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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Dietmar Wolfmeier (Windkeep)
Defender of the Citadel -- Artemisia 2005-04-23
Golden Gryphon's Talon -- Artemisia 2003-04-12
Stag's Blood -- the Outlands 2010-05-08
Stag's Heart -- the Outlands 2013-04-20
Award of Arms 2002-06-08
Cygnet of Cynagua -- West 1995-05-27
Gryphon's Heart of Artemisia -- Artemisia 2002-03-09
Wreath of Valor -- West 2002-06-22
Quodlibet -- Artemisia 2002-09-14
Gryphon's Heart of Artemisia -- Artemisia 2003-04-26
King's Council of Artemisia [] -- (Artemisia)2005-03-12
Quodlibet -- Artemisia 2006-09-09
Queen's Confidence of Artemisia -- Artemisia 2008-09-13
King's Council of Artemisia [] -- (Artemisia)2008-09-13
Venerable Guard -- the Outlands 2023-12-02

Known Aliases

Dietmar Wolfkeeper