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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Oleg Schwinghammer (Nahrun Kabirun)
Name And Device Registered
[Per chevron throughout purpure ermined Or and Or, in base two warhammers in saltire gules]
Per chevron throughout purpure ermined Or and Or, in base two warhammers in saltire gules

KSCA -- Outlands2023-05-27
Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 2017-04-01
Trefoil -- the Outlands (AoA) (Armored Combat)2018-07-07
Thermopylae of the Citadel -- Citadel of the Southern Pass (AoA)2018-10-13
Award of Arms 2016-08-06
Promise of the Outlands -- the Outlands 1999-01-09

Known Aliases

Redbull Odoson