Sort: alias | name
Balor MacFaelechoin | Gallchobar macc Faelchon |
Caitriona MacCormack | Gaia Aurelia Marius |
Christopher Thorkellson | Gere Thorkelsson |
Cistoferus of Sterling | Gere Thorkelsson |
Elaine | Grace (of Caerthe) |
Ethan Drackenmokor | Graye Drache |
Ethan the Strongarm | Gerrit d\'Orleans |
Faramar | Garin Vollent de Ghent |
Fel (of Dragonsspine) | Gaius Felix Aurelianus |
Feradach mac Maíl Giric | Gotschalg Sudermann |
Gabriella (of Bofharrach) | Gabriella Rizo |
Gabriella de L'orme | Gabrielle de L'orme |
Gaia Aurelia | Gaia Aurelia Marius |
Gaius Brutus | Gaius Furius Marius |
Gaius Brutus Legio | Gaius Furius Marius |
Galen Shadowraven | Galen fitz Thomas |
Galfrid de Blakemere | Garreth Silverthane |
Galton de Sepatura | Gaston de Sepulveda |
Gareth Lightborn | Gareth Lightborne |
Gariael of Clark's Keep | Gaerial of Clark |
Garick Köpke | Garick von Köpke |
Garret Lightborne | Gareth Lightborne |
Gatlon de Sepatura | Gaston de Sepulveda |
Gatlon de Sepultura | Gaston de Sepulveda |
Gaufroi le Crieur | Geffroi le Crieur |
Gavin Blackthorn | Gavin of Windkeep |
Gavriella Sylvanus | Gabriela Silvana |
Genevieve Aurelie Darrion | Genevieve Darroch |
Genevieve Santerre | Genoveva Meyer |
Geoffrey Bourette | Geoffrey Bourre |
Geoffrey de la Montagna. | Geoffrey the Mountain |
Geoffri de la Montagne | Geoffrey the Mountain |
Geofroi le Crieur | Geffroi le Crieur |
Gerald de Certes ap Pedes | Gerald Certus Pedaria |
Geric of al-Barran | Garic Guthraidh |
Gerritt Raynor | Gerrit d\'Orleans |
Gianni Sangermano | Gianni de San Germano |
Gideon Mac An Bhaird | Gideon Dubh Mac an Bhaird |
Gilbert de Paris | Gilbert le Verrat |
Gillian (of Drygestan) | Gilliana Leigh Gallwey |
Gillian (of Fontaine) | Gillian Godfrey |
Gilmoure of Storm | Gilmoure Gylbard |
Ginnina of Nahrun | Gianina The Wanderer |
Ginnina the Wanderer | Gianina The Wanderer |
Giovanna figlia di Meir | Giovanna di Meir |
Giovanni Baptista | Giovanni Prete |
Godfrey von Zollern | Gottfried von Zollern |
Godric Friis | Godricke Friis |
Goffridus Robertus | Geoffrey fitz Robert |
Gormlaith Ó'Néill | Gormlaith of al-Barran |
Grainne Shocair | Gráinne Shocair |
Gregor Malakov | Gregor der Jünger |
Gregor of Bears Gate | Gregor Meachair |
Grellen O'Connor | Grellán ÓConchobhair |
Griffith of Barrowshaven | Griffith atte Dernedyngle |
Griffon of Erlinstar | Gryfyn of Valentia |
Guea ingen Guy | Geua filia Guy |
Guene (of Unser Hafen) | Guene filia Medrod |
Guenguiu of Caerthe | Guenguiu myrgh Guentigern |
Gundahar Magnusson | Gunndiarfr Magnúsarson |
Gunnolf Grimsson | Gunnólfr Grímsson |
Gunwaldt der Östermachen | Gunwaldt Gullbjørn |
Guy of al-Barron | Guy Herbert of Roteland |
Gwain Ivorsson | Gawain Ivarsson |
Gwendolyn Usari Vandergot Romani | Gwenllian MacDonald |
Gweneth Sastre | Gwyneth of Rio de las Animas |
Gwenllian ferch Lorcán | Gwenllian Lorcan |
Gwyneth of al-Barran | Gwyneth of Rio de las Animas |
Gytha of Caer Galen) | Gytha Lokheued |
Jalut Gaston de Navarre | Gaston de Navarre |
Jennivere Marjeta | Guinevere inghean Uí Áinle |
Jeri | Genevieve Filia Alierii |
Jonathon (of Caer Galen) | Giannozzo Francesco di Genoa |
Kate the Merchant | Geffroi le Crieur |
Kat’ryna Neblaga Volchkova | Geffroi le Crieur |
Kyle inghen Lochlan | Grace Dooley |
Lucius Avisius Seneca | Gunnstæinn Ragnarsson |
Maeve the Hither-Dweller | Gwenyth Maeve of Falconguard |
Talore MacConlae | Gunnstæinn Ragnarsson |
Teigr ap Glyndwyer | Gerwyn y Teigr |
Valerie | Geirdis Valsdóttir |