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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
People of the Outlands (Alphabetically)

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J. T. Whoreschum
Ja Jorganson
Jackson Goltz
Jacob (of al-Barran)
Jacob Fauvell
Jacobus Locard
Jacqualine the Hun
Jacqueline de Champagne
Jacquelyna de la Roche
Jacques Beauchamp
Jacques Lambert
Jacques of Pickering
Jacquetta Grey of Oxfordshire
Jacquette du Champ
Jade (of the Midrealm)
Jade McDuff
Jadi Fatima al-Ishfahani al-Samarkandiyya
Jael Esson
Ja'far al Ta-ib Abdurrahim ibn 'Attali
Jaffrezian de Montcorbier
Jago Redbeard
Jakob Narr
Jakob van Groningen
James Alagarto of Duckford
James Arthursson
James Boyer
James da Triville
James David of Argentias
James Dubh MacPhearson
James Duncannon
James Eldon of York
James Erskine
James Forester
James Greyhelm
James Harper
James Inn Danski
James Lupton
James Maccorquodill
James MacLeister
James Morrison the Harper
James Muirhead of the Outlands
James of Dungannon
James of Essex
James of Plattefordham
James Qui Connait
James Rhuthun of Clwyd
James the Reluctant
James the Small
Jameson MacTyre
Jamie Blackoak
Jamil ibn Shamir ibn Da\'ud ibn Shamir al-Wadi
Jamila al-Zuhayriyya
Jan van Hees
Jane Gude of Wylshire
Jane Nora Carrik
Janet Warden
Janez Perc
Janna of the Forest of Copeland
Jannette de la Coeur Gentille
Janosi Álmos
Jantien van Vranckenvoert
Jared (of Drygestan)
Jared of Midewinde
Jarek of Wolin
Jasper Ó Talcharáin
Jasper Sleecht
Jauhara bint Zayid
Jauharah bint ‘Aalim
Javier de los Santos
Jayne Barber
Jazelle (of Fontaine dans Sable)
Jazlynne Marie Fairday
Jean Merrit Richards
Jean-Airk Le'Grimm
Jean-Maurice Rascqual Duval
Jeane (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Jeanette Delacroix
Jeanne Alanna Dale McCulloch
Jeanne Claire Desrosiers
Jeanne d'Aussay
Jeanne Dyfrgi
Jeanne Estelle de Mouthe
Jeanne Marie (of Unser Hafen)
Jeanne Tenneur de Bec
Jeanne-Marie Dubois
Jeffery (of Fontaine)
Jehaene MacRobb
Jehan Mór
Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery
Jehanne D'Arcana
Jehannete la Picarde
Jehannette de Courcelles
Jeheane (of al-Barran)
Jehennette van Mynden
Jemma de Grey
Jenelys (of Caerthe)
Jenna al-Ghazaliyyah
Jenna Hohenstaufen
Jennah an-Nur al-Ghabi
Jenne McGill
Jeremy (of the Citadel)
Jerilyn of Vert Silva
Jerimia von Braun
Jerusha Montague
Jess (of Unser Hafen)
Jess of Darbuka
Jessica de Andalucia
Jessica Elgearandil
Jessica of the Red Dagger Inn
Jessica the Steadfast
Jester of Anglesey
Jethro Stille
Jiliana Emlin
Jillian (of Caer Galen)
Jim the Pyrate
Jimmie Horn of Thunder
Joachim (of Villaleon)
Joaquin Cortez de Castile
Joaquin de Andrade y Montague
Jobita (of Caerthe)
Jocelyn de Honicombe
Jochen von Balduinseck
Jocinda (of al-Barran)
Joel DeGrace
Joella of Blue Lion's Keep
Johan Blau
Johan de Javier
Johan von Horne
Johann Dietbold des Drachenschwerts
Johann Ludwig von Coburg
Johann of the Northern Moors
Johann von Balduinseck
Johann von Hohen Staffen
Johann Winter
Johanna bat Ephraim ben Rialah
Johanna Morganstern
Johannes Adelbart von Pels
Johannes Linkehant
Johannes Rodenwerper
Johannes Schuster
Johannes Stout
John (of Rio)
John Angus Swinford
John ap Gwyndaf of Holdingford
John Armor
John Bowyer
John de Battlemoor
John de Sandeville
John Ironstone
John of Avondale
John of Blackwood
John of Brittany
John of Ravenspur
John of Temple Manor
John of the Red Bush
John Roslyn the Ox
John the Animal of Glencoe
John the Grisly
John Wolf
John Wryght
Jokull Blæingr
Jon Blackwell
Jonathan Ivey de la Montagne
Jonathan Marshall
Jörgen Jörgenson
Jórhildr skáldhrafn
Jorun Aragunnrsdottir
Jorundr inn magri
Jörundr inn magri
Jorundr Sylfuson
Jorunn nic Lochlainn
Jose Taberna de Torquemada
Josefina de Luna
Josep Mülich
Joseph (of al-Barran)
Joseph Cameron Blackswan
Joseph Grimm
Joseph of Golias
Joseph the Hun
Joseph Wolfe
Josephine Wanthwaite
Josette Claudin Duran
Josh (of al-Barran)
Joshua Dennesson
Joshua the Dreamer
Joshua Yoisha Shmoel ben Chein
Josiah (of Unser Hafen)
Josiah of al-Barran
Josselin de Flandre
Jourdain Belebouche
Juan Balthazar Tegero
Juan More del Leon
Juan Osorio de Segovia
Juan Wang
Juana de Granada
Jubal Bieber
Judah ben Issachar
Judith de Beaumont
Judith de Northumbria
Judith of Acre
Judy Parenteau
Julia Alexandria
Julia MacFarlane
Julia of the Forest, known as The Childless
Julia von Nocturn
Julian of Aldeford
Juliana (of al-Barran)
Juliana Cray
Juliana de Vitri
Juliana Mele
Juliana the Graceful
Julianna of Dunbar
Julianna of Scola Metallorum
Julianne Journé
Julien de la Fontaine
Julienne la Flame
Juliote the Silversmith
Jurgen Gruenwald
Jürgen Grünwald
Jürgen Peredur
Juri (of al-Barran)
Juste de Beauharnais
Justin de Leon
Justine (of Dragonsspine)
Justinian de Quéry
Justinian the Gentle
Justinn of the Mares
Jutta Ellisifardóttir