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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Awards (By Initials)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Awards starting with B

Arch of Caer Galen (BA) (Baronial AoA Order)(charter) (badge)
Given for service [Caer Galen]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) Two goats salient respectant conjoined at the forehooves sable.
Notes: Charter amended April 18 A.S. XLIX. Charter dated 12/13/0

Baroness’s Chalice (BBC) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for work has been of great service to the Baroness during her tenure.
Badge/Insignia: a stylized rendering of a Chalice, the design to be determined in turn by each Baroness who chooses to bestow this honor.

Baron's Keystone (BBK) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for work which has been of great service to the Baron of the Citadel of the Southern Pass during his tenure.
Badge/Insignia: a stylized rendering of an arch,

Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen (BC) (Non-armigerous award)(charter) (badge)
Given for 15 years of service [Caer Galen]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A crozier azure.
Notes: Charter amended April 18 A.S. XLIX. formerly known as Curmudgeons

Baron's Chalice of Merit (BCM) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for performing faithful service and possessing strength of character [Dragonsspine]
Notes: chartered 2/6/99

Cordon Royal (BCR) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for personal service to the King
Badge/Insignia: (insignia) Belt upon or attached to which shall appear a stylized rendering of the King's initials
Notes: Originally chartered 5/23/87 Amended on 9/12/87 Amended on 10/5/96 Re-do Draft 3/99

Chalice of St. William the Cooper (BCW) (Non-armigerous award)(charter) (badge)
Given for doing good works for the Barony [Caer Galen]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) On a wooden barrel proper a chalice Or.
Notes: Charter amended on May 9, A.S. L.

Baroness' Degree of Elegance (BDE) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for showing graciousness and courtesy [Dragonsspine]
Notes: chartered 2/6/99

Light of al-Barran (BLA) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for being an example of chivalry, gentility, nobility and authenticity, are most exemplary in welcoming and fostering newcomers to our Society.

Poignard Noir of Caer Galen (BPN) (Non-armigerous award)(charter) (badge)
Given for personal service to the Coronet [Caer Galen]
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A daggar bendwise sinister sable.
Notes: Charter amended on April 18, A.S. XLIX.

Saint Cecily with the Cup (BPR) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for heralds or bards who have memorably distinguished themselves in service to the Barony.

Queen's Cypher (BQC) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for personal service to the Queen
Badge/Insignia: (insignia) Some form of stylized rendering of the Queen's initials
Notes: Originally chartered 10/4/86 re-do charter 3/99

Scorpion's Favor of al-Barran (BSF) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for Personal service to the coronet

Baron's Thistle of Fontaine (BT) (Non-armigerous award)(charter)
Given for service to the Baron [Fontaine dans Sable]