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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Awards (Alphabetically)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Awards starting with S

Sable Destrier of Caerthe (CSDC) (Baronial AoA Order)
Given for demonstrated excellence in the Equestrian Arts, giving freely of their knowledge and expertise in the equestrian arts
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) Two lances in saltire vert surmounted by a horse\\\'s head contourny erased sable
Notes: Chartered 2 Jan 2016

Sable Garter of al-Barran (KSG) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for excellence in development of a period persona.
Badge/Insignia: leather garter rendered in black with the words “Ad Excellentiam” rendered in gold and silver.

Sable Lion of Caerthe (CSLC) (Baronial AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in the martial arts [Caerthe]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) Two swords crossed in saltire gules surmounted by a lion's head erased sable
Notes: Charter dated 5/10/97 new draft 3/18/99

Saint Cecily with the Cup (BPR) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for heralds or bards who have memorably distinguished themselves in service to the Barony.

Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen (BC) (Non-armigerous award)(charter) (badge)
Given for 15 years of service [Caer Galen]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A crozier azure.
Notes: Charter amended April 18 A.S. XLIX. formerly known as Curmudgeons

Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen (CBM) (Baronial AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for skill in armored combat, rapier, archery, or equestrian activities [Caer Galen]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) On a fireball gules enflamed proper a harp Or.
Notes: Charter amended on May 9, A.S. L. formerly known as Bard Militant

Salt Bearer of Unser Hafen (CSB) (Non-armigerous award)(badge)
Given for exceptional work with newcomers [Unser Hafen]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) On a portcullis vert a covered saltcellar Or

Scales of Dragonsspine (CSD) (Baronial AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for service [Dragonsspine]
Badge/Insignia: Azure, five dragon's scales in annulo, points outward, Or
Notes: Charter dated 6/4/94 new draft 3/18/99

Scorpion of al-Barran (CSA) (Baronial AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for outstanding service to the Barony [al-Barran]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A scorpion bendwise within an annulet Or
Notes: Charter dated 11/23/92 Charter signed and dated 07/25/98

Scorpion's Favor of al-Barran (BSF) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for Personal service to the coronet

Scorpion's Spoon of al-Barran (CSS) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for cooking

Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran (CSS) (Baronial AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for exceptional abilities in the fighting arts [al-Barran]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A scorpion statant brandishing a scimitar, within an annulet Or
Notes: Charter dated 2/16/84 Amended 2/91 Charter signed and dated 07/25/98

Seeker of the Grail (OSG) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for those persons, new to our Society, who have demonstrated great service, enthusiasm and dedication to our Barony.
Badge/Insignia: a cordon bearing the colors of the Barony,

Sharparrow (AIR) (Grant Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for extraordinary skill in the art and science of traditional archery
Badge/Insignia: Vert, on a pale argent endorsed Or a flaming arrow sable fletched vert enflamed gules
Notes: originally chartered 11/8/97 as Order of the Archers of the Iron Rain Name changed to Order of Sharparrow 5/98 Charter read and signed 11/14/98

Silver Axe of Fontaine (CSA) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for extraordinary skill in heavy combat [Fontaine dans Sable]

Silver Blade of Aarquelle (ABS) (Baronial AoA Order)
Given for those participants in the Art Martial of rapier or cut and thrust combat who have continued to improve their prowess and have used their skills to ser
Badge/Insignia: Azure, three rapiers palewise, a mountain of three peaks issuant from base argent.
Notes: A sitting Baron(ess) shall be the patroness of the Order.

Silver Dagger of al-Barran (CSD) (Non-armigerous award)
Notes: Originally named Scorpius Punctum

Silver Fletching of Aarquelle (ASF) (Baronial AoA Order)
Given for those particpants who have developed a proficiency with archery, siege weapons, thrown weapons or other period projectiles
Badge/Insignia: Azure, three arrows inverted erased palewise fletched and shafted argent

Silver Lance (OSL) (Grant Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for skill and leadership in the equestrian arts
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a tilting lance sustained by two stags combatant argent, a bordure engrailed Or
Notes: charted 5/1/04; closed 11/9/19

Silver Stirrup (CSSO) (Kingdom AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for demonstration of skill and knowledge of equestrian arts
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a stirrup argent within a bordure embattled Or

Silver Tassel of al-Barran () (Non-armigerous award)
Given for households within the barony whohave demonstrated excellence in organization, household spirit, and contribution to the service needs of the Barony
Badge/Insignia: a tassel that is rendered in white and bound by a braided cord rendered in the baronial colors of black, gold, and white

Silver Tyne (DST) (Kingdom AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in the art of fencing
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a stag's attire palewise argent, a bordure embattled Or
Notes: Originally chartered 10/26/96 Device passed 2/99 new draft 3/18/99

Skipping Stone of Unser Hafen (CSS) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for starting the Dream in Unser Hafen and going on elsewhere and improving yourself within the Dream
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) a portcullis vert debruised by a

Small Fountain of Fontaine (CSF) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for persons under 16 who have demonstrated great service and dedication to the Barony, the Kingdom, and the Society as a whole [Fontaine dans Sable]

St. Stephan of the Citadel (OSS) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for serving the Barony for fifteen years or longer [Citadel of the Southern Pass]

Stag (OSO) (Grant Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for serving the Kingdom well and faithfully, far above and beyond the service normally expected from a citizen of the Kingdom
Badge/Insignia: Vert, two stags combatant sustaining between them a column argent, a bordure engrailed Or
Notes: Originally chartered 11/11/95. Charter signed and dated 11/14/98 pending passage of new device

Stag and Chalice (CSC) (Kingdom AoA Order)(charter)
Given for faithfully performing service for 15 years or more
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A chalice conjoined to and environed of the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent attired gules

Stag's Blood (DSB) (Kingdom AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for use and artistry of SCA style weaponry
Badge/Insignia: Vert, in saltire, a sword inverted proper and an axe argent, hafted Or, surmounted by a stag's head cabossed argent, armed, within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: Originally chartered 10/5/86 new draft 3/18/99

Stag's Heart (CSH) (Kingdom AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in service
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a heart Or between the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent, attired, within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: Originally chartered 11/1/86 rechartered 7/18/98

Star and Compass of Aarquelle (ASC) (Baronial AoA Order)
Given for participants who have developed a proficiency within the sciences and have implemented those skills for the betterment of the Barony of Aarquelle
Badge/Insignia: Azure, on a mullet of six points argent a compass save, issuant from base a mountain of three peaks argent

Stonemason of Unser Hafen (CSM) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for Given to a person who demonstrates the highest ideals of chivalric graces and represents the essence of the Dream.
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) On a portcullis Or, a stonemason\'s hammer vert.
Notes: Given once per year, newest holder carries a stone with the likeness of a totem wolf of Unser Hafen.

Sun and Eagle of Aarquelle (AES) (Baronial AoA Order)
Given for those participants who are exemplars of Aarquelle\\\'s reputation for hospitality, service, and courtesy.
Badge/Insignia: Azure, a winged sun Or within a bordure wavy argent

Sun and Mountain of Aarquelle (ASM) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for those participants who have developed a longstanding and exceptional proficiency with the Arts
Badge/Insignia: Azure, a sun in his splendor, issuant from base a mountain of three peaks Or

Sword Bearers of Aarquelle (ABA) (Baronial AoA Order)
Given for those in the Art Martial of Armored Combat who have continued to improve their prowess and have used their skills to serve the Barony of Aarquelle
Badge/Insignia: Azure, three swords palewise Or within a bordure wavy argent