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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Cordon of Honor of Caerthe (CCHC)

The stylization of members of this order is Companion of the Cordon of Honor.

Notes on this order: Charter dated 5/10/97 without being signed by the Crown new draft 3/18/99

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John Angus Swinford (premier) 1995-08-12
Gabrielle Cartier 1995-09-15
Veronica Brannick 1995-09-30
Tuathal of Tehri 1995-11-24
Angelique Rivez de Hellsgate 1997-09-20
Arwen Southernwood 1997-09-20
Richenda Arabella Letellier de Tremont 1997-09-20
Rivka Vladimirovna Rivkina 1998-08-01
Briatiz d'Andrade 2000-01-08
Edmund Kilnwick of Lancashire 2000-01-08
Gabrielle Cartier 2000-01-08
Genevieve Fitzwalter 2000-01-08
Gwenhevare of Coventry 2000-01-08
Manahundr (of Caerthe) 2000-01-08
Marguerite d'Isere 2000-01-08
Meadhbh Daingen int Slébhe 2000-01-08
Tryffin mac Ualraig 2000-01-08
Kerold Hoegaarden 2000-08-05
Nynaeve (of Caerthe) 2000-11-04
Killian MacKenzie (Maelgwn) 2001-04-14
Keturah (of Caerthe) 2001-07-09
Talan Mawr 2001-07-09
Aeron MacDoughal (Kerold & Chiara) 2002-08-24
Vladimir Ivanovitch Protzko 2002-08-24
Bjarg-njotr Olfassa 2003-01-04
Wyndylyn Leanb na Doinneann 2003-01-04
Randal Carrick (Kerold & Chiara) 2003-08-30
Robert Marchet (Ramon & Catherine) 2004-05-08
Johannes Rodenwerper (Ramon & Catherine) 2004-09-04
Gwentliana filia Iohannes (Ramon & Catherine) 2005-01-08
Tahir al-Razi (Ramon & Catherine) 2005-01-08
Ulrik Halvarson 2005-09-24
Arcadia of Medina 2006-01-07
Catrin von Berlin 2006-01-07
Tristan Grey of Manchester 2006-01-07
Yasu Yukiko 2006-01-07
Angus Montgomery the Forrester 2006-08-05
Ingvarr Halvarson (Ramon & Catherine) 2006-08-05
Adam Carmychel 2006-09-02
Adriana Maria Presley 2006-09-02
Mary Blakthorn 2006-09-02
Rothin in flamska 2006-09-02
Tangwystl Angharad verch Rhys 2006-09-02
Wolfgang Grothe de Verron (Ramon & Catherine) 2006-09-02
Bruyere Ancelin de Boucles 2006-09-09
Dearbháil inghean Léoid. (Ramon & Catherine) 2006-09-09
Ailleann inghean Fhiodhbhuidhe (Mary) 2010-04-17
Alverik Czypser (Mary) 2010-04-17
Gabriel Robertson 2010-04-17
Kseniya Mikhailovna Morskaya (Mary) 2010-04-17
Logan of Logan (Mary) 2010-04-17
Rónán Supélach (Mary) 2010-04-17
Catherine de Northewoode (Robert & Magge) 2012-01-07
Raes Augustine (Robert & Magge) 2012-01-07
William Flanagan (Robert & Magge) 2012-01-07
Celestina Santi (Robert & Magge) 2013-01-05
Ellinor Rose Sanbourne (Robert & Magge) 2013-01-05
Morgan Cheyney (Robert & Magge) 2013-01-05
Sebastiaen Bastoen (Robert & Magge) 2013-01-05
Avram syn Osvetoslavl’ (Robert & Magge) 2013-08-03
Angus Montgomery the Forrester 2016-01-02
Helena de Fleury 2016-01-02
Jethro Stille 2016-01-02
Mahowne Mac Agaloglie 2016-01-02
Pettronella Pártaszövõ 2016-01-02
Rivka Vladimirovna Rivkina 2016-01-02
Catrin von Berlin 2016-02-06
Guenguiu myrgh Guentigern 2016-02-06
Killian MacKenzie 2016-02-06
Arndís Knýtir 2021-08-21
Chelsea Weber 2021-08-21
Crestina da Brescia 2021-08-21
Elizabeth Winter 2021-08-21
Isabelle de Calais 2021-08-21
Jasper Sleecht 2021-08-21
Marion Forrester 2021-08-21
Santiago Rodriguez de Cadiz 2021-08-21
Tahir al-Razi 2023-01-07