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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Tess of the Crossings (Unser Hafen)
Name And Device Registered
[Or, on a pale bretassy sable between two roses, slipped and leaved, proper, a thunderbolt palewise Or.  ]
Or, on a pale bretassy sable between two roses, slipped and leaved, proper, a thunderbolt palewise Or.

Countess -- (Outlands)1991-11-02
Stag's Heart -- the Outlands 1993-01-02
Aspen of Caerthe -- Caerthe (AoA)1990-09-01
Award of Arms 1989-01-07
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- CAERTHE 5-8-1993 to 12-2-19951993-05-08
Dreamer's Cup -- Caerthe 1991-01-01
Lady of the Rose 1991-11-02
Queen's Cypher [Elisheva] -- (Outlands)1993-11-06