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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
List of People and Possible Alias

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Lachlan O'Sheridan of Falconhold Gegu
Laeriel Fayrehale Laeriel Fayrhale
Lance Armstrong Uallas Armstrong
Landrada von Glonn Robyn von Glonn
Lasairfhíona inghean an Sheanchaide Laisairiona Seanchaidhe
László Rózsa Rozsa Laszlo
Laurel O'Rourke Cailin O'Rourke
Laurent de Lourdes Laurent de Bordeaux
Laurentz von Rothenstein Laurentz Rothstein
Learbhean nighean Thoirrdhealbhaich Bette of Drach
Learbhean nighean Thoirrdhealbhaich Bette of Darach
Leifr Einarsson Leif Eniarsson
Leifr Vagnsson Robert MacArthur
Lelien Widoeghe Lilje Widoeghe
Lêofsige Õ Caoimh Lyssa
Leofwine (of Blaiddwyn) Einok
Leofwine (of Blaiddwyn) Josh of Blaiddwyn
Leona Roy Colquhoun Leona of Phar View
Leonor Ruiz de Lisón Qara Qulan
Li Hsiao Lung Li Guang Ming
Li Hsiao Lung Lee Sui Long
Li Hsiao Lung Li, the Hero of China
Lief Daevijtsen Lief Davidson
Liepa Jonaite Liepa Jonaskaite
Lijsbet vande Visschereye Maredudd Angharad ferch Gwenhyfar
Lijsbet vande Visschereye Maredudd Angharad ferch Gwenhyrar
Lijsbet vande Visschereye Eirene Tzimiskina Kontostephanina
Lillian Clare de Chateauroux Lillian Clare de Chateaurous
Lilliana Le Grant Lillianna le Graunt
Lina of Fontaine Angelina of Fontaine
Lingormr gympe eykr Lingorm Gympe inn Eykr
Lisette de Troyes Stephanie (of Unser Hafen)
Lisette de Troyes Lizette (of Unser Hafen)
Llewellyn ap Glenwidford Llewellyn y Saethydd
Llwyd Emrys Ambrosius the Grey
Lochlainn O Mahony Lochlainn Mahony
Loðurr Havskjold Spike
Loðurr Havskjold Lodhur Havskjold
Logan of Logan Logan (of Scola Metallorum)
Lore de Lorraine Lorene of Lircadia
Lörinc Ötög Lörinc of Nahrun Kabirun
Lörinc Ötög Lorinc Otog
Lorraine Weberin Lareena (of Nahrun Kabirun)
Lorraine Weberin Lorrena
Lothar le Sauvage Lothar de Sauvage
Louchelan de Hay Lochlan dela Hay
Louchelan de Hay Lochlan Mac Garaidh
Lucas Cade Lucas de Caid
Lucius Verrinius Atticus Lucius Von Atticus
LuCretia da Vale LuCretia (of Rio de las Animas)
Lucrezia Tagliaferro Ildikó the Blonde
Lucrezia Tagliaferro Maria the Blonde
Lukka of al-Barran Anita (of al-Barran)
Lukka of al-Barran Aylith Coltbain
Luta Völundóttir Josie Meliorasfille
Luta Völundóttir Josephina of Caerthe
Lynn Wolf Cheyenne (of Fontaine)
Lynne of Greystone Lynne Jane Bujue
Lyonnete du Soleil Lyonnete la Rousse
Lyulf Williamson Leland MacGregor