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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
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Rio de las Animas (including subgroups, if any)

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Ahreel Madoc Dylan
Ahreel Madoc Ahreel (of Rio de las Animas)
Alzhbet de Sighisoara Elsbeth MacLeod
Bele Steinseifer Belle Steinseifer
Carloman Macht Carloman Macht von Drachenfels
Ealusaid inghean Mhaoil Choluim Ealusaid aighearach inghean Mhaoil Choluim
Gareth Lightborne Gareth Lightborn
Gareth Lightborne Garret Lightborne
Geua filia Guy Guea ingen Guy
Graye Drache Ethan Drackenmokor
Gwyneth of Rio de las Animas Gweneth Sastre
Gwyneth of Rio de las Animas Gwyneth of al-Barran
Illaria Joye Rhonwen Telynor
Josefina de Luna Josephina Gitano
Kryshtof Orelenko Christoff Trost
Leona Roy Colquhoun Leona of Phar View
LuCretia da Vale LuCretia (of Rio de las Animas)
Morgana Quarry Karma Tinzin Khandro
Redulf Von Kol Redwulf von Kuhl
Rhiannon Wolfe Rhiannon Wolf
Rhiannon Wolfe Rhianon Wulf
Rhiannon Wolfe Reyna Wolf
Ronan Wulf Rogan Wolf
Sabyn Edwards Sabeen
Sean Faoil mac Dubhghaill Sean MacDougal
Sean of the Outlands Yule MacLeod
Sean of the Outlands Sean MacLeod of Skye
Thaddaeus Jarlsson Thaddaeus Klinkenbeard
Þorey Skarp Victoria (of Rio)
Þorey Skarp Fiorey Skarp
Thorvald Hilgedick Thorvald (of Rio)
Thrond ellri Thrand Elrik
Úlfr á Fjalli Ulfr a Fjall
William (of Rio de las Animas) Adelbert Griffith Solskydda
Yukio (of Rio de las Animas) Tivian de Solenair