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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Venerable Guard (CVG)

The stylization of members of this order is Companion of the Venerable Guard.

Notes on this order: rechartered 6/13/98

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Asad Ud-Din (premier) 1987-11-07
Christopher of Hoghton 1988-02-13
Dafydd the Silvertongue of Deverell 1988-02-13
Koris Natterhelm 1988-02-27
Raymond the Quiet 1988-02-27
Avram the Jew 1991-07-27
Gunwaldt Gullbjørn 1991-07-27
Tuathal of Tehri 1991-07-27
Eldr Fredericksson 1992-04-04
Ian MacDuff 1992-04-11
Creon the Artisan 1992-05-24
Douglas MacAndrew 1992-08-01
Albert von Dreckenveldt 1994-01-29
Aleyn James Douglas 1994-07-31
James Qui Connait 1994-07-31
Warmin of Belshire 1995-01-14
Kragon of Land's End 1995-08-18
Olaf Bjornson 1995-12-02
Gerwyn y Teigr 1996-02-03
Jochen von Balduinseck 1996-12-21
Johann von Balduinseck 1996-12-21
Cathyn Fitzgerald 1997-04-12
James Arthursson 1997-04-19
Rahlahn of Mulberry 1997-08-23
Artan macAilin 1997-09-20
Angelique Rivez de Hellsgate 1997-10-11
Guillaume Francois Rolland de Gonzac 1997-10-11
Stephan Sörensen 1997-10-11
Giovanni di Sienna 1998-03-21
Hancarata Aethnen filia Cuneddae 1998-03-21
Kevin MacKinnon 1998-03-21
Titus Claudius Severus 1998-03-21
Lorin the Lecher 1998-10-24
Berold de Gilbert 1998-11-14
Antinous Dracontius 1999-01-09
Haroun ibn al-Dhi'b al Abyadh 1999-08-14
Mavrikii Andronikov 1999-08-14
Michael die Zauberzunge von Essen 1999-09-18
Irel Krist of Starre Inn 2000-02-18
Lavan Longwalker 2000-04-15
Stefan of the Wanderers 2000-04-15
Hrothger Monomakh 2001-07-28
Konrad von Greifswald 2002-02-15
Gregor von Münchhausen 2002-07-13
Inigo Needham Bledsoe 2002-07-13
Torn Thornwald 2002-09-27
Tuman Elnikov 2002-12-06
Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow 2003-01-04
Rhoigan ap Heilyn 2003-02-01
Ailinn Shadowfox 2003-03-29
Daniel Larke del Glen 2003-03-29
Eoin MacRae 2003-03-29
Robert fitz Ralph 2003-04-26
Frederick Thurston 2003-08-02
Jon Blackwell 2003-08-02
Lothar vom Bergenwald 2003-08-02
Mael Marden 2003-08-02
Massimiliano Pontieri dal Sasso 2004-02-15
Lazarus the Hun 2004-05-01
Tore av Uddevala 2004-05-01
Lycurgus de Loch 2004-06-12
Cyrred of Ashwood 2004-07-17
Ulrich Krieger 2004-07-17
Angus Montgomery the Forrester 2004-08-07
Eric Edmundsson 2004-08-07
Wolfgang Grothe de Verron 2004-08-07
Aelfraed Hawkmoon 2004-09-11
Ian of Nightsgate 2004-09-11
`Abd al-Hakim ibn `Abd al-Rahman Shaddad al-Tomüki 2004-09-11
Hrorek Wolfson 2004-11-13
Kaleriia Andronikova 2005-02-19
Ruter Rotbart von Rothenberg 2005-08-13
Bjarg-njotr Olfassa 2005-09-03
Eric Morrison of Thistlekeep 2005-09-03
Ordög Magyar Béla 2006-03-04
Sarah de Montgomerie 2006-03-18
Maelgwn McCain 2006-07-28
Ramon the Chronologer 2006-09-02
Coinneach MacPherson 2007-05-26
Royse of the Sinte 2007-09-01
Rhys Afalwin 2007-09-08
Eliyahu ben Ezra 2007-11-30
Michaelangelo Francesco di Genoa 2007-12-01
Gareth of Gryphon\'s Nest 2007-12-08
Magnus Zwerver 2007-12-08
James David of Argentias 2007-12-15
William Flanagan 2008-05-10
Thomas Winterbourne de Kent 2008-07-12
Béla Kós 2008-08-02
Duncan der Halogaland 2009-07-04
Leifr Vagnsson 2009-08-29
William fitz Martin of Kent 2010-04-17
Ælric Kyrri 2010-12-18
Bohémond le Sinistre 2012-12-15
Óengus ua Faeláin 2012-12-15
Darius of Jaxartes 2014-02-28
Deotrich Hiltipard 2014-07-05
Felix Bloodfist 2014-12-21
Roger Warwick 2015-02-28
Kynan of Wyre Forest 2015-03-14
Muiredach MacGregor 2015-05-02
Davin Drakere 2015-05-23
Michael Patrick MacBain 2015-05-23
Gawain Ivarsson 2015-09-05
Béla Kierzon 2015-09-26
Keridwen Andersdottir 2015-12-12
Einarr Skallagrímsson 2015-12-19
Thorbrandr Olafsson 2016-01-30
Uighur-un Buqu 2016-05-28
Alexander MacAndrew 2016-07-02
Ku Jin 2016-07-02
Zachariah de Kane 2016-08-20
Argyle MacGrigour 2017-01-14
Thorsteinn Vandringsmann 2017-01-28
Alasdair MacDubhghaill the Scot 2017-05-27
Stigr Robertsson 2018-12-08
Robert atte Blackwell 2019-01-19
Arion Hawke 2019-04-27
Angus Reid MacFarlane 2023-04-22
John Wryght 2023-10-21
Patroclus Tempestivus 2023-10-21
Dietmar Wolfmeier 2023-12-02
Grellán ÓConchobhair 2024-01-06
Timur ibn Junaid 2024-10-05
Felix Sniumi 2025-02-22