The stylization of members of this order is Companion of the Leather Mallet.
Notes on this order:
Sort: alpha | date
Agnes de Lanvallei | 1987-04-25 |
Cathyn Fitzgerald | 1995-01-07 |
Deotrich Hiltipard | 1986-05-17 |
Garick von Köpke | 2004-01-10 |
Genevieve Darroch | 2005-04-09 |
James Inn Danski | 2003-04-19 |
Leonora Kateryn de Provence | 1992-12-12 |
Mærwynn of Holme | 1997-04-05 |
Naitan de Yerdeburc | 1995-10-14 |
Simon of Ravenwood | 1997-12-20 |
Wilelm the Smith | 1984-10-27 |
Wilhelm Meis | 2006-01-28 |
Þorvaldr Þórólfsson á Vaksfjall | 1998-01-03 |