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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Audrey la Solitaire (Aarquelle)
Name And Device Registered
[Sable, a lion salient to sinister argent, on a chief Or three torteaux]
Sable, a lion salient to sinister argent, on a chief Or three torteaux

Territorial Baroness of Aarquelle -- Aarquelle 2017-04-29
Pelican -- 2023-09-30
Stag -- the Outlands 2016-01-30
Argent Hart -- the Outlands 2014-10-04
Stag and Chalice -- the Outlands 2015-06-27
Doe & Mountain -- the Outlands 2019-01-19
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine -- Dragonsspine (AoA)1994-11-12
Trefoil -- the Outlands (AoA) (service)2001-04-07
Award of Arms 1994-07-31
Founding Baroness -- Aarquelle2017-04-29