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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
List of People and Possible Alias

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Ealdred the Tall Ealdraed the Tall
Ealdred the Tall AEldred the Tall
Ealdred the Tall Loraine Fayette
Ealdred the Tall AEldraed the Tall
Ealusaid inghean Mhaoil Choluim Ealusaid aighearach inghean Mhaoil Choluim
Eanred of Tamworthie Ian (of Caerthe)
Eanred of Tamworthie Eanred Bred-Webbe
Edmund Newcastle Vebjorn Vegandi
Edmund Peregrine Edmundus Peregrinator
Egill Þorisson Egil Thorsen
Eibhear Moireis Eibear Moireir
Eibhilín O Mirren Eibhlean (of Fontaine)
Eibhlín níc Raghailligh Eibhlin nic Raghailligh
Eilis Bledsoe Kyla
Eilonora MacNachtain Eilionora MacNachtain of the Heather Isles
Eilonwy Gwyngeffyl Eilonwy du Licorne
Einarr genja Ragnarsson Rhys ap Dafydd
Einarr genja Ragnarsson Olav harbardhR Tyrsson
Einarr genja Ragnarsson Olav Tyson
Einarr Skallagrímsson Michael of Drygestan
Eireann Deerslayer Elk Deerslayer
Eiric Mhartain Eircc mac Ghillie Mhaolain?
Eiríkr geirsbrjótr Eldonerick
Eiríkr Mjoksiglandi Sigurðarson Eirikr Sigurdharson
Eithne ingen Fhaelain Duib Grear MacMillan
Eithne ingen Fhaelain Duib Eithne inghen Fhaolain
Ekaterina Kirkovna Katherine d\\\'Arles
Elanor O'Halloraine Elanor Dreamweaver
Eleanor Grey of Westriding Fatimah bint Omar al-Esfahani
Eleanor Ravenwood Elenor
Elena Isabella de Glastonbury Elena of Glastonbury
Eleonora von Effen Eleonora von Effyn
Eleonora von Effen Elora Von Effyn
Elionora Brennan Rowenna d' Abusson
Elisant von Zweibrücken Elisant of Caerthe
Elisant von Zweibrücken Elisant le Chevaler
Elise de Champtoceaux Elise of Brittany
Elise Porteresse d\'yaue Elise Porteuse d\'Eau
Elise Porteresse d\'yaue Elizabeth the Waterbearer
Elisée de Calais Elisabeau d'Calais
Elisée de Calais Elisabeaux the Lighthearted
Elissent Silverleaf Elissent Silverleaf
Eliyahu ben Ezra Aedhán Brecc
Elizabeth Anne Grene Elizabeth Green
Elizabeth Bakere Franklin Featherstone
Elizabeth de Valence Lisette
Elizabeth of al-Barran Chataigne the Meek
Elizabeth Thornfield Freemountain Yasmin a d'Jebel
Elizabeth Winter Isabel la Biche d\'Hiver
Ella Astaria Mama Gypsy
Elric Thurstonsen of Dragonskeep Eiric Thurstonsen of Dragonskeep
Elwynne Liers Rebecca of Caer Gelynniog
Elzebeth Bluscichofin Elzebeth Bluscichof
Emerich Magnusson Emrik Magnusson
Emmelina van Westenberg Emmaline von Westenburg
Eoghan MacIver William MacIver
Eoin MacRae Ishi
Erasimierz Waspanieski Greyraven
Erc of Ringholden Ark Kazad
Erchambaut le Breton Arianrhod le Breton
Eric L'Estrange Eric of the Far West
Eric Litefoote of Studley Eric (of Ravenhyrst)
Eric Litefoote of Studley Eric (of Caer Galen)
Eric Morrison of Thistlekeep Erikr
Erich Geisler Brenden Woodscolt
Erich Geisler Erik Armgier
Erin inigena avi Cunneti Erin indigent avi Cunneti
Ernest of Wyvernwoode Estavon de la Vega
Esabel de Whiteford Isabelle de Whitford
Estevan de Sepulveda Estevan de Sepultura
Etain of Durham Etain macConna
Ethelane the Saxon Simon Thornfield
Etienne de Baieur Etienne de Bayeux
Etienne de Baieur Ulus
Euphrasia Raptissa Moriane Euphrasia Raptissa Moreas
Evelyn Macrae Evain Arafel
Evelyn Macrae Evain MacRae
Evelyn of Aarquelle Evelyn Rose (of Aarquelle)