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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Keridwen Andersdottir (Caer Galen)
Name And Device Registered
[Vert, an antelope rampant, on a chief Or, three pine trees couped vert]
Vert, an antelope rampant, on a chief Or, three pine trees couped vert

Laurel -- 0utlands2024-06-01
Iron Hart -- the Outlands 2005-02-19
Flower -- the Outlands 2016-07-09
Stag -- the Outlands 2019-10-28
Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 2002-06-22
Stag's Heart -- the Outlands 2002-07-06
Baroness of the Court -- (Outlands)2005-08-06
Argent Hart -- the Outlands 2014-06-07
Doe & Mountain -- the Outlands 2024-03-23
Trefoil -- the Outlands (AoA) (service)2000-12-09
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen (AoA) (premier) (Armored)2004-04-17
Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen (AoA)2008-04-27
Arch of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen (AoA)2015-09-06
Award of Arms 1996-08-31
Queen's Cypher [Vanna] -- (Outlands)2001-03-24
Monkey of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen 2004-12-11
Cordon Royal [Ibrahim] -- (Outlands)2005-05-14
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- Caer Galen 2014-06-07
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- Caer Galen 2014-09-09
Venerable Guard -- the Outlands 2015-12-12
Chalice of St. William the Cooper -- Caer Galen 2016-12-10
Fallen Snow -- the Outlands 2017-07-08
Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen 2018-06-30
Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen 2021-12-04
Defender of the West -- West 2022-10-07
Book and Harp of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen 2022-12-10

Known Aliases

Keridwen Androsoun