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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
List of People and Possible Alias

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Amanda Murray Ymanya Murray
Bronehilda of House Hoof and Mouth Ysopete Mah
Feilan Yngvarr Feilan Rauðúlfsson
Ilaria Jacqueline Montrevel Ylaire Jacqueline de Montrivel
Isabella (of al-Barran) Ysabel de Santiesteban
Jasmina Rael Yasima bint-ish-Chyll al-Shiraz
Johan von Horne Ya?y? ibn F?ris ibn ?asan al-Mar?
Katlyn of Erynfel Yelisveta Katlin Savrasova
Tatiana Gordeevna Kazimirova Ymanie the Midwife
Tatiana the Midwife Ymanie the Midwife
Tetsutaka Yukihana Yasu Yukiko
Tivian de Solenair Yukio (of Rio de las Animas)
Yasmina Yasima bint-ish-Chyll al-Shiraz
Yazida la Zagala Yazida bint Zarif
Yildiz the Traveler Yildiz of Misrian
Ylaria Montrivil Ylaire Jacqueline de Montrivel
Ylndyl Ylydl (of al-Barran)
Yosef ben Judah Yosef ben Yehudah