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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Silver Axe of Fontaine (CSA)

The stylization of members of this order is Companion of the Silver Axe.

Notes on this order:

Sort: alpha | date

Angus Reid MacFarlane 2015-10-03
Duncan Alastair MacRae 2015-02-28
Estevan de Sepulveda 2015-10-03
Gareth Lightborne 2014-07-05
Joseph Grimm 2020-01-04
Lochlan McCulloch (premier) 2009-09-05
Michael Patrick MacBain 2010-07-04
Qara Gan 2009-09-06
Seperath de Sepultura 2015-04-11
Tam Grimm 2012-09-29
William Stuart 2010-09-04