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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Awards (Alphabetically)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Awards starting with W

Walker of the Way (CWW) (Non-armigerous award)(charter) (badge)
Given for displaying the highest ideals and values in the SCA
Badge/Insignia: Argent, a palmer, robed, hooded and bearing a staff sable
Notes: Proclaimed at Grand Outlandish 5/31/76, rechartered 6/13/98

Watch Fire of al-Barran (CWF) (Baronial AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in the art of archery [al-Barran]
Badge/Insignia: Sable, a flame environed of ten pheons in annulo points inward Or
Notes: Charter dated 6/28/97 The name Watch Fire will not pass device passed, name (Watch & Ward) returned 2/99

White Scarf of the Outlands (DWS) (Grant Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for extraordinary skill in the art of fencing
Badge/Insignia: Sable, on a pale argent between two rapiers proper, a stag's antler vert
Notes: prior to advancing the Order to Grant level

Winged Pheon of Fontaine (OV) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for extraordinary skill in archery [Fontaine dans Sable]
Notes: Previously Order of the Vol

Wolves of Aarquelle (AWA) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for those youth who have shown an exceptional interest in learning about and participating in SCA activities within the Barony.
Badge/Insignia: Argent, above a mountain of three peaks vert issuant from base, two wolves rampant combatant, azure.

World Gilders () (Non-armigerous award)
Given for those persons who have enhanced Caer Galen through the development and display of period researched personas.