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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Gaius Furius Marius (Aarquelle)
Name And Device Registered
[Sable, in pale a lowercase Greek letter alpha and a dog rampant, a bordure Or.]
Sable, in pale a lowercase Greek letter alpha and a dog rampant, a bordure Or.

Iron Hart -- the Outlands 2017-07-15
Crescent Sword -- Caid 2009-04-19
Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 2015-04-11
Queens Favor of Caid [] -- (Caid)2010-11-06
Cordon Royal [Tam] -- (Outlands)2015-11-14
Mace of Aarquelle -- Aarquelle 2019-01-19
Crossed Swords of Caid -- Caid (Horsemen of Judgement Keep)2013-05-18

Known Aliases

Gaius Brutus
Gaius Brutus Legio