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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Jethro Stille (Caerthe)
Name And Device Registered
[Azure, a pale bevilled and in dexter three fish naiant contourny in pale Or	  	  ]
Azure, a pale bevilled and in dexter three fish naiant contourny in pale Or

Pelican -- Outlands2013-05-04
Stag -- the Outlands 2011-01-08
White Scarf of the Outlands -- the Outlands 2012-07-22
Silver Tyne -- the Outlands 2009-07-25
Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 2015-08-15
Golden Pheon -- the Outlands 2024-12-07
Sable Lion of Caerthe -- Caerthe (AoA)2007-09-01
Aspen of Caerthe -- Caerthe (AoA)2008-01-05
Award of Arms 2000-07-01
Black Glove of Caerthe -- Caerthe 2010-01-02
Queen's Cypher [Anna] -- (Outlands)2010-04-17
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe -- Caerthe 2016-01-02
Order of Excellence -- Caerthe (Integrity)2018-02-04
Keystone of Caerthe -- Caerthe 2023-01-07

Known Aliases

Jethro Taylfar
Suleiman ibn Da’ud ibn Sahl al-Qalqashandi