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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
People of the Outlands (Alphabetically)

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Nā'ilah al-Raqqāṣah
Nadia (of al-Barran)
Nadine Geneviève Bayeux du Nord
Nadrah bint Lu’lu’ al-Qadisi
Nagahiru (of the Citadel of the Southern Pass)
Nagy Peter
Naima bint Lu'Lu al-Quadisi
Naisi (of Dragonsspine)
Naitan de Yerdeburc
Nakamura Yoshimitsu
Namnlos (of Unser Hafen)
Nanette Rochelle
Nanna (of Plattefordham)
Nasr ibn 'Isa
Nastas\'ia Ozerova
Nastas\'ia Zvir\'eva zhena L\'vova
Natal'ia Georgievicha
Natal'ia Mechislavova
Natalia Vasilkovna Riazanskaia
Natalya Susanina zhena Medvednikogoteva
Natasha Ekaterina Bierlovna
Nathaniel Hayes
Nathaniel McPherson
Nathi O'Peatain
Naxos de la Rouge
Neal (of Drygestan)
Neala FitzNorman
Neassa McGrigour
Neave Taffe
Necu Hawke
Necu Hawke
Neda (of al-Barran)
Neimh Gilleena Dublin
Neko Itazura
Nemeth Istvan
Nerienda of Elmet
Nerissa Della Badessa
Neslin Nadel
Nest Aderyn
Nesta Coed
Nesta verch Gryffry
Nevarre (of al-Barran)
Niall Keating
Niall MacTaggart
Niccolo da Quaglietta
Niccolò Santi
Nichola Hawoc
Nicholas (of Blaiddwyn)
Nicholas Fenix
Nicholas Kenington
Nicholas le Fauconer
Nicholas le Ferrier
Nicholas MacFarland
Nicholas Simon deKane
Nicholas Wolfmar
Nickalos (of Fontaine)
Nicklas Kurz
Nickolai Agar
Nickolai the Desert Rat
Nicolaao Machado
Nicolae Rares
Nicole of Unser Hafen
Nicole Sinclair
Nicoletta Rabsdottir
Nicolette d'Avranches
Nicolina of Cornwall
Nicolo (of St. Golias)
Nigel of the Bloody Rose
Nikka de Shavani
Nikko (of al-Barran)
Nikodemus (of Caerthe)
Nikodemus of Axemoor
Nikolai di Sienna
Nikolaos Demetriou ho Toxotes
Nikolaus von Aachen
Nikolaus von Stahlburg
Nilkas Lietuvas
Nina van der Zilver
Njall Foraldarson
Noelle de Poys
Noírín O Donnabhaín
Nolan DePaul St. Germaine
Nonna Treheyl of Kernow
Nova Darkmoon
Nuala Cholach
Nycholas Lazurus Bacon
Nykolette Courcy de Navarre
Nynaeve (of Caerthe)