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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
List of People and Possible Alias

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Adelbert Griffith Solskydda William (of Rio de las Animas)
Algernon Wulfric of Northumbria Wulfric Gyldir
Cameron de Blakstan William Cameron de Blakstan
Cameron of A'losgadh Tor William Cameron de Blakstan
Cerridwen verch Ioreword Wen verch Ioreword
Fionn Aoh Thelen Wulfgar Thistlehorn
Galbrearth Wilhelm Gelbart
Kerry of Windkeep William Cameron de Blakstan
Micah the Damned Dane Wade Averey of Woodstock
Stuart (of Fontaine dans Sable) William Stuart
Valter (of Plattefordham) Walther Gütman
Verron Wolfgang von Groth Wolfgang Grothe de Verron
Walkelin (of Drygestan) Walkelin Montgomery
Walrick of Canterbury Walrick de Blakeney
Wilelm Clayburne Wilelm the Smith
Wilham of Douglas Wilham Juste
Wilhelm Claidhbyrne the Smith Wilelm the Smith
Wilhelm the Smith Wilelm the Smith
Wilhem de Risen Wilhelm Reissen
Willem Cleburne Wilelm the Smith
William Avery of Woodstock Wade Averey of Woodstock
William Featherstone William Fetherstan
William Petheram of Somerset William fitz Martin of Kent
William the Seafarer William the Pig Cooker
Willo of the Venerable Bede Wilo mac Donnchada
Winfred (of Unser Hafen) Windfred (of Unser Hafen)
Wolf von der Muhle-Eckart Wolf von der Mühle
Wolfgang Sebastian Kohl Wolfgang Sebastian Kolhammer
Wulfhramin of Golden Oak Wulfhram St. James
Wynne ferch Rhys Wynne ferch Rhodri