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Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wimble Herald
Guardian of the Oasis of Fontaine (OG)

The stylization of members of this order is Guardian of the Oasis.

Notes on this order:

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Artorius Greyhawk (premier) 2003-11-08
Estevan de Sepulveda (premier) (Rapier) 2003-11-08
Qara Gan (premier) 2003-11-08
Cumhal Colach 2004-02-13
Jean-Airk Le'Grimm 2004-02-13
Angus Reid MacFarlane (Rapier) 2004-09-04
Ceara McCain 2004-09-04
William Stuart 2004-09-04
Anthony Nicolo Fantino 2005-06-18
Bronne de Man 2005-06-18
Evelyn Macrae 2005-10-29
Ian Lindsay MacRae 2005-10-29
Kyre McKinnon 2006-02-18
Ailionóra MacFarlane 2006-04-01
Caelan MacKinnon 2006-04-01
Argyle MacGrigour 2006-06-26
Rowland McCain 2006-06-26
Lochlan McCulloch 2007-09-01
Seamus Able Johnson 2007-09-01
Geoffrey Thatcher 2008-02-16
Rögnwaldr Heljarskinn 2008-02-16
Michael Patrick MacBain 2009-03-14
Dogan An Pot Aire 2009-09-05
Lingormr gympe eykr 2010-01-09
Anna Mactaggart 2010-02-12
Gaston de Sepulveda 2010-04-03
Soren McKinney 2010-04-03
Wilhelm Reissen 2010-09-04
Conaire Úa Mongáin 2011-07-02
Lasairfhíona inghean an Sheanchaide 2011-09-03
Tam Grimm 2011-09-03
Kateryn Blair 2012-08-18
Sacha of Fontaine 2013-01-19
Seperath de Sepultura 2013-01-19
Veroniqua d’Avignon 2013-01-19
Wolf Silverfang 2013-01-19
Keina MacRath 2013-03-01
Gareth Lightborne 2013-07-06
Praxis Kephalou 2013-07-06
Jörgen Jörgenson 2014-07-04
Elizabeth Anne Grene 2014-07-05
Angus Reid MacFarlane 2015-01-17
Estevan de Sepulveda 2015-01-17
Joseph Grimm 2015-10-03
Thorvald Hilgedick 2016-10-08
Thurgar Odderson 2016-10-08
Bogdan Donat 2019-08-31
Thorne Arthurson 2023-04-23
Alamanda de la Roca 2023-09-03