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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
People of the Outlands, listed by Award received

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Society and Outlands Awards

Sable Destrier of Caerthe (CSDC)

Sable Garter of al-Barran (KSG)

Sable Lion of Caerthe (CSLC)

Saint Cecily with the Cup (BPR)

Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen (BC)

Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen (CBM)

Salt Bearer of Unser Hafen (CSB)

Scales of Dragonsspine (CSD)

Scorpion of al-Barran (CSA)

Scorpion's Favor of al-Barran (BSF)

Scorpion's Spoon of al-Barran (CSS)

Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran (CSS)

Seeker of the Grail (OSG)

Sharparrow (AIR)

Silver Axe of Fontaine (CSA)

Silver Blade of Aarquelle (ABS)

Silver Dagger of al-Barran (CSD)

Silver Fletching of Aarquelle (ASF)

Silver Stirrup (CSSO)

Silver Tassel of al-Barran ()

Silver Tyne (DST)

Skipping Stone of Unser Hafen (CSS)

Small Fountain of Fontaine (CSF)

Sovereign Queen of the Outlands (QUEENS)

St. Douglas at the Hearth (DAH)

St. Stephan of the Citadel (OSS)

Stag (OSO)

Stag and Chalice (CSC)

Stag's Blood (DSB)

Stag's Heart (CSH)

Star and Compass of Aarquelle (ASC)

Stonemason of Unser Hafen (CSM)

Sun and Eagle of Aarquelle (AES)

Sun and Mountain of Aarquelle (ASM)

Sword Bearers of Aarquelle (ABA)

Silver Lance (OSL) (order closed)

Out-of-Kingdom Awards

Sable Axe (CSAA)

Sable Banner ()

Sable Blade (CSBQ)

Sable Branch ()

Sable Chevronels of Mons Tonitrus (CSCA)

Sable Comet (CSCX)

Sable Crane (XCSC)

Sable Falcon (SFA)

Sable Fret of Altavia (CSF)

Sable Gate of the Middle Marches ()

Sable Mountain (CSMQ)

Sable Oak of Darach ()

Sable Talon (STA)

Sable Thistle (XCST)

Sagittarius (OSag)

Saint Roch ()

Saint Roch ()

Saint Roche ()

Salamander ()

Salient Hart (CSHM)

Saltator de Nebula ()

Scarab of Atenveldt (SoA)

Scarlet Banner (CSB)

Scarlet Star ()

Scroll of Honour (SOH)

Scutiferus Cynaguae (CSC)

Sea Dragon ()

Sea Griffon (CSGW)

Sea Stag (CSSQ)

Sea-Hawk (CSH)

Serpent's Gem of An Crossaire (OSG)

Shark's Tooth (CSTQ)

Siege of Cranes Combattant (SCC)

Sigil of AEthelmearc ()

Sigillum Coronae (SC)

Sigillum Regis of Caid (CSR)

Signum Reginae of Caid (SR)

Signum Regni ()

Silent Trumpet (CSTB)

Silver Apple ()

Silver Axe of Stierbach (CSA)

Silver Berberie of the Summits (CSB)

Silver Bow of Stierbach (CSB)

Silver Cap (CSC)

Silver Chalice (BSC)

Silver Compass ()

Silver Crescent (CSC)

Silver Crocus (OSC)

Silver Drakkar of Stormhold (CSD)

Silver Guard of Drachenwald (CSG)

Silver Guard of the Principality of Drachenwald* (OSG)

Silver Hammer (CSH)

Silver Heart ()

Silver Horns ()

Silver Ivy (OSI)

Silver Jess ()

Silver Knot ()

Silver Lily ()

Silver Martlet ()

Silver Molet (OSM)

Silver Nautilus (SN)

Silver Nib ()

Silver Oak (CSO)

Silver Ram (OSR)

Silver Roundel* (CSRW)

Silver Shield (OSST)

Silver Spoon (CSSW)

Silver Tear (OST)

Silver Thunderbolt of Mons Tonitrus (CST)

Silver Tower of Settmour Swamp (CSTE)

Silver Trident (OSTT)

Silver Wheel ()

Snowy Owl (OSOW)

Sodality of the Sentinal of the Stargate (SSS)

Sovereign's Pleasure (CKPM)

Sovereign\'s Letter of Endorsement ()

Sovereign\'s Order of Excellence ()

SPUD (Service Performed Under Duress) of Arn Hold ()

Star of Merit (CSM)

Star of the Desert (SDB)

Sun and Chalice ()

Swan and Cygnet ()

Sword Knot ()

Sword of Calontir (CSCK)

Sheriff of Northshield* () (order closed)

Solar Heart () (order closed)

Solar Leaf* (OSLA) (order closed)

Solar Phoenix* () (order closed)

Stag's Tynes* (CST) (order closed)