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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Leaf of Merit (OLM)

The stylization of members of this order is Companion of the Leaf of Merit.

Notes on this order:

Sort: alpha | date

Arianwen o Aberystwyth 2000-09-23
Ava Trudine of Tregoenning 1985-03-23
Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassonne 1980-12-01
Bjorn inn gauzki 1991-10-01
Caillech dhé Silvertongue 2003-06-14
Eithne ingen Fhaelain Duib 2004-07-04
Elspeth Wynterbourne 1998-03-21
Eric Edmundsson 1983-10-31
Farin le Breton 1998-03-21
Fiachra ni Ciardhubhain 1990-01-06
Frederick Thurston 1987-10-31
Garick von Köpke 2000-03-25
Hagar the Black 1985-03-23
Hans von Wolfholz 1996-03-23
James Greyhelm 1975-09-28
Karen of the Emerald Sea 1985-05-19
Katya Wanderer 1985-09-14
Lynnette Cantwell 2001-12-08
Magnus Zwerver 1993-01-09
Magnus Zwerver 1997-04-05
Mark von dem Falkensfenn 1976-09-19
Meinhard von Nordhusen 2013-05-26
Miranda MacTyre 1985-11-30
Parlan MacGillivray 1997-07-26
Ruth of Birkenfeld 2000-07-15
Sorcha Fhionn inghean uí Ruairc 2007-03-03
Ursus of Rydborg 1999-05-30
Veniamin Nafanovich Medvednikogotev 2002-06-22
Walter Kempe of Falconhold 1988-01-02
Wilhelm Meis 2011-08-20
William Kearney 2001-05-19