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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
People of the Outlands (Alphabetically)

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Tachibana Hideaki
Taddeus the Cooper
Tahir al-Razi
Takagama Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi
Takahashi no Mitsuatsu
Takeuchi Hiroshi
Talan Andolini
Talan Mawr
Talan the Night Owl
Talespinner (of Caerthe)
Talia de Meath
Talifer Montgomery
Talin (of Caerthe)
Talina the Gypsy
Tallion (of Saint Golias)
Tam Grimm
Tamira (of Hinterland)
Tamlene ap Guidgen
Tâmm Burû al Marrakeshi
Tammara Courtenay
Tammarrah the Gypsy
Tammerlayne of T'Kal
Tammy (of Aarquelle)
Tana à l'Esprit Fort
Tancred d\'Avignon
Tangwystel de Tretower
Tangwystl Angharad verch Rhys
Tangwystl of the North
Tanquam Explorator
Tara (of Aarquelle)
Taran O Saoghair
Tariq ibn Yusuf ibn \'Askari al-Ghassani
Tarkan (of the Midream)
Tarl of the Swirling Mist
Tarloc the Bold
Tarrach Alfson
Tarsianna de Saragossa
Tatiana Aleksandrovna
Tatiana Bonnioulx
Tatiana de Alan
Tatiana de Alan
Tatiana Grigorevna
Tatiana Kunrat
Tatiana Moskovskaia
Tatiana Pavlovna Sokolova
Tat’iana Travina
Tavia of Persia
Taythen Maculagh
Tegan Rossilinsdottir
Tempus (of al-Barran)
Tephanya Stillwater
Tera Dragonstaff
Teresa de Granada
Teresa of al-Barran
Terrance the Terrible
Terrell of Avalon
Teska Liepa
Tess of the Crossings
Tessa Elizabeth de Strathairn
Testing nic Tester
Thaddaeus Jarlsson
Thalauriana de Collier
Thalia Loryn of Winddragon
Thalia Ruggenall
Thamzine of the North Sea
Theo of Mightrinwood
Theodanda of Blaiddwyn
Theodor von Oldenburg
Theodora Tedaldi
Theodoric aus dem Freiwald
Theodric ap Breken Beaken
Theopompous Leonidas
Therasia Thoma
Theresa Yolanda Cabeza de Vaca
Theresea die Tanzerin
Thomas (of Blackwater Keep)
Thomas Adler
Thomas d'Averc
Thomas Davidson the Seeker
Thomas de Carisbourg
Thomas Edward Dudley
Thomas Eisenmann
Thomas Marston
Thomas of Hudd's Path
Thomas Serpentsbane
Thomas Spyle Singere
Thomas the Far Travelled
Thomas the Mute
Thomas the Sinister
Thomas Vandale
Thomas Winterbourne de Kent
Thomas Woodleigh
Thor Wulfgaer Uvearkaller
Thora Heri
Þóra Hrónarsdóttir
Thora Redhair
Thorad Bjorgsson
Þórbj?rn Bj?rnsson
Þórbjorn Trollsbani Dansson
Þórbj{o,}rn Biornsson
Thorbrandr Olafsson
Thórdís gjallandi eyverska
Thorey Hakonsdottir
Þorey Skarp
Thorfinn Greybeard
Thorfinn Rognvald Hundr
Thorfinnr inn vegsvinni Ingason
Thorgautr Sveinsson inn upplenzki
Thorgeirr Gunnarsson
Thorgrim af Købmannehavn
Thorgrimr of Rivenoak
Thorgrinn von Aachen
Thorhild Sigurdsdottir
Thoric of the Lost Fjord
Thorir kyrsbani
Thorkan (of Caerthe)
Thorkell Bjornsson
Thorman Arvidsson
Thorne Arthurson
Thorrun inn Viðforla
Thorstein Olafsson
Thorsteinn Vandringsmann
Þórunn farkona
Þórunn frá Akrafjalli
Thorunn Grimsdottir
Thorvaaldr Frirsverth
Thorvald Bjarg
Thorvald Hilgedick
Thorvald Thorlyfsson
Thorvald Valdkrig
Thorvaldr inn Kristni
Þorvaldr Þórólfsson á Vaksfjall
Thrail Bloodheart
Thrain (of Plattefordham)
Three Feathers of the Wyandotte
Thrond ellri
Thurgar Odderson
Thurs Arison
Thyaisa Sohnovich
Thyferrin Gwydionsson
Thyræ úlfr
Thyri of Vakkerfjell
Tiah McMaiough
Tiberius Aurelius Albinus
Tiberius Caelianus Severus
Tiberius Erikson
Tiberius Valerius Germanicus
Tiecia Halvadevel
Timon Phocas
Timony Olyveyr
Timothy MacGregor
Timothy O'Brien
Timujin of Iron Hill
Timur ibn Junaid
Tiphanie d'Aquitaine
Titus Claudius Severus
Titus the Archer
Toirrdhealbhach mac Toirrdhealbhaigh mic Aonghusa
Tóki fleinn
Tokokan of the Cumans
Tomas Moreno de la Cruz
Tomas Tearlach Fraser
Tommaso Navarre de Verdello
Ton the Traveler
Tonakayara Miyoto Hioshogiri
Topaz (of al-Barran)
Tora (of Unser Hafen)
Torcail Gilleghaolain
Torchin vnuk Kalistrat Medveder
Tore av Uddevala
Töregene Al-Altun
Torgan Gal
Torin of Norwood
Torlough MacTormagh
Torn Thornwald
Torrin (of St. Golias)
Torstein Skrælingr
Tot Coyle
Tracy (of Unser Hafen)
Traithgren McCormick
Travis (of Fontaine)
Tree (of Drygestan)
Trenette Genevieve Thibaudeau
Trent (of Drygestan)
Trevor MacRea
Triaria d'Orleans
Trinite Ducalon
Tristan Armstrong
Tristan de Gilbert
Tristan Grey of Manchester
Tristan Lakemeirr
Tristana de Winter
Tristian of Hags Head
Tryffin mac Ualraig
Trygwe (of al-Barran)
Trystan de Beaumaris
Tuathal of Tehri
Tuathflaith Becc
Tuman Elnikov
Turgeis av Markland
Tyler Farquhar
Tyrca Ivarsdottir
Tyrce von Volsung
Tyrfingr von Wolfsberg
Tyrnan (of Unser Hafen)
Tyron Greystar
Tyrus de Lindsay