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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Sword Bearers of Aarquelle (ABA)

The stylization of members of this order is Companions of the Sword Bearers of Aarquelle.

Notes on this order:

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Inigo Needham Bledsoe (premier) 2017-07-15
Oliver Mordrake (premier) 2017-07-15
Folmar lækner 2018-01-13
Kata útama geirr 2018-01-13
Seamus Ó Suileabhain 2019-10-12
Sevetar (of Aarquelle) 2020-01-11
Godricke Friis 2020-11-07
Muirghen of Aarquelle 2022-04-23
Jokull Blæingr 2024-04-14
Ryuu\\\'zou\\\'ji Tatsuaki 2025-01-11
Steinn ulfr 2025-01-11