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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Catherine de Northewoode (Caerthe)
Name And Device Registered
[Sable, on a pile inverted ployé between two groups of four ermine spots in cross bases to center Or four ermine spots in cross bases to center azure]
Sable, on a pile inverted ployé between two groups of four ermine spots in cross bases to center Or four ermine spots in cross bases to center azure

Stag -- the Outlands 2013-09-14
Grant of Arms 2006-09-09
Baroness of the Court -- Outlands2006-09-09
Stag's Heart -- the Outlands 2011-01-08
Aspen of Caerthe -- Caerthe (AoA)2007-01-06
Award of Arms 2002-08-24
Territorial Baroness - Retired -- Caerthe - 2004-01-03 - 2006-09-092006-09-09
Queen's Grace [Madigan III] -- (Outlands)2007-11-10
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- Caerthe (Robert & Magge)2012-01-07
Keystone of Caerthe -- Caerthe 2013-08-03
Augmentation of Arms (Landed Noble)2015-09-05
Queen's Cypher [Magge] -- (Outlands)2017-05-06