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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Torch Bearer of Unser Hafen (CTB)

The stylization of members of this order is Companions of the Torch Bearers of Unser Hafen.

Notes on this order:

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Ella Anne de Kari (William and Rosalind) 2010-10-23
Meriel of Tay (William and Rosalind) 2010-10-23
Farin le Breton (Arion and Hélène) 2012-10-20
Gabriella Rizo (Arion and Hélène) 2012-10-20
Alexander MacAndrew 2016-04-30
Gwenhwyvar ferch Tewdrig 2016-04-30
Khal Gan 2016-04-30
Kitta Ragnvaldsdottír 2016-04-30
Lorcan Mac Colla 2016-04-30
Bryngerðr Þiðreksdóttir 2019-06-29
Felix Sniumi 2019-06-29
Freana Geardson 2019-06-29
Kitta Ragnvaldsdottír 2019-06-29
Kolgrimr Olafsson 2019-06-29
Meadhbh Daingen int Slébhe 2019-06-29
Soren Thorvaldsson 2019-06-29
Vígdís Knarrarbringa 2022-05-14