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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Forget-me-Not (CFN)

The stylization of members of this order is Companion of the Forget-me-Not.

Notes on this order:

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Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassonne 1983-01-01
Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassonne 1983-07-01
James Greyhelm 1989-01-14
Delia Rose of Thorncastel 1991-01-12
Delia Rose of Thorncastel 1992-07-11
Delia Rose of Thorncastel 1996-01-13
Ingriðr Rauðkinn 2009-07-18
Eireann Deerslayer 2012-12-08
Dyrfinna Ulfgaresdohter 2015-07-03
Faris al-Muwallad 2022-10-08
Sabiha al-Nahdiya 2022-10-08