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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Awards (Alphabetically)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Awards starting with P

Palma Aurea of Fontaine (OGP) (Baronial AoA Order)(charter)
Given for demonstrating advanced skill in arts and/or sciences [Fontaine dans Sable]
Notes: Previously Order of the Golden Palm

Palmer's Lantern (CPL) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for artistic endeavors that enrich the Society but normally would be considered outside the realm and time period of the SCA.
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A lantern Or

Pilgrim of Caerthe (CPC) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for distinguishing themselves, and bringing honor to the Barony and the Kingdom, at foreign War.
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) On an escallop sable an aspen leaf Or

Pilgrims of Saint Edrik (PSE) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for those persons who upon having served the Barony as a member of its populace, are departing to other lands (due to Military Service or otherwise).
Badge/Insignia: a Pilgrim’s Badge of Saint Edrik, which consists of a boot.

Poignard Noir of Caer Galen (BPN) (Non-armigerous award)(charter) (badge)
Given for personal service to the Coronet [Caer Galen]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A daggar bendwise sinister sable.
Notes: Charter amended on April 18, A.S. XLIX.

Praeceptor Australis () (Non-armigerous award)
Given for those persons who have dedicated their time to the enrichment of the youth of the Barony.

Pride of Dragonsspine (CPD) (Non-armigerous award)(badge)
Given for courtesy and chivalry in those 16 and under [Dragonsspine]
Badge/Insignia: Or, in pale a wingless dragon dormant purpure and an egg azure
Notes: Need copy of charter

Prima Lux of Unser Hafen (CPL) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for achievements of ideals in those 16 and under [Unser Hafen]
Badge/Insignia: (in process) A portcullis vert bearing a torch enflamed Or
Notes: Previously Lux Cataractae -- No charter in the files

Promise of the Outlands (CPO) (Non-armigerous award)(charter) (badge)
Given for general service and mannerliness in those 15 and under
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a deer's head erased argent, budded, within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: rechartered 5/9/98