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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
List of People and Possible Alias

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Rita Die Perle Von Der Wetterau
Rosemunda Tucher
Artavardiya Reynard des Roches
Carrick Randal Carrick
Cihan Rowan O'Harrell
Cihan Sultana Ras al-Abyhad Rowan O'Harrell
Corwin of Dunbar Robert Corwen of Dunbar
Corwin Silverthorn Robert Corwin Silverthorne
Cuhelyn of Northanhymbre Remy Renée d\'Orleans
Cullain mac Bryde Remy Renée d\'Orleans
Cullian MacBride Remy Renée d\'Orleans
Éirne inghean Domhnaill Rois inghean Domhnaill
Fear Ruithe Ronan MacKenna
Heydyn Reinmar Heyden
Hrolief Harrbjorn Rowland de Grey of Lincolnshire
Isabeau (of Nahrun Kabirun) Rhiannon O’Connemara
Jamil Khafer Rumil Kehalovi
Juan Rodrigo de Navarre Rodrigo de Navarre
Katherine of Birchfeld Ruth of Birkenfeld
Keiton (of al-Barran) Rinieri Divettino
Kerrick Randal Carrick
Kitare no kami Satoko Hinoki Rowen Brithwallt
Kitare-no-kami Satoko Hinoki no Kiyowara Rowen Brithwallt
Kronos Ramon the Chronologer
Loairn MacEilach Robert Edward Stewart
Lynna von Drachenberg Randy von Drachenberg
Maralda filia Guidi Normanni Rayya al-Ruqay\'a
Nezumi Re Remy Renée d\'Orleans
Patches the Gypsy Raisa Zaplatskaya
Radawn Mah Llya RaDawn Pársá
Raelina Torres de Chavira Rolena Frogge Chavira
Raes Marie Augustine Raes Augustine
Rafael Chavira Rafael Frogge Chavira
Raginvald Heliarskin Rögnwaldr Heljarskinn
Randolf of the Vikings Randolph Victorson
Rannvaeig orrarmr Eskilskona Rannvæig ørrarmr Eskilskona
Redwulf von Kuhl Redulf Von Kol
Remy Renee d\\\\\\\'Orleans Remy Renée d\'Orleans
Reto (of Caer Galen) Reto von Kyborg
Reutnor of Rotbart von Rothenberg Ruter Rotbart von Rothenberg
Reyhaneh BahAr ReyhAneh bint 'Isa al-Zuhri
Reyna Wolf Rhiannon Wolfe
Rhiannin (of Readstan) Rhiannin filla Fynn
Rhiannon (of Nahrun Kabirun) Rhiannon O’Connemara
Rhiannon ferch Fychen Rhiannon ferch Ednyfed
Rhiannon of Loch Seaforth Rhiannon ny Rory
Rhiannon Wolf Rhiannon Wolfe
Rhianon Wulf Rhiannon Wolfe
Rifka of Tadcaster Rebecca de Tatecastre
Rigney Lionstone Regné du Lyon
Rioghan mac an Ghabhan Rian Mac an Gobhann
Rivkah bas Sara Ruvka bat Sara
Rob of Golden Oak Rab Wylkyn
Rob the Just Robartach de Montáin
Robard Mathias Robard Matray
Robartach mac Lochlainn Roibeard mac Lochlainn
Rober the Wanderer Robert Marchet
Robert Huntemann Robert Hunteman
Robert of Windkeep Robert aus dem Nord
Robert the Brave Robert de Kari
Robin of Bristol Robert Spenser of Bristol
Robyn de Rohan Robyn Raymondsdottir
Roderick Nightrider Roderick de Kane
Rogan Wolf Ronan Wulf
Roger de Gilbert Roger Warwick
Roger du Lac Lacy Roger Lacy du Lac
Rois inghean Ui Longain Róis inghean Uí Longáin
Roismaire Róis inghean Niocláis
Rolf nicht Kelin von Rot-Zweig Ralf Blackwood of Ravenstone
Roma Veddig Rose Mary Vethig
Ronan Suipeal Rónán Supélach
Rosamund de Chastemont Rosamond de Preston
Rose Ywen of Crowland Rosalinda Lucinda Mandragon de la Vega
Rosemary of Hawkewood Róis inghean Niocláis
Rowan o Caer Blaiddeau Rowen Brithwallt
Rowena Campbell Roana Campbell
Rowena Ginevra Lyon Rowena Colebrook
Rowena Kolhammer Rowena Colebrook
Rusa Grim’s Wife Rusa al-`Aliyya
Ryan Brunloc Ryan de Caergybi
RYUJIN TATSUAKI Ryuu\\\'zou\\\'ji Tatsuaki
Ryuzoji Karasumaru Ryuu\\\'zou\\\'ji Tatsuaki
Tam Lin Ruairidh Alasdair Mhic Leòid
Tam of Darthmoor Ruairidh Alasdair Mhic Leòid
Thalhurst MacSivnah Ruadrí mac Batín