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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
People of the Outlands (Alphabetically)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Wade Averey of Woodstock
Waleryjan Garvolin
Walkelin Montgomery
Walker of Orange
Walker of Wolves
Walker the Beermaster of Dragonsspine
Walrick de Blakeney
Walter æt Defenascire
Walter Kempe of Falconhold
Walthari von Harx
Walther Gütman
Walther von Meissen
Wani Ighi
Warenus de Fulmere
Warmin of Belshire
Warner Michaelson
Warren McKeighen
Wayland of Diarlach
Wego Sonovitch
Wei Cho Bow
Wei Mei Liang
Weiland (of Caer Galen)
Weltschin von Wertheim
Wen verch Ioreword
Wenhauer von Eirich
Weston (of Caerthe)
Wielhelm of the Bogs
Wieslaw z Krakowa
Wilelm the Smith
Wilham Juste
Wilhelm (of Aarquelle)
Wilhelm Altmann
Wilhelm bei Elbe
Wilhelm Burchardt
Wilhelm Gelbart
Wilhelm Meis
Wilhelm Reissen
Wilhelm von Kiel
Wilhelm Weissfalke
Wilhelm Wildman
Wilhelmina Martini
Willeam Maky
Willem Jacop van Meteren
Willem MacAmish
William (of Rio de las Animas)
William Brennainsson
William Cameron de Blakstan
William de Kari
William de Kingsley
William de Vallier
William Drake of Drakerath
William Fetherstan
William fitz Martin of Kent
William FitzJohn
William Flanagan
William Gallowglass
William Hawke de Warwyck
William Heron
William Kearney
William Locke
William of Chesterfield
William of Fredriksburg
William of Huntington
William Rødstål
William Stuart
William Sutherland
William Talbot
William the Hermit
William the Navigator
William the Pig Cooker
William the Red
William the Sinister
Willow Carlisle
Willow of House Rogues
Wilo mac Donnchada
Windcrest of Ireland
Windfred (of Unser Hafen)
Wolf Krieger
Wolf Silverfang
Wolf Torinson
Wolf von der Mühle
Wolfangus MhicMarighdhin
Wolfgang Bienemann vom Swartzwald
Wolfgang Eckhart
Wolfgang Grothe de Verron
Wolfgang MacDuff
Wolfgang Sebastian Kolhammer
Wolfgang von Trier
Wulfgar Brandbeorn
Wulfgar Neumann
Wulfgar of al-Barran
Wulfgar Thistlehorn
Wulfhram St. James
Wulfila Raedwulfs sunu
Wulfric Gyldir
Wulfstan Thordarson
Wybke vom Drachenfeld
Wyndylyn Leanb na Doinneann
Wynfrith Rouge-Martel De'Austerisia
Wynne ferch Rhodri
Wyolet Bertrem
Wyvern the Blade