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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Torstein Skrælingr (Drygestan)
Name And Device Registered
[Argent, on a saltire arrondi sable a saltire arrondi of chain argent, a bordure sable]
Argent, on a saltire arrondi sable a saltire arrondi of chain argent, a bordure sable

KSCA -- Outlands2016-04-09
Iron Hart -- the Outlands 2014-09-27
Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 2013-03-01
Baron of the Court -- 2024-01-20
Trefoil -- the Outlands (AoA) (service)2011-11-20
Hammer of al-Barran -- al-Barran (AoA)2013-12-21
Trefoil -- the Outlands (AoA) (Martial)2013-12-22

Known Aliases

Titus Modius Varro