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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Marion Forrester (Caerthe)
Name And Device Registered
[Vert semy of dragonflies argent.]
Vert semy of dragonflies argent.

Laurel -- Outlands2022-01-18
Flower -- the Outlands 2018-04-14
Purple Fret -- Middle 2004-10-30
Torse -- Calontir 2006-02-25
Golden Calon Swan -- Calontir 2009-10-17
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe -- Caerthe (AoA)2016-01-02
Award of Arms 2002-03-09
Baroness' Order of Patronage of Three Rivers [] -- (Calontir)2010-11-04
Dreamer's Cup -- Caerthe 2020-01-05
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- Caerthe 2021-08-21

Known Aliases

Pfan of Falcon's Keep