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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Agmundr Thorolfsson (Unser Hafen)
Name And Device Registered
[er chevron Or and vert, two spruce trees eradicated vert and a coney courant argent]
er chevron Or and vert, two spruce trees eradicated vert and a coney courant argent

Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 2022-03-16
Stag's Heart -- the Outlands 2023-12-16
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen (AoA)2022-12-10
Award of Arms 2021-08-21
Skipping Stone of Unser Hafen -- Unser Hafen 2021-09-04
Monkey of Caer Galen -- Caer Galen 2022-12-10
Fallen Snow -- the Outlands 2024-07-06
Saint Cecily with the Cup -- Caer Galen 2024-12-14