Constitution for the

Order of the Black Glove of Caerthe

I.          There shall exist in the Barony of Caerthe an award, known as the Order of the Black Glove of Caerthe, which may be given by the Baron or Baroness, in their sole discretion, subject to the pleasure of the Crown, to those individuals who have exhibited a combined talent in all the following: the art of rattan fighting, the art of rapier fighting and in the arts and sciences.

II.         The newest holder of this award shall be styled as the Black Glove of Caerthe while prior holders shall be styled as a Companion of the Black Glove of Caerthe.  The holders shall be entitled to place the initials C.B.G.C. after their names.

III.         The newest holder of the Order will carry a black leather glove bearing the Arms of Caerthe.

IV.        The award carries neither arms nor precedence.

V.         Amendments to this constitution shall be made by the Coronet of Caerthe after due consultation with the Crown.

VI.        The companionship of all previous recipients of the Order is hereby confirmed.

By our hands this ________ day of ____________, A.S. XXXIII, being 1999 in the Common Era.

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Walter, Baron                                                          Fiachra, Baroness

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Maelgwn, King                                                          Lillian, Queen


Pendar the Bard, White Stag Principal Herald