Awards for the Outlands
Argent Fleece (CAF) (Grant Order)
Given for extraordinary skill and dedication to the creation and cultivation of a persona.
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a fleece argent, within a bordure embattled Or
Argent Hart (CAH) (Kingdom AoA Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in the arts & sciences
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a stag's head, erased and affronty, argent, collared and armed, within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: rechartered 6/13/98
Argent Rose of the Outlands (CARO) (Non-armigerous award)
(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in service to gentles 15 years of age or younger
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a rose argent barbed and seeded proper within a border embattled Or
Notes: Originally chartered 10/2/03 by Irel III & Rosalind
Argent Wyvern of the Outlands* (closed) (CAWO) (Default award rank - below everything)
Notes: Originally chartered 10/2/03 by Irel III & Rosalind == closed 1/3/04 Hoegaarden & Chiara
Azure Mullet of the Outlands (CAMO) (Non-armigerous award)
(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in the arts to gentles 15 years of age or younger
Badge/Insignia: Or, a mullet of eight points azure within a border embattled vert
Notes: Originally chartered 10/2/03 by Irel III & Rosalind
Brendon Swatko Award (CBS) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for excellence in martial arts to gentles 15 years of age or younger
Notes: Originally chartered by Hoegaarden and Chiara 1/3/04
Cordon Royal (BCR) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for personal service to the King
Badge/Insignia: (insignia) Belt upon or attached to which shall appear a stylized rendering of the King's initials
Notes: Originally chartered 5/23/87 Amended on 9/12/87 Amended on 10/5/96 Re-do Draft 3/99
Courage (COC) (Grant Order)
Given for distinguishing him/herself through extraordinary feats of valor on the fields of foreign wars.
Badge/Insignia: Or, in saltire a stag's attire gules and a sword sable.
Notes: Recipients also recieve a gold hood. Only given once per reign.
Doe & Mountain (CDM) (Kingdom AoA Order)
Given for Given for 15 years of consistent and continued skill and dedication to the Arts and Sciences.
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a doe statant atop a mountain argent within a bordure embattled Or.
Domus Animalium Outlandium (RFB) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for those animal companions who are shown to have excellent mannerliness of behavior, or for their especial service within the Kingdom
Badge/Insignia: a collar or tag Or.
Notes: Bearers of this award are granted the right to the first treats from the Royal Hunts
Fallen Snow (CFS) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for expertise at the art of dying well
Badge/Insignia: (insignia) Any rendition of a helm and a snowflake
Flower (OFO) (Grant Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for extraordinary skill in arts and/or sciences
Badge/Insignia: Vert, two stags combatant argent sustaining between them a sexfoil, a bordure engrailed Or
Notes: Originally chartered on 11/11/95. Charter signed and dated 11/14/98 pending passage of new device
Golden Lance (OGL) (Grant Order)
Given for skill and leadership in the equestrian arts
Badge/Insignia: (proposed) Vert, a tilting lance Or sustained by two stags combatant argent, a bordure engrailed Or
Notes: charted by treaty 11/9/19, converting the members of the order of the Silver Lance
Golden Pheon (CGP) (Kingdom AoA Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in the art of archery
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a pheon inverted environed of a stag's attire, all within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: Originally chartered 1/16/88 Amended on 8/25/92 re-chartered 7/18/98
Iron Hart (TIH) (Grant Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for extraordinary skill in fighting arts
Badge/Insignia: Vert, two stags combatant argent sustaining between them an axe argent hafted Or, a bordure engrailed Or
Notes: Originally chartered 11/11/95. Charter signed and dated 11/14/98 pending passage of new device
Knights Pensioners of the Venerable Guard (PVG) (Non-armigerous award)
(charter) (badge)
Given for 30 years as a fighter
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a sheaf of swords inverted proper surmounted by a rose all within an orle of oak leaves in orle Or
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands (CLG) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for ideals of gallantry and courtesy
Badge/Insignia: (Insignia) Pin with an estoile surmounted on a green ribbon
Notes: rechartered 6/13/98
Outlands Royal Menagerie [proclamation of Giovanni and Cainnleach] (closed) (ORM) (Default award rank - below everything)
Given for canines who greatly enhanced the ambience of events
Badge/Insignia: (insignia) collar or other form of appropriate livery stylized in green and gold
Notes: Proclaimed 11/6/04 and ended 11/13/04 at end of Reign of Giovanni and Cainnleach
Palmer's Lantern (CPL) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for artistic endeavors that enrich the Society but normally would be considered outside the realm and time period of the SCA.
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A lantern Or
Promise of the Outlands (CPO) (Non-armigerous award)
(charter) (badge)
Given for general service and mannerliness in those 15 and under
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a deer's head erased argent, budded, within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: rechartered 5/9/98
Queen's Cypher (BQC) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for personal service to the Queen
Badge/Insignia: (insignia) Some form of stylized rendering of the Queen's initials
Notes: Originally chartered 10/4/86 re-do charter 3/99
Queen's Grace (CQG) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for courtliness and gentility
Badge/Insignia: (insignia) Lanyard of green and white cords
Notes: rechartered 6/13/98
Ragnar's Hammer (CRH) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for exemplary dedication in service to Battlemoor.
Badge/Insignia: some rendition of a Thor’s Hammer with the word “Battlemoor” in Runic script thereon.
Sharparrow (AIR) (Grant Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for extraordinary skill in the art and science of traditional archery
Badge/Insignia: Vert, on a pale argent endorsed Or a flaming arrow sable fletched vert enflamed gules
Notes: originally chartered 11/8/97 as Order of the Archers of the Iron Rain Name changed to Order of Sharparrow 5/98 Charter read and signed 11/14/98
Silver Lance (OSL) (Grant Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for skill and leadership in the equestrian arts
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a tilting lance sustained by two stags combatant argent, a bordure engrailed Or
Notes: charted 5/1/04; closed 11/9/19
Silver Stirrup (CSSO) (Kingdom AoA Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for demonstration of skill and knowledge of equestrian arts
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a stirrup argent within a bordure embattled Or
Silver Tyne (DST) (Kingdom AoA Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in the art of fencing
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a stag's attire palewise argent, a bordure embattled Or
Notes: Originally chartered 10/26/96 Device passed 2/99 new draft 3/18/99
Stag (OSO) (Grant Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for serving the Kingdom well and faithfully, far above and beyond the service normally expected from a citizen of the Kingdom
Badge/Insignia: Vert, two stags combatant sustaining between them a column argent, a bordure engrailed Or
Notes: Originally chartered 11/11/95. Charter signed and dated 11/14/98 pending passage of new device
Stag and Chalice (CSC) (Kingdom AoA Order)
Given for faithfully performing service for 15 years or more
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A chalice conjoined to and environed of the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent attired gules
Stag's Blood (DSB) (Kingdom AoA Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for use and artistry of SCA style weaponry
Badge/Insignia: Vert, in saltire, a sword inverted proper and an axe argent, hafted Or, surmounted by a stag's head cabossed argent, armed, within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: Originally chartered 10/5/86 new draft 3/18/99
Stag's Heart (CSH) (Kingdom AoA Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for excellence in service
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a heart Or between the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent, attired, within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: Originally chartered 11/1/86 rechartered 7/18/98
Trefoil (CTO) (Kingdom AoA Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for martial arts, arts and sciences, or service in a shire or college
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a trefoil slipped argent within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: rechartered 6/13/98
Vangard (VOO) (Grant Order)
Given for that person who has distinguished him/herself through extraordinary feats of service in support of foreign wars.
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a sword inverted argent surmounted by a beehive within a bordure embattled Or
Velvet Tynes [award closed] (CVT) (Non-armigerous award)
Given for youth arts and sciences
Notes: order closed 4/9/88
Venerable Guard (CVG) (Non-armigerous award)
(charter) (badge)
Given for 15 or more years of service in the martial arts
Badge/Insignia: Vert, a sheaf of three swords inverted proper surmounted by a rose, all within a bordure embattled Or
Notes: rechartered 6/13/98
Walker of the Way (CWW) (Non-armigerous award)
(charter) (badge)
Given for displaying the highest ideals and values in the SCA
Badge/Insignia: Argent, a palmer, robed, hooded and bearing a staff sable
Notes: Proclaimed at Grand Outlandish 5/31/76, rechartered 6/13/98
White Scarf of the Outlands (DWS) (Grant Order)
(charter) (badge)
Given for extraordinary skill in the art of fencing
Badge/Insignia: Sable, on a pale argent between two rapiers proper, a stag's antler vert
Notes: prior to advancing the Order to Grant level