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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Black Glove of Caerthe (CBGC)

The stylization of members of this order is Black Glove of Caerthe.

Notes on this order: charter dated 5/10/97 not signed by the Crown new draft 3/18/99

Sort: alpha | date

Catharine Duran (premier) 1993-12-31
Cáelainn ingen Cháemgein hui Thaidc 2012-01-07
Corban Maculagh 2017-01-07
Domin d’Alsace 2007-01-06
Eoin MacRae 1998-08-23
Fergus MacLennan 2002-12-13
Grellán ÓConchobhair 1999-08-01
Ingvarr Halvarson 2005-08-20
Iohann miles cognomine Vulpes 2022-09-04
James Arthursson 1994-12-31
Jehan Mór 2025-01-04
Jethro Stille 2010-01-02
Mizuno Kiku Ibara 2019-01-02
Patric of Blackthorn 1997-09-20
Ramon the Chronologer 1995-08-01
Rónán Supélach 2008-08-31
Sigeric bíldr 2020-01-05
Stephan Sörensen 2000-12-09
Tahir al-Razi 2016-01-02