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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Wolves of Aarquelle (AWA)

The stylization of members of this order is Wolves of Aarquelle.

Notes on this order:

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Lizabetta The Scribe (premier) 2017-04-29
Haven of Aarquelle 2018-04-28
Benjamin (of Aarquelle) 2019-04-27
Elias (of Aarquelle) 2019-04-27
Aislinn of Aarquelle 2022-04-23
Draeven of Aarquelle 2022-04-23
Drake of Aarquelle 2022-04-23
Evelyn of Aarquelle 2022-04-23
Maxwell of Aarquelle 2022-04-23
Levi (of Aarquelle) 2024-04-14
Savannah (of Aarquelle) 2024-04-14