Constitution for the

Order of the Argent Rose of the Outlands

I.          There shall exist in the Kingdom of the Outlands an award, known as the Order of the Argent Rose of the Outlands, which may be given by the Crown of the Outlands to those gentles under the age of 15 years, who have demonstrated consistent excellence in service to their group or the kingdom.

II.         The holders of the Order shall be no more than fifteen years of age.

III.         The holders of the Order shall be styled as Companions of the Argent Rose of the Outlands and shall be entitled to place the initials C.A.R.O. after their names.

IV.        The insignia of the Order shall consist of a belt favor or medallion pendant from a ribbon bearing the registered badge of the Order: Vert, a rose argent barbed and seeded

proper, within a bordure embattled Or.

V.         The Order shall convey neither arms nor precedence, and may be conferred only once upon a given individual.

VI.        Amendments to this constitution shall be made by the Crown of the Outlands, with consultation with the order's creators.

By our hands this 2nd day of Oct, A.S. XXXVIII, being 2003 in the Common Era.

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  Irel, Righ                                                       Rosalind, Bannrigh


Tatiana, White Stag Principal Herald