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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
List of People and Possible Alias

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Bela Istvan Nemeth Istvan
Maeve O'Duibhdabhioreann Nadrah bint Lu’lu’ al-Qadisi
Medhbh O’Duibhdabhoireann of Clontarf Nadrah bint Lu’lu’ al-Qadisi
Na'ilah al-Raqqasah Nā'ilah al-Raqqāṣah
Na'ilah al-Raqqash Nā'ilah al-Raqqāṣah
Nastas\'ia Azouskaya Nastas\'ia Zvir\'eva zhena L\'vova
Natalie (of Drygestan) Natal'ia Georgievicha
Natasha MacDuff Natal'ia Mechislavova
Natasha Mechislava Natal'ia Mechislavova
Natasha Zviera Nastas\'ia Zvir\'eva zhena L\'vova
Nerri Nerienda of Elmet
Niall Silverclaw Niall MacTaggart
Nicolae de la Satu Mare Nicolae Rares
Nicolau Machado Nicolaao Machado
Nicole de Saint Clare Nicole Sinclair
Nicolous Nickalos (of Fontaine)
Niklous Bacon Nycholas Lazurus Bacon
Nikos Nikolaus von Stahlburg
Noelle de Poy Noelle de Poys
Norein O Donabhain Noírín O Donnabhaín
Pater Naj Nagy Peter