Altun (inactive)
Tristan de Gilbert (inactive)
Tristian of Hags Head (inactive)
Trystan de Beaumaris (inactive)
Tuathal of Tehri (inactive)
Tyrca Ivarsdottir (inactive)
Tyrfingr von Wolfsberg (inactive)
Ulf Rungrim (inactive)
Ulrich der Geschwind von Ausberg (inactive)
Ulrick of York (inactive)
Umamah bint Zayd al-Andalusiyyah (inactive)
Undwyn the Rhymer (inactive)
Vachir of Samarkand (inactive)
Vahleand the Avenger (inactive)
Valdemar Gillanders (inactive)
Valentine Baylye (inactive)
Valentine Michael de La Fere (inactive)
Valeria Davis (inactive)
Valréas de Fraier (inactive)
Vashti (of Drygestan) (inactive)
Veronica of the Dragons (inactive)
Victor von Doom (inactive)
Victoria of Ribe (inactive)
Vim Flenser (inactive)
Vincent John Devereaux (inactive)
Virginia (of al-Barran) (inactive)
Walkelin Montgomery (inactive)
Walker of Orange (inactive)
Walter æt Defenascire (inactive)
Walther von Meissen (inactive)
Warner Michaelson (inactive)
Wielhelm of the Bogs (inactive)
Wilhelm (of Aarquelle) (inactive)
Wilhelm Altmann (inactive)
Wilhelm Burchardt (inactive)
Wilhelm Weissfalke (inactive)
William Hawke de Warwyck (inactive)
William of Chesterfield (inactive)
William the Navigator (inactive)
William the Pig Cooker (inactive)
Windcrest of Ireland (inactive)
Wolfgang Eckhart (inactive)
Wolfgang von Trier (inactive)
Wulfgar Brandbeorn (inactive)
Wulfgar of al-Barran (inactive)
Wulfric Gyldir (inactive)
Wulfstan Thordarson (inactive)
Wybke vom Drachenfeld (inactive)
Wynfrith Rouge-Martel De'Austerisia (inactive)
Xandra (of Citadel of the Southern Pass) (inactive)
Xavier (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass) (inactive)
Xavier Clenchfist (inactive)
Ximena de la Esperanza (inactive)
Yamoshiro Arashikage (inactive)
Yasmina (of Plattefordham) (inactive)
Yi Mong-ju (inactive)
Ynhared Dewines y Glyndu (inactive)
Ysabeau de La Rochelle (inactive)
Ysabeau Morgan Beauclerc (inactive)
Yung Jin the Guide (inactive)
Yuri Bolboishio-Palka (inactive)
Zarabeth Neudray Ringcup (inactive)
Zoe (of the Citadel) (inactive)
Zotsmeyre (of al-Barran) (inactive)