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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Gwenlyn Aldwyn (al-Barran)
Name And Device Registered
[Per saltire Or and Gules, four roses counterchanged	  ]
Per saltire Or and Gules, four roses counterchanged

Territorial Baroness of al-Barran -- al-Barran 2022-05-28
Laurel -- Outlands2024-05-25
Flower -- the Outlands 2022-12-17
Stag's Heart -- the Outlands 1995-05-13
Argent Hart -- the Outlands 2019-05-04
Silver Tyne -- the Outlands 2023-02-04
Scorpion of al-Barran -- al-Barran (AoA)1993-12-18
Russian Thistle of al-Barran -- al-Barran (AoA)1994-12-17
Award of Arms 1992-12-12
Queen's Cypher [Aziza II] -- (Outlands)1994-09-17
Queen's Grace [Thora] -- (Outlands)1995-04-09
Cordon Royal [Vagn] -- (Outlands)1995-04-22
Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran -- al-Barran 2019-12-14