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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Athanaric Redeye (al-Barran)
Name And Device Registered
[Argent, an eye gules irised argent and on a chief sable three double-bitted axes palewise argent]
Argent, an eye gules irised argent and on a chief sable three double-bitted axes palewise argent

KSCA -- (OUTLANDS)2003-02-15
Iron Hart -- the Outlands 2000-02-18
Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 1994-02-18
Award of Arms 1992-02-14
Cordon Royal [Ceasan] -- (Outlands)2001-04-21
Cordon Royal [Jaxarticus II] -- (Outlands)2018-05-05
Cordon Royal [Hrorek] -- (Outlands)2019-05-04

Known Aliases

Avitar the Red Eye