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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Territorial Baron - Retired (TBAR-R)

The stylization of members of this order is Former Territorial Baron.

Notes on this order:

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Albert von Dreckenveldt 1978-06-17
Robert de Spencer 1978-12-30
Raymond the Quiet 1981-02-28
Stefan of the Wanderers 1983-05-27
Nicholas Simon deKane 1984-01-04
Theodric ap Breken Beaken 1984-01-04
Dirik Reverson 1984-08-19
Koris Natterhelm 1984-12-15
Jochen von Balduinseck 1988-03-19
Olaf Bjornson 1989-06-05
Gareth of Gryphon\'s Nest 1991-04-13
Ruter Rotbart von Rothenberg 1991-04-13
Lambert de Sur 1991-05-05
Kay Delafleur 1991-09-14
Garick von Köpke 1992-03-21
Stefan of the Wanderers 1992-04-11
Douglas MacAndrew 1993-05-08
Kevin MacKinnon 1994-07-30
Athelstan of Bainbridge 1995-05-06
Inigo Needham Bledsoe 1996-12-21
Titus Claudius Severus 1997-07-19
Mael Marden 1998-06-06
Thorfinn Greybeard 1999-10-30
Maelgwn McCain 2000-01-08
Walter Kempe of Falconhold 2000-01-08
Kragon of Land's End 2000-05-27
Giovanni di Sienna 2001-04-07
Tuman Elnikov 2002-01-26
Dmitri Kazimirovich 2002-03-30
Valbrandr Hrafnsbróðir 2003-05-24
Kerold Hoegaarden 2003-07-07
Timothy O'Brien 2003-08-02
Konrad von Greifswald 2004-01-07
Mika Longbow 2004-01-24
Alexander Eriksson Trevor 2004-05-28
Deotrich Hiltipard 2004-10-09
Eric Edmundsson 2005-10-01
Massimiliano Pontieri dal Sasso 2006-02-04
Roger Warwick 2006-03-04
Ryan de Caergybi 2006-07-08
Ramon the Chronologer 2006-09-09
Alexander MacAndrew 2006-09-30
Duncan Alastair MacRae 2007-01-20
Patric of Blackthorn 2007-05-22
Samuel de Grace 2008-02-17
Giovanni da Lucca 2008-03-29
Randal Carrick 2008-07-26
Gregor von Münchhausen 2009-06-27
Qara Gan 2009-09-05
Hrorek Wolfson 2010-09-11
Nikolaus von Stahlburg 2010-10-02
William de Kari 2010-10-23
Michaelangelo Francesco di Genoa 2011-06-11
Angus Reid MacFarlane 2012-04-07
Lothar vom Bergenwald 2012-08-31
Arion Hawke 2012-10-20
Konrad von Greifswald 2013-06-15
Robert Magnus 2013-08-03
John Roslyn the Ox 2014-03-01
Otto Schwarz Herz 2014-04-05
Andros Korkyrates 2014-07-05
Herbert von Kalden 2014-08-02
Estevan de Sepulveda 2014-11-01
Christopher Devereux 2015-03-28
Domin d’Alsace 2016-02-06
Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow 2016-04-30
Bardolf Gunwaldtsson 2016-09-24
Broddi hornabrjótr 2016-10-01
Argyle MacGrigour 2017-04-22
Alasdair MacDubhghaill the Scot 2018-04-14
Finn Ua Briain 2018-12-08
Gianni de San Germano 2019-01-26
Tariq ibn Yusuf ibn \'Askari al-Ghassani 2019-04-13
Nicolaao Machado 2019-06-29
Marc Antoine de la Rue 2019-07-27
Lingormr gympe eykr 2019-08-31
Domenico Forestani 2021-08-22
Aegeon the Actor 2022-05-14
Rowland de Grey of Lincolnshire 2022-05-28
Bernardo dei Medici 2023-03-04
Rowland McCain 2023-04-23
Séamus MacRae 2023-05-06
Duncan Alastair MacRae 2023-09-03
Hayashi Yo\'ichirou Norikata 2023-12-16