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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Adelaisa Bernois (Dragonsspine)
Name And Device Registered
[Or, three lilies gules]
Or, three lilies gules

Territorial Baroness of Dragonsspine -- Dragonsspine 2023-05-06
Laurel -- Outlands2022-12-10
Stag -- the Outlands 2018-01-27
Flower -- the Outlands 2019-09-28
Stag's Heart -- the Outlands 2016-01-30
Argent Hart -- the Outlands 2017-01-28
Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 2024-07-06
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine -- Dragonsspine (AoA)2018-01-28
Scales of Dragonsspine -- Dragonsspine (AoA)2021-09-18
Award of Arms 2014-08-16
Award of Arms 2015-06-27
Gentle Dragon -- Dragonsspine 2014-11-22
Fallen Snow -- the Outlands 2015-09-05
Baron's Chalice of Merit -- Dragonsspine 2016-09-03
Baron's Chalice of Merit -- Dragonsspine 2019-01-26
Baroness' Degree of Elegance -- Dragonsspine 2019-01-26
Queen's Cypher [Ymanie] -- (Outlands)2020-01-24
Augmentation of Arms (Ouroburus Vert and Or)2022-01-15
Treasured Jewels of Dragonsspine -- Dragonsspine (Amethyst)2022-02-26
Baron's Chalice of Merit -- Dragonsspine 2023-05-06
Baroness' Degree of Elegance -- Dragonsspine 2023-05-06

Known Aliases

Adelaisa Bernoe