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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
People of the Outlands (Alphabetically)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Lachlan O'Sheridan of Falconhold
Lachland Mac Fergus
Laeriel Fayrehale
Lajos Magyar
Lambert de Sur
Lan FeiQian
Lan the Red Handed
Lance Armstrong
Lance Lyttle du Pont
Lance of Bear
Landrada von Glonn
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Larissa the Lacemaker
Lasairfhíona inghean an Sheanchaide
Lassar ingen Laídig
László Rózsa
Laura (of Caer Galen)
Laura de la Chouette Doree
Laure Aleire de Laon
Laurea Katherine Donnachaidh
Laurel O'Rourke
Laurelena nic a Faol
Laurent d'Angers
Laurent de Lourdes
Laurentius von Silenen
Laurentz von Rothenstein
Lavan Longwalker
Lavina van de Faire
Lawrence of al-Barran
Layla Shirin
Lazar Petrovic
Lazarus the Hun
Leah de Montgomerie of Lark Hall
Leah de Spencer
Leah Kasmira of Natterhelm
Leah of Bukhara
Leanna Amora Montgomery
Learbhean nighean Thoirrdhealbhaich
Leghlen (of al-Barran)
Leif (of the Citadel)
Leif Ivarson
Leif Magnusson
Leif McBride
Leifr Einarsson
Leifr Vagnsson
Leila bint Zeidun
Lelia Corsini
Lelien Widoeghe
Lenard (of Plattefordham)
Lenora Hawthorn
Lêofsige Õ Caoimh
Leofwin de Meslach
Leofwine (of Blaiddwyn)
Leon Dubhlas Suileen
Leona Roy Colquhoun
Leonard di le Popolo
Leonardo de Balboa
Leonardo Scarlattinni
Leonie (of Dragonsspine)
Leonor Ruiz de Lisón
Leonora Kateryn de Provence
Leonore Aid-An
Leonore of Black Diamond
Leticia Attewode
Letitia des Montagnes Bleues
Letiticia (of Hinterland)
Lettice Atwode of Sandhyll
Lettice de St. Clair
Levi (of Aarquelle)
Li Hsiao Lung
Líadain ní Mhórdha
Liadan ingen Lochlainn
Líadan inghean Laoghaire
Liam of Drygestan
Liane O'Day
Liang Chi Nicfoal
Liang Fang
Liang Ya
Lianor da Costa
Lief Daevijtsen
Liepa Jonaite
Lijsbet vande Visschereye
Liliona Ruth Hampton
Lilith of the Vanishing Wood
Lillian Bowyer
Lillian Clare de Chateauroux
Lilliana de Kari
Lilliana Le Grant
Lilliard Boudicea Devorgvilla
Lin Wu
Lina of Fontaine
Linda of Hinterland
Lingormr gympe eykr
Linnae (of al-Barran)
Liobsynde Behlringere of Aelfhafen
Lionardo de Spadacinno
Lisette de Troyes
Livia Agrinali
Livia Maesa
Lizabetta The Scribe
Lizbeth la Chanteuse
Lizka the Pirat
Llewellyn ap Glenwidford
Llewllyn (of the Citadel)
Llwyd Emrys
Llyn Penllyn
Llywus ap Alan
Lochlainn O Mahony
Lochlainn the Red
Lochlan McCulloch
Loðurr Havskjold
Logan Drake
Logan of Logan
Lohengrin Heier
Loki Johnson
Lomeadan dubh Misgear
Lommán mac an t-saoir
Long John Thomas
Loptr of Draca Mor
Lorcan Duncan of Atholl
Lorcan Mac Colla
Lorccán Ruad mac Uilliam
Lore de Lorraine
Lore MacKay
Lorelle Joyan de Besancon
Loric (of Fontaine dans Sable)
Lorin Taylor
Lorin the Lecher
Lörinc Ötög
Lorissa du Griffin
Lorissa du Griffin
Lorraine Weberin
Lorrena (of Nahrun Kabirun)
Lothar (of the Citadel)
Lothar le Sauvage
Lothar vom Bergenwald
Lothar von Drachenstein
Louchelan de Hay
Louis (of al-Barran)
Louis de Ponte DuLac
Louis le Blanc lou Boumain
Louis-Philippe Mitouard
Lourana Moonwind
Lourea Kathern Donnachaidh
Luca (of Aarquelle)
Lucas Cade
Lucia Maria da Torino
Lucie de Villebrayant Boniface
Lucien (of al-Barran)
Lucien d'Abalaird
Lucien Etienne
Lucien le Grave
Lucille (of al-Barran)
Lucius (of al-Barran)
Lucius Arius Vitalis
Lucius Verrinius Atticus
Lucrèce de Pardieu
LuCretia da Vale
Lucretia Wolf
Lucrezia de Carducci
Lucrezia Tagliaferro
Lughbec ni Eoin
Lugonn (of al-Barran)
Lui Yan Ming
Luka (of al-Barran)
Lukas Weber
Luke Band Griffith
Luke Breen of Lough Finne
Lukka of al-Barran
Lukor the Silent
Lura Annette Copley
Luta Völundóttir
Lute MacAlpine
Luther (of al-Barran)
Luys de Dos Árboles
Lycurgus de Loch
Lycus (of Stag\'s Pass)
Lydia Medarda of Dorkinbrook
Lydia of the Pines
Lyneya de la Nord
Lyneya del Filde
Lynn Miller
Lynn Wolf
Lynne of Greystone
Lynnette Cantwell
Lyonette Drouet de Saint Amand
Lyonnete du Soleil
Lyrica of Goodwycke
Lysander Keisalovitch
Lysander of Unser Hafen
Lysbette du Plessis
Lyse Marousch d'Rhys
Lyulf Williamson